80. "are you jealous?"

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these are from various tumblr accounts!


you and the boys were on set for their new music video. "calum's mad." michael laughs, enjoying the evils stares from your boyfriend. "why?" luke asked. "because I get to kiss y/n." michael said in a teasing tone. "michael, scene!" the director yelled and michael stood up from his chair, running over. "okay, this is the last scene. michael you'll go knock on the door. y/n you will open it. you stare at each other before putting your hands on her cheeks and kissing her okay?" the director explained, you nodding as michael looked back at calum, giving him a wink. calum sat straighter in his chair as michael and you took positions. "remember its only acting." ashton whispered in his ear, placing a hand on calum's shoulder. the kiwi boy jaw's clenched more as the music started. michael walks forward, placing his hands on your cheeks and letting his thumb brush your cheekbone. "just a simple kiss michael, no tongue." the director instructed from his chair, "there better be no tongue." calum groaned as luke tried to muffle his giggles. michael leaned forward as the song finished, capturing your lips with his in small sweet kiss before pulling away, giving you a smile. as the director had yelled cut you removed yourself completely from michael, before walking over to a rather grumpy calum as he stood up from his chair. "hey, where are you going?" you asked confused. "out." He answered shortly ready to turn around and walk away from you. you grabbed his arm before he could disappear and he gave you a bored look. "are you jealous?" you asked, a smirk appearing on your lips. calum knotted his eyebrows at you before grumbling out a faint "no." you let out a small laugh before standing on your toes, placing your fingers on his cheeks before pulling him down, capturing your lips with his as his hands found your hips. "don't be, babe. mikey doesn't kiss far as good as you." you said, making a smirk now appear on calum's lips. "I heard that." michael yelled.

you sat in the backstage dressing room, watching the boys get ready for their show. ashton and calum were trying to pick out an outfit while michael and luke were at the hair and makeup station. "you look good tonight, luke." you hear your boyfriend's hairdresser say as he sprays some mousse into his long blonde curls. "oh, thanks. y/n helped me pick out the outfit." he replies, smiling into the mirror at you, seated on the couch behind him. you give him a small smile in return, wondering if he would catch on to the flirtatiousness of his stylist. "alright, that's enough product. you barely need it anyways; you're naturally handsome." she says, setting the spray bottle down on the counter. "cool, thanks!" luke tells her, springing up from the salon chair. he walks over and takes a seat next to you, puckering his lips. "are you dumb, stupid or dumb?" you ask, ignoring his attempt at a kiss. "huh?" "she was obviously flirting with you, luke." you sigh, crossing your arms. "aw," he smiles, putting a hand on your arm. "are you jealous?" "of course not." you lie. "I think you are." he chuckles. you glare at him for a few seconds before giving in. "okay fine, maybe a little bit." "aha, I knew it!" luke smiles, shaking your arm excitedly. "but it's okay, babe. you don't have anything to worry about. I'm yours forever." he promises, kissing you gently.

you swore to ash that you'd never get jealous of fans, and you never did to be honest. a lot of the fans you were around to see the boys interact with were younger than they would ever date. they were pretty, yeah, but age was a thing. ashton gives you a last peck with the telling of not to get too jealous. you giggle and push him away toward his seat for the meet and greet. it goes really well, the boys are kind and funny and the fans are appreciative and loving. everything is perfect until they're at the last couple people in line and the girl is making her way to ashton. a wide, flirty smile goes onto her face and she flutters her lashes a few times as she greets him. this girl is older, at least twenty by the looks of it. jealousy bubbles in your gut as you watch ash sign the little album booklet before looking up at her. they converse for a few moments, with the girl laughing a little too loudly and flipping her hair one too many times. she leans across the table and that's when you were done. you walk over to a ashton and set yourself in his lap. the dark haired singer is surprised but recovers well. he wraps his arms around your waist. "hey babe?" "hi darling." you kiss him passionately. "oh my gosh, I didn't realize you were still with a fan, love!" you feigned surprise with a gasp. "I am so sorry. I totally wouldn't have come over to my boyfriend who loves me very much if I had seen you." the  girl rolls her eyes but the message is well received. " I have to go anyways." she picks up the booklet and collects her sister before leaving. you turn to see a ash with narrowed eyes. "are you jealous?" he asks with a smirk. "she was all over you!" you defend yourself. "just remember: i'm your boyfriend who loves you very much." he teases and kisses you.

before meeting your boyfriend michael, you had been a fan of his band 5 second of summer. not a crazy obsessed fan, but enough to where you knew alot of their songs and had some crushes on the members. upon first discovering the band, ashton had been your favorite; those curls really got you. but after meeting them through a mutual friend, you and michael really clicked. he had great banter with you and could always make you laugh. he was kind and considerate, making you fall in love with him. you shared alot of stories and told him everything about you, including your past crush on ashton. without your knowledge, michael kept that piece of information in the back of his mind for when you met the boys. you grew close with each of them and felt very accepted, but your friendship with ashton was your favorite. his bubbly personality meshed well with yours, but you didn't find yourself crushing on him anymore. michael was more than enough for you, and you would never cheat on him. however, he was the type to get jealous so when you spent alot of time with ashton at his pool party, michael wasn't very happy. you were laughing at a joke ash told you when michael walked over to the lawn chairs you were in. "babe, can you come inside with me?" he asks. "sure." you smile, getting up and walking inside. michael stops and turns around, looking at you with an angry expression. "what's wrong?" "do you like him?" "who? ashton? of course not!" you laugh. "y/n, i know you used to like him, and you guys seem to get along really well." michael says. "aw mikey," you wrap your arms around his neck. "are you jealous?" he breaks eye contact and mumbles, "maybe", making you giggle and kiss him gently.  "you're the only band member i love and will ever want, okay?" "okay." he smiles.

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