82. heartbreak girl (song preference)

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this is from cliffordskinks on tumblr! enjoy :)


"you say i'll call you tomorrow at 10, and i'm stuck in the friendzone again and again"

you were on the phone to your best friend, calum, telling him all about this guy who asked you out on a date. "he's so gorgeous cal! You would love him, no joke. everyone seems to love him. and his eyes – he has the most gorgeous eyes ever!" you giggled, leaning your head back as you thought of him. "he sounds gorgeous." calum said sarcastically. he wanted you to know that he loved you. he wanted you to be happy, but be happy with him not that other guy. "listen cal I have to go and get ready," you giggled, biting your bottom lip. "I'll call you tomorrow at ten yeah?" "yeah babe, have fun. love you." calum sighed. "love you too, bye." you hung up and getting ready for your date. calum sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. why did you have to friend zone him?

"you call me up, it's like a broken record saying that your heart hurts"

you typed the all too familiar number into your phone and placed it to your ear, waiting for your best friend to answer. a few rings later, you could hear his breath on the other line. "(y/n), what's wrong?" luke yawned. "h-he broke up with me again luke," you stuttered, tears welling up in your eyes again. "what?" luke yelled, sounding more awake. you could hear the other boys' complaints and the door shutting. "when?" he asked. "j-just now." you cried, wishing your best friend was there to cheer you up. "I'm so sorry baby girl, you deserve so much better than him." luke cooed, his heart aching to be with you. "it really hurts luke, I love him." you cried into your pillows. even with the time difference Luke stayed up to talk to you, to try and make you forget about your ex, but no matter what he did you heart still yearned for your ex. luke knew that and it hurt luke to know that you could never think of him as anything other than a friend.

"he treats you so bad and i'm so good to you it's not fair"

ashton stood in the kitchen as he heard your boyfriend screaming at you for going out with him. he sat down on a kitchen stool and ran his fingers through his curly hair as he sighed, hearing you scream at your boyfriend. "ashton is my best friend; I've known him longer than you! you're being so pathetic!" you screamed. "I'm the pathetic one?" your boyfriend yelled. "yes you are!" you yelled back. then suddenly everything went quiet. ashton sat there confused before he walked into the living room and saw you holding your cheek. you stared at your boyfriend, tears in your eyes. "get out (y/bf/n)." you said, turning away from him. "I would do what she says before I fucking murder you." ashton said, all joking aside. your boyfriend rolled his eyes as he stormed out of your house, slamming the door behind him. you ran to ashton, crying into his chest. "I shouldn't have pissed him off." "no (y/n) it wasn't your fault. he needs to grow up. He treats you horrid and you need to realise that. I could treat you so much better than that." he said, the last sentence slipping out of his mouth. "ash, we're friends." you said slowly, not sure whether you heard him right. "it's not fair (y/n)! I treat you how you should be treated, I treat you with respect! he said, staring at you. "I want to be alone for a bit..." you mumbled, walking up to your room, thinking about his words.

"i bite my tongue, but i wanna scream you could be with me now"

you and michael were at the park, messing about and acting like kids, when a bunch of boys around your age walk passed. you couldn't help but stare at them – one in particular as he gave you a smile. "he's so cute," you muttered to yourself. "absolutely gorgeous." michael faked gushed. you rolled your eyes at him and laughed. "he is though! oh my god, he's looking mikey! do I look okay?" you asked. "you always look beautiful you have nothing to worry about." michael sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "okay," you sighed as you smiled to the guy. you turned back to michael and noticed him looking down, biting down on his lip, an annoyed look on his face. "what's wrong?" "nothing." he replied simply. "are you sure?" you asked, concern dripping out of your voice. "yep, I gotta go. see you later (y/n)." michael said as he got up and walked away from you. he couldn't just stay there and listen to you go on about the boy, he wanted to be the one to make you happy.

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