168. being besties with 5sos

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this is from sunshinelukee on tumblr!


- Going on random roadtrips together
- Basically living at each other's houses because you hang out so often
- Watching their dogs when they're on tour and sending them pictures and videos of the dogs all day long
- Watering Ashton's lemon tree when he's on tour
- Taking lots of ugly photos of each other
- Sending each other 5sos memes
- Lots of movie marathons
- Being friends with the guys' siblings too
- Giving each other stupid nicknames
- Going to your favorite artist's shows together
- Them constantly making fun of your height
- You sometimes randomly playing 5sos songs
- Don't Stop if you want to annoy them
- Don't Stop Acoustic if you really want to annoy them
- Constantly teasing each other
- Having conversations about stupid things like cereal but also deep conversations about life
- Loving them so much even though they're crazy
- Them trying to teach you how to play their instruments
- Having those weird inside jokes no one else understands
- Going to music festivals together
- Borrowing their clothes (especially their hoodies bc they're just comfortable)
- Taking those Buzzfeed "Which 5SOS Member Should Be Your Best Friend?" quizzes together
- Ranting about "guess what this bitch did" and them being very supportive
- Throwing surprise parties for each other's birthdays
- Showing them stuff about them you find on Tumblr
- Lots of Mario Kart and Just Dance, them being very competitive
- Bursting out in random songs when someone says a certain word
- Lots of Facetiming when they're on tour

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