140. your child has a nightmare

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this is from bananashemmo on tumblr! enjoy :)


"mom? dad? are you awake?" the confusion was written on calum's face when he fluttered his eyes open. for once, it was actually a benefit being the light sleeper of the two of you. "what's going on honey?" he asked curiously. willow was standing against the door frame in the darkness but her frightened face was clear like the day. she didn't dare to walk forward she was almost frozen in her spot. "I-, I had a bad dream." she managed to say after building up some courage and calum sat up in the bed. "was it about the monsters again?" he asked carefully and she nodded her head in agreement. she hated those, she knew they weren't real but they came close to reality in her nightmares. "come here. I don't think mommy will mind either." he scooped over so she could rest in the middle of the bed and lifted the sheets. she still looked frightened when she passed the walk to the bed but once she was under the sheets and close to you a smile broke on her face. "thank you dad. goodnight" She whispered happily and closed her eyes, a warm smile breaking on calum's tired face.

"daddy! wake up!" frustration was loud from william's mouth and he repeatedly poked luke's forehead. he had been doing this for almost a minute but it took Luke some time to register what was going on. "What time is it?" He asked confused but forgot about his question when he noticed the expression on his son's face. The noises and movements from the bed had also woken you up so you squeezed your eyes confused when Luke turned on the lamp on his nightstand. "Why aren't you sleeping?" You asked and yawned tiredly. "I had a nightmare and I'm too scared now." You and Luke looked at each other softly. It was something he had been suffering for a lot, the worst ones actually being that Luke wasn't there when he would wake up. It came with him constantly being on the travel and the two of you not being able to tag along. "The space is small so you'll have to sleep on me." Luke suggested after thinking and opened the sheets. William's blue eyes lit up by his suggestion and almost knocked the breath out of his father when he jumped onto his stomach happily with laughter.

"hey, don't worry. it's gonna be alright. I promise." ashton was trying his best to calm daniel down who was to the point of breaking. the tears were streaming down his face but at least he wasn't shaking as much as he had been when you had almost stormed into his room. the screams were bloody and you were so sure someone had hurt him but thank god it was only a nightmare. "it felt so real. i didn't like it." daniel hiccuped silently and fell back to his father's chest. "i know. that's what happens sometimes." you comforted and wiped a tear that was rolling down his cheek. he was definitely too small for the child's bed but he didn't care at all. he needed to be there. "we can't really avoid bad things in life but we just gotta focus on the positivity. the nightmare might have been terrible but it's over now. you don't have to go through it anymore." daniel nodded his head in agreement to the inspiring words. "will you stay here? until I fall asleep?" "of course." ash said and you nodded your head in agreement and sat on the floor, watching your husband tuck your son back to bed.

"what are you doing up this late?" a small shock ran through celeste's body by the sound of michael's voice. it wasn't something she had expected in the darkness and when the lights were flicked on she had wide eyes. "I was just-" she nervously looked down at the glass of water that kind of spoiled everything. she had been sipping on it in the darkness only because she didn't want to wake up any of you. "let me guess." he suggested and crossed his arms, "nightmare?" she seemed pretty relieved by his great way of guessing. it wasn't something she liked to share, she was too scared to speak about it loudly. "come here." he suggested and she placed the water back on the counter to head towards him. "now that I'm already awake we can go into the living room to play a video game or something. mom is sleeping so we'll just not tell her about it. sound nice?" she nodded her head in agreement, her matted hair from the sleeping bouncing up and down and she grabbed his hand gently. he couldn't take away any of the nightmares but the least he could do was to make her smile again.

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