157. enneagrams

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this is from begluketostay on tumblr! enjoy :)


I feel like calum is either a 6w7 or a 7w6. sixes are super loyal, don't trust authority, are skeptical and suspicious of others, don't like extremes, have to know people for a long time before they can trust them, and have a hard time making decisions. they are always prepared for the worst. sevens are always up for adventures, always looking on the bright side and optimistic, are very friendly and have no problem going up and talking to new people, don't worry much and know that everything will work out, avoid heavy conversations and confrontations, and think that life should be lived and enjoyed to the fullest. I definitely see a combination of both types in calum presenting in different ways, so I think he definitely is one of these with the other being his wing!

okay so in my head there is no doubt that luke is a 2. i would even go as far as to guess that he may be a 2w3. twos are always taking care of others, get anxious when there are misunderstandings in relationships with others, need to be acknowledged and appreciated for anything they do, care a lot what others think of them and how they are perceived, want to be liked by everyone, feel like others take them for granted, worry a lot about being forgiven for mistakes. they do things for others specifically so that others will notice how kind they are and will appreciate them. they can be codependent and needier than all other types, and are sensitive to criticism.

i just totally get the vibe that ashton is a 4. fours have a lot of feelings and want to be special and unique and stand out from everyone else. they're the type that will suffer for their art and enjoy being sad and feeling melancholic. they are the type that is most in touch with their feelings and emotions and the most self-aware about their flaws. they feel that a piece of them is always missing so they will always be just the tiniest bit on the outside of everyone else and slightly disconnected from others. they are self-conscious and have intense feelings and are highly highly creative! another thing about fours is they hate regular emotions - they want all of their emotions to be the most dramatic they could possibly be. fours are never just a little sad or a little happy, they are either miserable or ecstatic and they don't want to ever be in the middle - that's too boring. they're also the most romantic type. totally just get this vibe for ashton that he is the type of person who would suffer for his art and would enjoy being a little melancholic at times.

i think michael is also a 4 but in different ways than ashton! michael is definitely a broody, emotional type who feels like he's an outsider. they want to be different than everyone else and to stand out, and I feel like this is definitely michael, who was always dyeing his hair bright colors and dresses entirely differently than the other boys. fours desperately want to belong and fit in, but then will do things to make themselves stand out even more in hopes that they will be accepted and that others with think they're cool, which makes them even less likely to fit in. i also see him being someone who can enjoy the pining and heartache and wistfulness of melancholy like only a four can.

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