21. "do i make you nervous?" part 2

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"n-no." you breathe out, but calum wasn't concerned with talking. he hungrily kissed your lips, pulling you into him. you immediately kissed him back, finally getting to experience what you've been wanting for so long. you rub your hands up his arms and connect them once you reach the base of his neck, pulling him closer. he lifts one of your legs, hoisting you up. you wrap both legs around his waist as he pushed your back up against the wall. you moan into the kiss as calum grinds against you. he pulls away but goes straight for your neck, kissing and biting in various places. you twirl your fingers in his hair and close your eyes, knowing he'll be leaving some hickies on your skin. "you're so... sexy... baby girl" calum whispers in your ear in between kisses. "calum," you breathe. "w-we're not supposed to be doing this." you tell him, pointing out your friend's rule. "i know you want to though, don't you?" he whispers, rubbing his hands on your thighs. "you want me, and i want you." he mutters, kissing you once again. you cups his face and kiss him back, knowing he's right. besides, what y/f/n doesn't know won't hurt her. suddenly, there's a knock at the door. you gasp and quickly slide off of calum's torso. "times up!" you hear y/f/n's voice from the other side.  you sigh and wait for calum to move so you both could leave the closet, but he doesn't. "meet me in the bedroom upstairs in 5 minutes." you feel his breath on your ear, making you bite your lip. he opens the door and the bright light hits you once again as you walk out. "sorry about that," y/f/n says, walking up to you. "I told them you couldn't stand calum and to put someone in there with you that you could have some fun with, but they didn't listen." she explains. you have to stop yourself from laughing. "it's okay, I'm just gonna go get some more soda." you tell her, but instead of going to the kitchen, you walk upstairs to meet calum and finish what you started.

you knocked on the wooden door of the large house in front of you. the door opens a few seconds later, revealing a shirtless luke,only wearing basketball shorts and a snapback. "hey there," he winks. "come on in." you step inside and look around at the modern home. "wow, your house is so pretty." you tell him, making him chuckle as he closes the door. "yeah, my parents are loaded. plus, they're out tonight so it'll just be you and me," he smirks at you. "can I get you anything to drink? a snack?" he asks, walking towards the kitchen. "I'll take water." you smile. luke grabs a bottle from the fridge and tosses it to you. "thanks," you tell him before taking a sip. "so should we get started?" you ask. "yeah, let's work in my room. I have the materials in there." he says, leading you upstairs. you followed him, nervous to be in such an intimate space with luke, but interested to see what his room looked like. he walks into his bedroom and plops on the king sized bed. you look around timidly while holding your book bag, not knowing where he wants you to go. "you can sit on the bed too," luke chuckles, folding his legs under him. "I promise I don't bite." you walk around to the other side of the bed and sit down, taking out your chemistry textbook. "so I was thinking we could create a big poster board presentation with a diagram of the atomic structure and..." you look to luke and notice he's not paying attention to anything you're saying, but rather watching your lips move. "luke." you say, snapping your fingers at him. "sorry," he says, scooting closer to you. "it's just really hard to concentrate when you look like that." "l-like what?" you ask, looking down at your outfit. "hot." you feel your cheeks get hot and try not to meet his eyes. "oh, um—" "but of course I think you'd look much hotter not wearing anything at all," luke says softly, lifting your chin up. he was leaning closer to you so he was just a few inches away from your face. "wrapped up in these sheets, laying under me while I kiss your neck..." he mumbles and your eyes widen. your watch his lips with yours parted slightly, allowing him to hear just how hard you were breathing. "do I make you nervous?" luke smirks, leaning in even closer. "just say no if you want me to stop." he whispers, closing his eyes. you break the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips against his. after that, you and luke were partners for every project to come. 


now I rlly just wanna make out with calum good in a broom closet :/ hbu?

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