77. headcanons

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these are from sighhcalum on tumblr! enjoy :)


vacation with cal would include...
- going somewhere beautiful and nice like the bahamas or maui
- "if this plane goes down, we go down together", "thanks cal, that makes me feel so much better"
- tanning out on the beach all day
- sitting on the soft sand together and resting on his shoulder while watching the waves crash
- "i'm so glad you're mine"
- slow and romantic sex to match the mood of the destination and vacation feel
- "calum get up and look at this sunrise!", "why are you up so early this is a vaCATION"
- sitting on the little deck with coffee in just your underwear and one of his shirts while he's just in basketball shorts
- shopping & him wanting to buy you things
- so much hand holding
- LOTS of candids of each other & baths together
- getting dressed up for every dinner
- deep talks at night while sitting on the sand
- never seeing calum smile that big and feeling your heart fill up
- "im so glad we came here, it was so nice to let my head get a break", "I wish this vacation would never end"
- coming home to your house full of the boys and a mess they made waiting for you to come home
- luke with a mouth full of food, "welcome home!"

college luke would include...
- studying together at 3am and eating oreos all night
- him showing up at your dorm door with breakfast and coffees but you still sleeping so he comes in and sits there waiting until you get up
- when you do, though, you freak out because why is he there??? and spill coffee everywhere
- him walking you to every one of your classes even if it makes him late
- him waiting for you at an open table for lunch when it's raining
- if it wasn't raining, he would take you off campus and treat you
- wanting to party with you and you guys usually go, but those days you're just not feeling it he would blow it with Netflix and snacks and cuddles
- him working on the campus coffee shop with a little green apron
- when you come in for coffee, he acts like you're a smokin' person he just met and writes his number on the receipt and a "call me;)"
- "luke, we're already dating"
- he would learn how to make cool coffee art and wait to see your expression and getting all smiley when you say you love it
- helping him decorate his room and him helping you decorate yours / putting up pictures of y'all and little stuff like stuffed animals from each other
- you guys making playlists for each other to listen to while on the way to moving in / going home
- graduating together :'))))

post-show ashton would include...
- big, sweaty, tight hugs with little spins and big SMILES WITH DIMPLES
- running to you and scooping you up as you laugh and hold him close, kissing him quickly with a "YOU GUYS ROCKED"
- him taking you to the dressing room where he beams about how amped he is and how epic that show was
- sometimes pushing you against the wall and kissing you roughly
- happy he was that you were here and how much he absolutely loves seeing you there to support him and his band
- him belting lyrics of different songs all mashed together and dancing around, hella energy inside him
- driving with the boys to get fast food or smth bc fries after a concert is a common thing
- resting your body on his while you guys head on back to the hotel/bus and falling asleep, him as well, holding you and just cuddling in sweats
- forehead kisses before he falls asleep, whispering, "i love you so much princess" and the boys smiling to themselves because that's SO cute
- luke would probably sneak a pic too and upload it to which you get mad because it's not a good angle but ashton loves it because you two are one

being best friends with michael would include...
- lots of drives around with music, windows down, and fast food
- so many sleepovers & movie nights!!
- "cuddle me please"
- days where you two just sit on the couch with his playlist on, scrolling through your phones
- the boys teasing that you two are already dating
- his family inviting you over for dinner even if he's not home because they love you like their own
- surprising you by coming home from tour early and picking you up from work/school
- having him over to bake and ending up singing into spoons to each other
- staring his sentences with "hey best friend..." whenever he wants something
- phone calls into the late night when he's on tour
- cute "best friend date nights" where you go out dressed up just to come home in a few hours and watch netflix
- getting drunk at parties with the boys and sloppily kissing
- getting really close with the others and touring
- sharing a bunk with michael
- "move mikey, i have no room", "well stop hogging the blanket"
- "hey, so, i kind of really like you and we're practically dating anyway but... would you want to make it official? like, be my girlfriend?"

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