50. one of his bandmates likes you

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these are from mychaelcliffford on tumblr! enjoy :)


"I just love him so much, thank you Cal for introducing us. If you hadn't of introduced us we never would've met." Y/N gushed pulling him into a hug. Calum sighed wrapping his arms around you shoulders. Yeah, thanks for reminding me he thought bitterly to himself. Y/N pulled away just as Luke walked into the room. Calum swallowed as Y/N grinned running towards Luke jumping and wrapping her long legs around Luke's waist. Calum looked away just as Ashton walked in, he saw Luke and Y/N and gave Calum a sympathetic glance. Ashton was the only one that knew about his true feelings towards Y/N, he knew how much he loved her and how much it killed him to see her with Luke. Calum wanted to be happy for them, he wanted to be a good and loyal friend but he just couldn't. He couldn't stand to watch them both giggle and make out around him. Calum turned his back to the happy couple trying to block out the sound of them giggling and chatting. Ashton came and gave him a quick hug before pulling away and sighing. At least he had Ashton to talk to about this. It meant that he didn't feel so alone all the time. Glancing back over at Y/N Calum swallowed. She had absolutely no idea the hold she has over him, and she never can know. It would tear her apart and Calum would never put her in that position. Y/N always came first no matter what.

He scowled darkly at the sight of Y/N and Michael. Y/N was sitting in between Michael's legs with his arms around her as he played Call of Duty against the guys whilst she watched in delight. She always had that beautiful smile on her face, it was that smile that made him fall in love with her. Luke knew he was screwed the second Michael introduced us all to her. The guys had urged him to tell Michael about his feelings for her thinking it would help but he couldn't do that. Michael was ridiculously protective over Y/N and he was terrified he'd stop bringing her round to see the guys because he'd be there. Luke would rather suffer watching the two be close and cuddly in front of him then never see Y/N at all. His eyes lowered in sadness. He knew he needed to move on from her but he couldn't, Y/N filled his mind every second of the day. And it killed him to see her with someone else that wasn't him.

He watched you giggle loudly with Calum as he tickled your sides. Your cheeks were flushed red as you sat on his lap with your arms wrapped around his neck. Anyone could see for sure how much she loved him, but nobody ever noticed how much this was killing Ashton. He felt guilty but all his mind could think was it should've been me. He's been in love with you for as long as he can remember. All he ever wanted was to be with you and when you stared dating Calum it broke him. It was agony having to be around you to whilst still having to act like his loud and cheery self. Nobody knew, they could never know how he really feels about you. Calum is his friend he could never do that to him no matter how much he loves you. Ashton watched you from the side as you kissed Calum's cheek yet all he could think about throughout the rest of the Twitcam was how much he wished it was him.

"Now we're hopefully going to go have some fun after this Twitcam... if ya know what I mean, so bye guys!" Ashton laughed cheekily with Y/N perched on his lap. She gasped and blushed wildly before scolding him. The screen went blank as the Twitcam cut out and Michael's gaze lowered. Cursing loudly he stood up from the couch pushing the laptop away from him in disgust. He knew he shouldn't of watched it but he couldn't resist. He couldn't stop himself when it came to her. How could he sleep now? How could he sleep when she was out there having sex with his best friend when he was so in love with her. Michael was so in love with Y/N he couldn't think straight some times. He wanted her so badly it hurt, he wanted her smile, her laugh, her lips, her everything. But she wasn't his. She was Ashton's and she would never be his. Why would someone like Y/N ever go for a guy like him when she's so happy with Ashton? He gives her everything she wants, he makes her happy and it killed Michael because he wanted to be the one to give her things and be the sole reason for her happiness. And it killed him to know that she would never be his, that she would never look at him the way she looked at Ashton. She didn't love him and she never would.

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