69. the 100 au

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does anyone else watch the 100? I love it! I hope these scenarios go well with the show. anyways, enjoy :)

"you know, I think we make a great team. calum and y/n, wood collectors!" "would you shut up and pick up some sticks?" you say, annoyed at your partner's tendency to talk as you bend down and grab another piece of wood. growing up with calum in arkadia has been quite the adventure. when you were younger, the two of you were inseparable, running around and having fun before things got real. as you got older, you had your own duties to fulfill around camp and grew apart. you made sure to keep your eye on calum though, especially when he was working outside. he usually chopped firewood with his shirt off, which was definitely a sight to see. you knew he would only distract you from providing for arkadia, so you decided that instead of swooning over the boy, you'd hate him instead. "what, you wanna walk through the woods in silence?" calum asks. "yes." "come on, we used to be friends and now you don't even wanna talk to me?" "nope." you continue walking down the path before calum grabs your arm and pulls you back into his chest, making you drop all the sticks you were carrying. "hey! what was that—" "I'm not stupid, y/n. I know you like me. now how about we take advantage of this situation of being alone in the woods where no one else can hear us, hmm?" calum smirks.

"y/n! we have another wound!" your friend calls out to you. you grab your herbs and ointments and quickly make your way to the nursing tent. laying on the table covered in blood was your best friend since childhood. "luke!" you exclaim, rushing to his side. "i-i'm okay, really." he assures you, but his voice was weak. "how bad is it?" you ask abby griffin, the chief medical officer. "not fatal, but he'll need to rest for a day or two." you run your hand through luke's wet hair and kiss his forehead as another nurse works to disinfect the wound on his torso. "always getting into trouble." you smile softly, shaking your head at him. he squints his eyes and gives you a small grin before biting his lip in pain. "that hurts!" "sorry. y/n, you take over." the nurse says. you finish cleaning the blood off then add some ointment to the area, carefully spreading it around with two fingers. luke lets out a sigh and closes his eyes. "better." you smile, then wrap a bandage around his stomach. "all done." you say and help him sit up. "what would I ever do without you?" he chuckles. "I honestly don't know, hemmings." you giggle.

"come on, y/n! you can do better than that!" you training partner, ashton, encourages you. when he offered to help you advance your fighting and defensive skills, you happily agreed, ashton being one of the hottest guys at your camp. unfortunately, you're just now realizing how intense training with him can be. him and bellamy usually train together, so ashton has gotten very strong and has picked up some new moves. "you need to be ready for them to come at you at any possible angle." he says. "I know!" you huff, getting annoyed at his constant criticism. "oh really?" he asks then suddenly kicks your weapon out of your hand, rendering you almost defenseless. "hey!" you exclaim, but before you could say anything else, ashton grabs your forearm, spinning you around and placing his knife to your throat. your back was pressed up against his chest as you held onto his arm, both of you breathing heavy. "bet you didn't see that coming." you feel his hot breath against your neck as he mumbles into your ear.

you felt his eyes on you as you continued to work. it was an everyday thing now, but you didn't mind. michael caught you staring at him too every once in a while. "i'm getting tired of clifford," your brother, bellamy tells you, sitting on the ground beside you. "it's so obvious he's into you. it's disgusting." "stop being overprotective. it's not like I don't like it." you chuckle, scrubbing the grease off of a cooking pot. "you're into him too?" "yeah, I mean, what's not to like?" "um his face, his personality, his overall presence..." bellamy trails off. grinning, you scoff and nudge his knee with your own. "you're so mean! michael's very attractive and has a great sense of humor." you tell him. "is that so?" another voice joins the conversation. you turn to see michael standing behind you, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "oh, uhm.." you stutter, now nervous. "don't get all shy on me now, blake," he chuckles. "wanna come to the river with me? it can be our first date." "watch it." bellamy warns. "don't worry, I'll keep my hands to myself." michael says as you get up and grab your canteen. "we'll be back soon." you tell your brother as you and michael walk into the woods. "I can't promise I'll keep my lips to myself though." michael tells you.

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