29. you play a sport

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you fall to ground for a third time during the game, sigh and get back up, brushing the grass off of your uniform. "that's another foul!" calum called from the stands. the opposing team had tripped you three times now and the ref didn't do anything about it. finally, he blew his whistle, calling the foul. their unfair play only made you want to win more. you showed them up by kicking the ball into their goal as many times as you could, scoring 6 points for your team. "go y/n!" calum claps. you look over and flash him a smile, happy to have such a supportive boyfriend. your team won the game and cheered for you as you all walked off the field. calum met you at the side of the field. "dang girl, i think you might be better at soccer than me." he chuckles as you walk up to him with your water bottle and towel. "we already knew that." you smirk at him and take a sip of your water.

"don't think, just dance." luke says, looking into your eyes with his hands on your shoulders. you nod and take a deep breath. today was your audition for the national academy of dance, your dream school ever since you became a dancer at age 4."up next we have y/n!" a voice calls over the intercom. "good luck." your boyfriend smiles, kissing your cheek. "thanks, luke." you smile back and walk out on stage. you perform your heart out. your routine was flawless, showing off your abilities and strengths. luke watched intently from backstage and clapped when you finished. you breath heavy, watching the judges in front of you deliberate. finally, they come a decision. "y/n, welcome to the academy of dance." the smile. "oh my god! thank you!" you smile widely then run off stage. "you did it!" luke laughs, holding his arms out. "i did it!" you giggle, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around him. you two share a kiss. "this calls for a celebratory dinner. i'm gonna make you whatever you want!" he says, causing your smile to fade. "uh, you're gonna try to cook again after last time?" you raise your eyebrows at him. "i apologized to the lady about her cat, okay?!"

"i win again, haha!" your boyfriend ashton says, doing a victory dance on the basketball court. "yeah yeah." calum sighs, walking over to the bleachers where you were sitting and watching. "you're not gonna play again?" ashton asks, grabbing his water bottle and taking a sip. "nope. i'm done." calum says. "i'll play a game with you." you smile, standing up. you had played basketball during high school, but never told ashton. he raises his eyebrows at you and nods. "okay y/n, but i'm not going easy on you just cause you're my girl." he smirks, getting into position. "and i won't go easy on you either." you smirk back, stealing the ball from him and making a basket. for the entire game, you tricked ashton with your moves, stole the ball and scored many more points than he did. "i win, haha!" you mock him after the game was over. ashton breaths heavy, resting his hands on his knees. "how?!" he asks. "did i not mention i was mvp in high school?" you giggle, holding the ball on your hip. "no!" "well, i was." you tell him and take a sip of his water. ashton glares at calum who just sat on the bleachers cackling.

"michael!" you squeal, running from your team over to your boyfriend. "i didn't know you were here!" you say, hugging him tightly. "yeah, we have a couple days before our next show and i wanted to see you." he chuckles, hugging you back. "you didn't have to come to my boring game, though. we could have hung out." you say, pulling back. "oh no, this wasn't boring at all." michael smirks, glancing over to a group of girls walking by. his eyes landed on the lower half of their bodies. "you just wanted to see girls in short shorts!" you laugh, punching his arm lightly. "and you!" he laughs. "you did amazing, by the way." "thank you, mikey." you smile, pecking his lips. "now let's go celebrate your win!" he smiles, picking you up and walking out of the gym with you in his arms.

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