113. "lie to me"

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"hi, cal." you smiled, answering the phone like you do every day. it was late in la, but early where he was, so you stayed up to talk to him. "hey babe," his voice rings through the phone. "i miss you." "i miss you too. how was the show last night?" you ask, always loving to hear about how tour is going for him and the rest of the boys. "it was great. we had alot of fun on stage," he says with an audible smile in his voice. "how are you doing?" the question you never know how to answer. "i'm good." you nod, trying to convince yourself it was true. "are you sure?" he asks, hearing the hesitation in your voice. "yep." "y/n, don't lie to me. not when i'm this far away." calum tells you, making you sigh. "fine. i'm not. i miss you like crazy. it's so hard not seeing you or being with you or touching you." you admit. "i figured as much," he sighs. "we only have one more month left though." "that's way too long." you mumble. "well, how about i come see you?" he proposes. "no, you have band things to do." "we have a few days off starting this weekend. we were just going to explore the city, but management should be fine with me coming to see you." "wait, really?" you smile. "yeah!" "yes, calum please! i wanna see you!" "okay," he chuckles. "i'll be there." you smile, happy to have your boyfriend back in your arms soon.

it was the same thing again and again. you fight, have makeup sex, then act like everything is fine until you blow up at each other again. it was getting old, and you both felt the love between you dying. "y/n, please." luke pleads. "we can work this out." "i don't think we can. as much as i wish i did, i just don't love you anymore." you confess. "then just lie! just lie to me about loving me, i don't care." he says, grabbing ahold of both of your arms. he looks into your eyes with desperation and pain as you shake your head. "that's not how a relationship should work, luke. you deserve so much better than that. so much better than me." you tell him, tears forming in your eyes. you wished you could be his person because he was an amazing guy, but it wouldn't work between you. he had to see that. luke lets go of you, walking away and running a hand through his hair. you look down, wiping your eye. "i think you should go." you mumble. he turns around and looks at you, biting his lip. he didn't want to, but knew it would be for the best. "fine," he sighs. "goodbye, y/n." he nods, walking out of your house and out of your life. "goodbye, luke."

"would you stop asking so many questions?" you giggle, turning onto the road you live on. ashton wouldn't stop asking what's going on, but it wasn't out of the blue for him to be suspicious. you and the other girlfriends have been sneaking around, whispering behind closed doors, and doing everything you can to make sure ashton's surprise birthday party was amazing. "i know you're up to something, y/n." he says in a serious tone. you couldn't help but laugh at how pressing he was being without knowing the real reason for your suspicious actions. "i don't know what you're talking about." you tell him, pulling into your garage. "don't lie to me!" he says, grabbing his things and getting out of the car. you let him walk inside first, smirking to yourself. he flicks the light on and everyone pops out. "surprise! happy birthday!" his friends scream. "oh!" ashton laughs, looking around at the fully decorated house. "now will you stop asking so many questions?" you giggle. "sorry." your boyfriend blushes. "it's okay, happy birthday." you smile, kissing him on the cheek then getting the party started.

"don't cry, please." michael frowns, wishing he was able to wrap his arms around you in comfort. however, there was a computer screen and about three thousand miles in between you. "i'm sorry mikey, i just can't do it." you admit to him, shaking your head. "but before i left for tour, you said it would be fine and we could make it work. why did you lie to me?" his voice breaks as you see tears begin to fill his own eyes. "i didn't lie, i just didn't expect it to be so hard without you." you tell him. you wanted your relationship with michael to work so badly. he was the love of your life, but being away from him for five months has really messed you up. he's not there to hold you and cuddle you at night, to kiss your cheek and ask how your day was, or to tell jokes and make you laugh. "please, i only have a few more weeks. we can get through it, right?" he pleads. you bite your lip, staring at his face on the screen. the face that you fell in love with. the face that you would do anything for, including wait for him. "okay." you nod, sniffling. "thank you, y/n! i promise I'll make up all the lost time. i love you." "i love you too."

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