155. "i need you"

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)


I slammed the bathroom door shut and leant my back against it panting heavily. I had just escaped from Calum's tickling fingers, grabbing his phone in the process. I smiled and looked down at it whilst I heard him run up the stairs behind me. No passcode. I chuckled to myself, he never learned. Naturally I went snooping around his phone and found myself in his messages. Hmm 'Ashton Irwin', I thought, this ought to be interesting, as I clicked on the message. I had met him about a week ago at a party Calum invited me to.
Ash: that girl you brought to the party, you guys aren't together are you?
Cal: uh no, why?
Ash: cool, could i have her number? she's cute and i think she was kinda into me haha
Cal: oh she has a boyfriend. they've been dating for years...
Ash: damn okay, talk to you later man
Cal: see ya
Wait what? I don't have a boyfriend. Why did Calum make this up, not just give him my number? By now he was whining on the other side of the door. I unlocked it and shoved the messages in his face. "Dude! Why'd you tell him I was dating someone?!" "What? Oh, I... I don't want you dating Ashton, he's a player." Calum muttered. "Great. You deny me a chance of a relationship and no excuse?" Why did he think he had the right to choose who I dated? "Well it's not like he is the only boy around who would want to date you! Why can't you date someone who would treat you better? Someone who wouldn't even dream of cheating on you." he burst out. "Boys like that don't exist," I stated simply and turned around to go downstairs. "Come on let's go watch something." I felt Calum's hand wrap wound my wrist, he pulled me back to him and held me around my waist. I looked up at his eyes that were glued to mine. "Yes they do." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. My legs went weak and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. We let go of each other and he looked straight into my eyes. I pulled away from him. "Y/N, it's always been you. I need you in my life, as my girlfriend." He took a deep breath and leaned down again slowly. His eyes flickering between mine and my lips. I smiled and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling his soft lips to mine.

You opened the door to see Luke already in bed. You crawled in next to him and turned on the television. You just flipped to a random channel and cuddled up. His arms wrapped around you and he pulled you closer to him as if you were too far away. He planted a kiss on your head, your neck and your shoulder. His warm chest was comforting to have so close to you. Times like this were the ones that were savored because you couldn't have it all the time. "Lu?" You said a little too quiet. He hummed and you still remained silent for a minute. "I know you're here with me, but I miss you." You sighed. He shifted a bit, his legs tangling with yours. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I miss us always being together. I miss going to the shows at the small venues before you guys got big. I miss waking up to you in the morning, running around the house acting like idiots, the teasing, and sex. I just miss all of the times with you and I feel like I don't get that anymore even though you're here with me now." You sighed and turned so you were facing him. "Y/N, where is this coming from?" He asked quietly, afraid of where it was leading. "I feel like because I'm not there with you on tour and stuff, you're going to forget about me and find somebody else." You admitted quietly. With Luke being famous, this was your biggest fear and this was the first time you had talked to him about it. "Listen to me Y/N," He sat up so you were now facing each other. "The fame has nothing. Yeah it makes things  difficult when it comes to seeing each other when I'm on tour and you're working, but we talk every night. You are one of the greatest things to walk into my life. My days get better seeing you. I could drag this list on and on about how perfect you are and how much you mean to me. You're the one I want to marry one day and I'm going to make sure that happens.  I want kids that have your eyes and my messy curls. I need you. I'd sure be a fucking idiot if I let you go." He stopped and you felt tears roll down your face. Luke wiped them away with his thumbs and applied a kiss to your forehead and to your lips. "I love you, Luke Robert Hemmings." You whispered.

You and Ashton were currently taking a night drive. The only sound to be heard in the background being the playlist he had made you, along with the sound of the moving car. Time had almost seemed to stop while being with him. His hand placed on your thigh, while you softly hummed to the songs on the radio. you would never trade this moment for anything. You both loved doing things like this. Just to be together, happy, not feeling any stress or worries as you just spent loving time together. You soon arrived at home, stepping out of the car and into the warmth of yours and Ashton's house. "There's something I've been wanting to show you for awhile now" He mentions, once you're both in your shared bedroom. "Alright what's up?" You say, flipping the light switch immediately lighting up the bedroom, as you change into more comfortable clothes to sleep in. Ash does the same, before slipping into bed and pulling out his laptop. "So I know you've wanted to hear some more things I wrote and the past few months I've decided to create a project album," He says, motioning you over. "I need you to be completely honest." He continues to say, seeing you smile and nod. You get into bed next to him, pulling your blanket over yourself. You were more than excited to hear what he had wrote. "So this is what you've been so secretive about" you giggled, as your boyfriend nodded with a smile. You laid your head on his shoulder, as he started to play the album, starting with Scar. Song after song, you were in awe. You couldn't begin to explain how happy you were for Ashton and how proud of him you were. By the time all of the songs were over you were in full on tears. Seeing his smile during every song was something you could watch every single day. "Ash that was amazing" You say as he smiles and wipes your tears with his thumb. "I'm seriously in love with this." you continue to say making his smile widen if even possible. "I'm glad you love it" He exclaims, giving you a short kiss making you smile and let out another giggle.

"Feeling better yet?" Michael asked curing his body around mine as I began to wake up in our bed. It was the best, waking up with him. "Eh, throat is still messed up and stuff..." I said and he sighed. "You know, it's really inconvenient that when I return from tour you're sick." He said and I sighed settling against his warmth. Some parts of my body felt too hot but others were too cold, either way Michael was perfect. "At least you're here to take care of me." I said and he shook his head. "You are so damn lucky you are cute." He mumbled against my neck. "Mike, you're gonna get sick." I sighed nudging him away. "Who cares? I got a couple months before tour and a couple weeks to get sick before we record stuff..." He said kissing my shoulders. "Michael..." I cautioned him. "You're right here, how can I not kiss you? Even if you're germy." "You're an idiot." "Hey, don't call me an idiot." "You're the one who puts it on your shirts." "That is because I am a poetic, shirt-destroying idiot." He said poking my shoulder. "I hate you." "No, you love me, just as much as I love you," He said and paused for a moment. "I hope I can make you happy for the rest of your lives." He whispered against my back. "I know... but don't get ahead of yourself." "You're not going to leave, right?" He asked. I saw a flicker of how fragile he could be, like me. "No, I need you." I said and I felt him relax. His muscles had gotten tighter against my back. "I need you more than you'll ever know." He whispered. "Hey, can I make a request?" I asked and he nodded against me. "Can I need you to make some oatmeal?" I said and he nodded. "I have an incredible boyfriend." I smiled lovingly. "Keep saying that and I'll heat up apple cider for you." He snickered, getting out of bed. "I love my incredible boyfriend more than anything!" I said and he smiled leaning in to kiss my forehead. "I love you too, darling."

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