131. the bachelor/bachelorette au

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you stand in front of the bachelorette mansion, hands shaking in nervousness as the first limousine pulls up into the driveway. "here we go." you mutter yourself, taking a deep breath. the door opens and the first man walks out, immediately taking your breath away. he was tall, dark and handsome, dressed in a plaid suit. he ran a hand through his dark curly brown hair as he walked up to you, smiling wide. "hi there, gorgeous." "hi." you giggle, giving him a hug. he hugs you back and takes your hands in his. "so i'm calum, and i want to give you this," he says, reaching into his jacket with one hand. you smile wider when you see a small sunflower in his grasp, those being your favorite kind of flower. "i think i read somewhere you like these." he grins, handing it over to you. "i love them! thank you so much, calum," you blush, hugging him again. "i'll see you in there, okay?" you smile. "alright." he says, giving you another hug and then making his way inside. you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, watching him away and taking note that his backside was just as attractive as his frontside. little did you know, his impression would last throughout the entire season. the more you got to know calum, the more you fell in love with him. you both would pledge your love for each other at the end of the season with a proposal, America's favorite Bachelorette couple.

"hi." you smile widely, walking up the cobblestone path to the bachelor and giving him a hug. "hey there," luke hugs back. "you ready for the greatest one on one date ever?" he chuckles. "oh yeah! what are we doing?" "well since we're gorgeous santorini, greece, i thought we could go sailing on the aegean sea and watch the sunset." he smiles. "oh my gosh that sounds amazing!" you giggle, taking his hand in yours. the cameras follow you two as you walk down to the dock and board a small sail boat. there was a picnic basket with fruit, crackers, cheese and wine set out on a blanket. you and luke sit down, enjoy some of the snacks and enjoy the beautiful scenery as you sail down the ocean. "i think this is the craziest thing i've ever done." you tell him, taking in the gorgeous view of sunset over greece. "really?" "yeah, how about you?" you smile. "i could think of one more thing i've done that's a bit crazier than this." "oh yeah? and what's that?" you ask, looking at him curiously and popping a grape into your mouth. "falling in love with you so quickly." he says, smiling softly and looking at your lips. the camera watches as the two of you as you slowly lean in and lock lips. "mm you taste like grape." luke says and you laugh, kissing him again.

"mike" "jordan" "peter". you continue to call out the names of the men in front of you, keeping them in the running as your potential husband. each man comes up, accepts their rose and returns to where they were standing. ashton smiled at peter who came back to his spot to the left of him after receiving his rose. it wasn't looking good for ash right now. there were three roses left and six guys without one. he waited patiently for you to call his name, knowing that there was no way you didn't feel the same spark between the two of you that he felt. "dustin." you say. ashton bites his lip, rubbing his hands together to comfort him. he desperately wanted to stay. not because it's a tv show and he could become famous, but because he truly felt like he was falling in love with you. "carlos." you call out. this is it. one more rose left. it was between ashton, some guy who made no effort to get to know you and a guy the causes way too much drama in the house. chris harrison walks into the room to make his announcement, "gentlemen, this is the final rose tonight." ashton watches as you pick up the last rose from the pedestal, take a deep breath and look up at the men. "ashton." feeling relieved and excited, ash smiles and makes his way to you. "ashton, will you accept this rose?" "absolutely." he winks and gives you a hug.

"hello everyone!" the bachelor smiles, giving out some hugs to the group of ladies coming up to him. "so today i have a really special group date planned and i think you all will enjoy it," he smirks. "let's go inside." some girls let out cheers as they follow michael inside of the small theater and to the stage. a woman comes out and explains how the group date is going to go. "music is obviously a big part of michael's life, so you all get to write and perform a song for him!" your eyes widen at her announcement and you hear some shocked voices from the other girls. "you got this, ladies. i can't wait to hear what you come up with." michael smiles, looking directly at you. you smile back, then disperse around the theater to start writing your songs. you played a little bit of guitar, but had never written a song before, so you were quite nervous. soon enough, time was up and you took the words you had on your page to the stage. "could i play guitar as well? is there one here?" you ask, sitting on the stool provided. "yes!" the woman in charge says and one of the crew members brings out a brown acoustic guitar. you clear your throat, looking at the words and begin playing. "i'll give you the best years, i'll give you the best years. past love burned out like a cigarette. i promise darling you won't regret, the best years." you sing. as you finish, michael stares in awe at your voice and songwriting skills. everyone claps as you smile and take a bow. "that was amazing, y/n!"

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