84. backstage (with photos)

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y'all these preferences are wild, but so are the boys when they're backstage


you sat backstage with your boyfriend, his band members, their girlfriends and some staff members preparing the boys for their performance tonight. you were goofing around with everyone and hyping them up for the show. the routinely nickelback song played in the background as luke walked around screaming "you're never gonna make it!" you turned to cal to see him playing guitar along with the song. you smile to yourself, seeing your bass boy in his bass world, and take out your phone to record him. about halfway through the video, he looks up and realizes your recording him, so he smiles and begins singing. you giggle and stop the video, moving from the couch you were on to the one he was sitting on. "you're my favorite rockstar." you smile, placing a soft kiss to his lips. "and you're my favorite girl."

luke"babe!" luke calls

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"babe!" luke calls. you walk from the mini living room of the backstage area to the dressing room luke was in. he stood shirtless in front of his wardrobe, wearing black leather pants. "I don't know what to wear on stage." he tells you. "I think you look great like that." you smirk and laugh. "seriously!" "okay okay," you begin sifting through the shirts and decide on a red button up. "try this." luke puts it on and begins to slide the buttons through the holes. "wait," you grab his hand. "leave the rest unbuttoned." he looks in the mirror and does a few poses. "you look hot." you smile. "yeah, but I'm missing something... could you put a bit of makeup on me?" he asks. "sure!" you look through some of the products on the dressing room counter, deciding to give him a little bit of silver shimmery eyeshadow. "how's that?" you ask as luke looks in the mirror once more. "I love it!" he smiles. "now go kill it on stage." you say and give him a kiss for good luck.

" you say and give him a kiss for good luck

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"oh, ashton!" you moan loudly. your boyfriends holds back his laughter as he claps his hands together, making more fake moaning sounds. you two were a small dressing room, trying to prank the rest of the band. "where is ashton? we go on stage in 10 minutes!" you hear calum say as he approaches the door to the dressing room. "don't stop, ash!" you moan again so that calum would hear. "what the— I know you two aren't having sex in there!" calum says, knocking on the door. "who's having sex?" you hear michael ask as his voice gets louder the closer he gets to the door. "y/n and ashton!" "ew!" "can you guys give us a minute to finish?" ashton yells. "ya nasties." luke says through the door. you giggle to yourself, unable to hold it in any longer. ashton unlocks and opens the door, laughing. "we pranked you!" "we weren't actually having sex, I promise." you tell the three boys. "well sure sounded like it." calum says. "yeah, my ears are scarred for life!" michael frowns.

michaelas the boys got ready for their show, you sat on a backstage couch with your and michael's dog, southy

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as the boys got ready for their show, you sat on a backstage couch with your and michael's dog, southy. you pierced a piece of chicken with your fork and ate from your box of chinese takeout. "this is so good, mikey!" you tell him. "I know! the perks of touring: authentic chinese food." he smiles, peeking his head out of the door of his dressing room. "you want a bite?" you ask, holding up another piece of chicken on your fork. he raises his eyebrows and walks out of the small room and over to you. before he could bite the chicken off of the fork, a feral looking ashton runs past, grabbing the fork out of your hand and retreating into his dressing room. "ashton irwin!" michael scolds. "that was my chicken!" "I'm not ashton, i'm fonzi." ash replies, making eye contact with michael as he eats the chicken. "you owe me a new fork, fonzi." you laugh.

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