63. "because i'm in love with you."

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"i don't care if he's an old friend. you're my girlfriend and she should respect that!" calum raised his voice at you from across the room, causing you to groan. "and as my boyfriend, you're supposed to trust me." you told him, frustrated that he had even begun the argument. you'd only gone out for lunch with your best guy friend from high school to catch up. afterwards, he uploaded a photo of him kissing your cheek to instagram with the caption, 'love this one'. it was innocent and meant nothing more than friendship, but it caused calum to get extremely jealous. "i do trust you!" "then why are you so jealous?!" "because I'm in love with you!" your breath hitches as whatever you had been about to say flew from your mind. calum and you stood on either side of the room, both breathing heavily. "I love you and he's posting pictures like that with captions like that and it isn't fair because I love you and now the whole world is going to think your his and not mine." he ranted, walking across the room to you. he grabs your face with both of his hands, looking into your eyes intensely. "well I love you." you replied, wrapping your arms around his neck. "and I'm most definitely yours." you whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. calum grinned as he kissed you back. "sorry for being an idiot." he mumbled against your lips. "it's okay." you smiled back. "you're my idiot."

you walk into your house and flick the light on, gasping as you see your boyfriend luke standing in the living room. he grins and you squeal as to dash towards the boy who was supposed to be in another country right now. "lukey!" you grin, jumping into his arms. he chuckles, gripping you tightly as his lips find mine. "surprise," he mumbles against my lips, making you giggle as he puts you back down. "miss me?" "you have no idea." you murmur into his neck, and luke pulls back to smile softly. "so I may have had an ulterior motive to coming home." he begins, making you cock an eyebrow. "what do you want?" you ask skeptically, and he beams down at you. "you." he says simply, squeezing your hips before taking your hands in his. "forever. because i'm in love with you, y/n. and in my head I've gone through this a lot, in different ways. I've written you songs, and speech after speech. but I can't remember a single word now except that I love you and I always will. I love everything about you, even though I say I hate it when you try to warm your feet on me, or when you call me just to tell me I'm a dork. but I do love you and I want to show you how much every day for the the rest of your life. will you marry me? he drops to his knee and pulls out a ring from his pocket, and your breathing hitches in your throat. "yes." you whisper, smiling widely at him. "yes?" "yes." you repeat, louder. he grins, sliding it onto your finger before standing and picking you up. you giggle as he spins me around. "we're getting married!" he cheers, and you can't help the peal of laughter falling from your lips before you kiss him.

you shimmied the dress you picked out for the awards ceremony up your legs. it was supposed to slip smoothly up your body, but it stopped. the tight fabric was just too snug to fit over the curve of your hips. you sighed as, once again, your body had let you down and there was nothing you could do about it. you sunk to the floor, letting the build up of tears break through. you  tried so hard to hold it together so you could be the perfect girlfriend for ashton, but today that was just not happening. your nose runs and the makeup that you had spent so long trying to perfect starts streaming down your face, your breath catching in loud sobs. "oh my, babe are you okay?" ashton asks, walking in after hearing your cries. "the dress doesn't fit." you mumbled, unable to look him in the eye as he kneeled in front of you. "i can't do it ash, i can't be like those other girls. i can't fit into these beautiful dresses and i can't look nice on the red carpet." you said, your breath hitching in your throat. "no, you don't get to say that. you're absolutely perfect. i don't care if you don't look like a runway model because you're not beautiful like them, you're beautiful like you. there's not a single thing I would change about you. you're all I want. all I need, okay?" he whispered as he kissed the top of your head. "you're just saying that because you have to." "no I'm saying it because i'm in love you," ashton told you, looking into your red eyes. "you're my entire world. I don't ever want to see you sad, so let's go change into our ugly clothes and order chinese and you can pick a movie and we'll forget about the stupid ceremony. we're not even performing anyway." he smiled warmly, taking off his blazer. "no ash, you can go and i'll stay-" "nope." he interrupts. "i'm staying with my girl." he smiles, making you smile too.

you open up michael's bedroom door and peek your head through it, smiling sweetly at him. he was sitting on the floor with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. he took a sip from it then looked over at you. "hey..." he sighed, taking another gulp from the half empty bottle. you shut the door behind you and sit down beside him, taking the bottle away from him. michael leans his head on your shoulder and you rest your arm over his, rubbing his arm. "break ups are hard," you told him as you felt him nod his head. "but getting drunk isn't the best solution." "I'm sorry..." he got up from your shoulder and looked at you, holding onto your hands. "y/n, I don't think I was being honest with you about mine and carly's break up..." he took a deep breath and continues as you furrowed your eyebrows. "it wasn't because she felt like we were arguing too much like I said... she broke up with me because i'm in love with you." you stared at him, taking in the information and trying your hardest not to smile as he spoke. "i'm not sad because I lost her, i'm sad because I wasted a year and a half thinking that I was with the right person when the right person was right in front of me the entire time. I wasted time on her when I could've been spending time with you and loving you and kissing you and-" you stopped him mid sentence with a soft kiss on his lips. his body relaxed and you both smiled in the kiss. "I love you, y/n." "I love you, michael."

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