149. camp rock au

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"cal, where are we going?" you laugh as he continues to drag you around the camp. "i told you, on a date." your boyfriend smiles. "but where?" you ask as he stops walking, stopping in front of the dock on the lake. "here!" he says, gesturing to the kayak and picnic basket waiting for the two of you. "oh my gosh, you did this?" you ask, your eyes lighting up at the fun and romantic gesture. "yeah, i did. i know you like going on the lake and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so i thought what could be better than both of those things at once?" he giggles. "aw, thank you," you give calum a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "now let's get in. i want a sandwich." you tell him and you both get into the kayak and start paddling. you spend the day on the water, riding around and enjoying the snacks cal made. being a musician, he of course played a few songs on his guitar. you ended the date by sitting on the dock and watching the sunset on the water. "thank you for this, cal. today's been amazing." you sigh blissfully as you rest your head on his shoulder, listening to the kids playing music off in the distance. "anything for you, y/n." he responds, placing a kiss on your head.

"i'm not spending my summer teaching kids at a stupid camp." the blonde groans, rolling his eyes at the boys in the back of the car with him. "keep an open mind, luke." ashton tells him. "yeah, it's gonna be fun." calum encourages him, earning a groan in response as they pull into camp rock. the four rockstars get out of the car, pop open the trunk and start loading up their duffel bags and instruments on their arms. "see, this place looks great!" michael smiles, looking around at all of the campers who have already arrived and were moving in. "yeah. great." luke agrees sarcastically, sighing and walking toward the cabin they would be staying in. "wrong way, luke!" ashton calls. "i knew that." the lead singer turns around abruptly, but bumps into someone as he does. "oh!" a girl with long brown hair exclaims. "i'm so sorry." "no no, the fault is all mine." luke apologizes, mesmerized by her gorgeous blue eyes. "um, i'm y/n." she smiles softly. "luke." he replies with a nod and a smile. "cool. i'll see you around, luke." she tells him and walks off to the girl's cabins. luke joins the boys at the car once again, watching the girl walk off. "you know, maybe this summer won't be that bad after all."

"that's it. it's officially the end of final jam!" the director of camp rock announces. "thank you all so much for joining us tonight..." he continues to talk but ashton doesn't hear the rest of the speech. "i really thought i'd find her." he sighs, referring to the girl he heard singing in the music room a week ago. "sorry, mate." calum frowns. "let's pick a winner." michael says, huddling into a circle with the other three boys. they start going over each performer, unaware of the girl taking the stage. it was a last minute entry, and it was the girl from the music room. the music begins to play and she starts singing. all of the campers in the room grow quiet, listening to the beautiful voice. suddenly, she breaks out into the chorus which finally grabs ashton's attention. he whips around and meets the eyes of the beautiful girl on stage. "it's her." he whispers. she continues to sing into the second verse when ashton stands up and grabs a microphone of his own. he had been so obsessed with finding this girl, he had the song memorized from singing it so many times. he starts singing into the mic, walking up on stage. all eyes in the room landed on the two of them as they finished the song with a crescendo. they were both smiling, incredibly happy that they knew of each other now. the room erupts into claps and cheers, making the winner of final jam obvious— ashton and y/n.

you quickly squat down behind the counter, seeing someone walk into the dining hall. "um, hello?" michael calls out, walking into the back where the kitchen, and you, are and taking off his sunglasses. in an effort to hide your identity, you take the only item that was near you, and throw it on your face. you slowly stand up as little flakes of flour fall off your body and awkwardly smile at the boy. "woah," he says, his eyes widening. "um, do you need anything?" you ask him, ready to get out of the situation. "i was just wondering what we'd be having for dinner?" he asks. you narrow your eyes, annoyed with the boy that could've just waited a few more hours when the food would be served. "lasagna. it's italian night." you sigh. "okay, no need to be rude." he scoffs, making you do a double take. "me? i'm rude?" you raise your eyebrows at him. "yeah, that's what i said." he nods. "you're the one waltzing in here like you own the place. you couldn't have just waited until dinner? show some respect." you tell off the entitled band member. he stares at you for a moment, not used to being told what to do like that. "okay." he nods. "okay." you repeat, letting out a deep breath. "see you around." michael says, giving you a slight smirk and walking out the way he came.

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