108. you cheat

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hey, don't cheat kids. you'll make 5sos cry


you stare at your loving boyfriend, ashamed and guilty. you betrayed his trust and knew the right thing to do was tell him. you couldn't bear to see him upset though. "cal?" you say quietly, making him look up from his phone. "i need to tell you something." "what's up, baby?" he asks, scooting over on the bed so you could sit down beside him. you hesitantly sit at the end of the bed, facing him. "i um," you look down at your fidgety hands as your eyes begin to fill with tears. "last night, i did something..." "when you were with your friends?" calum asks and you nod. a night of drinking had led to more than you meant it to. "you can tell me anything, y/n." he tells you, rubbing your leg gently. "i-i kissed someone." you whisper. "what?" calum was taken aback, not expecting that to be the news. "i drank alot and didn't really know what was going on. i'm so sorry, i really am." you tell him, finally looking at his eyes. that were filled with pain. "you cheated on me?" his voice breaks as he takes his hand away from your body. "i can go so you have time to think." you say, standing up and walking out of the room, awaiting calum's next words.

you stumble out of the bed, quickly putting your shirt back down and shove the guy into your closet. "honey, i'm home!" luke smiles as he walks through the door of your bedroom. "hey, luke." you nervously smile, sitting down on the bed. "how was your day?" he asks, sitting beside you and kissing your forehead gently. "good, how was yours?" you ask, tilting your head a little too far. "what's that?" your boyfriend asks as his eyes land on the dark hickey on your neck. "what? oh, i just burned myself with my straighter." you lie, your heart rate quickening. "nothing?" he repeats, reaching out to tilt your head and get a better look, but you flinch. "babe," he laughs as you turn away. "it's nothing, luke. it was just my curling iron." "i thought you said it was your straightener?" he raises an eyebrow. you freeze, caught in your lie. due to the silence, the guy shuffling around in the closet was able to be heard. luke's head snaps toward the door before he stands up and walks over, swinging the door open. "wait—" you bite your lip as the half naked boy is revealed. luke scoffs, looking back at you. "a straightener, huh? are you sure it wasn't the guy you're cheating on me with?" he yells, stomping out of the room.

as your sitting on the couch, ashton comes up to you with a blank stare and red eyes. "what's this?" he asks, showing you a picture on his phone. it was poor quality, but it was clear enough to see you kissing another celebrity at the party ashton took you to a few nights ago. your heart drops to your stomach. it was a drunken mistake, and you tried to pretend it didn't happen. you didn't realize anyone had taken a photo. "ash..." you say, looking at him as he drops his hand back to his side. his eyes were filling with tears yet again. "i thought you loved me." he says, his voice cracking. "i do! i do love you, i—" you tell him, standing up so you're level with him. "no you don't! you cheated on me! that's not love, y/n." ashton raises his voice at you, walking away. "ash, wait! i didn't mean to, i swear!" you follow him. "oh yay, that makes it so much better!" he sarcastically spits, stomping upstairs to your bedroom. he grabs a duffel bag and starts shoving some your clothes in it as you watch from the doorway. "what are you doing?" you ask. "packing for you. i want you gone. we're over."

"i don't know what's worse," michael shakes his head. "the fact that you cheated on me or the fact that it was with one of my best friends." he says. "michael, i..." you start, but weren't even sure what to say. "how could you do this to me?" he scoffs, looking at you in disgust. he didn't even know who you were anymore. to be honest, you didn't know yourself either. cheating was never something you thought you would do. michael was your best friend, and hurting him was the last thing you wanted to do. a feeling just came over you, and you weren't able to do control it. before you knew it, you were naked in bed with one of michael's band mates. "i'm sorry." you tell him, truly meaning it, but he wasn't having it. "a little too late for that, don't you think? not much a 'sorry' can do now that you've slept with my best friend!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. "so what then? what now?" you ask him. "now, we're done." michael tells you. "no, you don't mean that." "yes I do," he nods, rubbing his chin. "you can pack your things. i don't want to see you ever again."

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