125. best years (song preference)

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all of our future is better than yesterday

it was 3am and you couldn't sleep at all. calum laid beside you snoring softly and duke was curled up at the end of the bed fast asleep. you however, couldn't get your mind to stop racing. the events from the day before played in your mind on repeat, making you anxious and upset. you tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position but tiredness never came. you sighed and crawled out of bed, making your way to the kitchen. you poured a glass of water, leaned against the counter and sipped at it. you didn't realize calum had followed you until he showed up a few moments later. "you okay?" his raspy voice asks, tired eyes looking at you. "can't sleep. did I wake you?" you reply, feeling guilty for interrupting his rest. he doesn't answer, but instead stands in front of you and wraps his hands around your waist. "what's on your mind baby?" one of his hands comes up and brushes a piece of hair behind your ear, lingering on your head. you shrug, looking down at his chest. "just what happened yesterday." you mumble. "i know it's scary, and it's tough, and it's not the most ideal situation, but don't worry about it. keep your head up and focus on the positive, because all of our future is better than yesterday." calum tells you. his words bring a smile to your face and you lean your head against his chest, closing your eyes in comfort. he hugs you, rubbing your back gently. "thank you, cal. i love you." "i love you, darling."

i'll make up for all of your tears

"why does this always happen to me?" you ask, sniffling and wiping a tear from your cheek with the sleeve of your sweater. you were crying over yet another horrific date. it seems like every guy you try to get to know is too weird, stuck up or emotionally unavailable. "i'm sorry, y/n. you deserve better than that." luke consoles you, rubbing your back as he holds you in his arms. "i just want one decent guy. someone attractive, funny, kind who understands me," you sigh. "someone like you." those last words fell from your mouth faster than you could realize. the idea of dating luke had crossed your mind before, however you pushed it down when you came to the conclusion that he wanted to be nothing more than best friends. "someone like me? or me?" he asks. you look up at him, with a blank face, unsure of what you say. "um—" "i can be that guy for you. i can be there for you, make you laugh and make up for all of these tears." he tells you softly. "lu..." you whisper. luke slowly leans down, headed for your lips. you close your eyes and welcome his to your own, kissing back immediately. he holds the side of your face as you bring a hand to the back of his neck. "glad you feel the same way." he mutters, smiling against your mouth.

I promise, darling, you won't regret the best years

you walk outside to the backyard of the villa you were staying at with your boyfriend and some friends to find it was fully decorated in flower petals and string lights. ashton stood in the middle of the yard, smiling wide at you. "i got your text," you giggle, walking over to him. "where is everyone and when did all of this get here?" you ask, looking at the beautiful backyard. "y/n, i love you," he says, disregarding your questions. "i'm in love with you." he corrects himself. "have been for a long time, and I don't know why you stick around, considering we've been through some rough patches that would have ruined other couples, but you're still here, still with me. I reckon I must have done something incredible in a past life to deserve you now. but you're it for me. you're the only person I ever want. when I think of the future, I don't know what will happen to the band, or to me, or to anything, but I know it's going to be me and you. there isn't anybody else who I can imagine being in my life forever. I know I can be an idiot sometimes, a lot of the time," he gets down on one knee, his free hand reaching to his pocket and producing a box. the tears begin falling from your eyes. "but I promise to be always be your idiot. if you'll have me of course. so will you marry me?" "ash, of course!" you smile widely, kissing your fiancé.

I wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you

he watched you from afar as you played in the snow with southy and moose. when he first heard about the birthday trip to the snowy cabin, his first thought was to invite you— his best friend and crush. you had been there for him everything imaginable, attached at the hip. you made him happy like no other could and he wanted to make you happy as well. however, in fear of being rejected, he suppressed his feelings as tried to get over you by dating around. no one fit his personality like you, though. "mate, just ask her." calum says, appearing beside his friend. "ask her what?" "to be your girlfriend. you two are so into each other it's annoying you're not together yet." the maori tells him. "you think she likes me?" "pretty sure she loves you." and with those words, adrenaline started pumping through michael's veins. his confidence made him quickly walk outside and over to you before his feet could protest. "hey mikey." you smile at him. "hey, um," he starts, unsure of how to tell you. "yes?" you raise an eyebrow. "i just... kind of love you? not in the friendship way, but in a romantic way. i've wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you, but i don't want anyone else but you." he confesses. you were shocked to say the least, but incredibly happy because you felt the same way. instead of replying, you grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. both of you pulled away at the sounds of cheers from inside the cabin, turning to see the guys and their girlfriends clapping for the best friends who finally admitted their feelings.

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