83. you comfort him

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TW: cancer, insecurities, death


"coming to bed?" you smile at your boyfriend from the bed as he walks into the bedroom. "mhm." he mumbles tiredly, taking off his shirt. before he could get it over his head, choked coughs erupted from his chest. it wasn't until he managed to throw his shirt to the ground that you realized blood was coming out of his mouth. "oh my god, calum!" you exclaim, running to him as fast as you could. you put one hand on his stomach and the other on his back and he doubled over, slowly making your way to the bathroom. you fall to your knees with him, helping him lean over the toilet. "I'm calling 911." you tell him, grabbing your phone from your back pocket and dialing the emergency number. calum continued to choke on the thick, red substance coming out of his system as the ambulance arrived. you called the boys on the way to the hospital and they met you in the waiting room. once he was allowed visitors, the four of you were escorted to calum's room. he was sitting up in the bed, his arm connected to a small machine beside him. he was awake, but looked tired. "hey, darling." he smiled softly as you sat on the bed next to him. "what happened to you, bub?" you ask, running your hand through his hair. calum sighs, looking from you to the boys, then to the floor. "cancer." you softly gasp, tears filling your eyes. all you wanted to do was break down and cry, but you knew that would make calum hurt worse. "you can pull through. I know you can." you tell him, squeezing his hand. he smiles at you with admiration. "for you, I definitely can."

you sat in the small room with luke and petunia, waiting for the veterinarian to come in. you held luke's hand, softly brushing your thumb across his skin. "it's gonna be so different without her," he breaks the silence. you look at him with a frown, seeing him admiring his dog for as long as he could. "she's put up with all of my teasing, my songs, my sadness..." he continues. "i know," you sigh, rubbing his arm lightly. "she's been through alot with you, but shes also been through alot of pain. this is best thing you can do for her." you tell him. petunia had developed an infection that spread too quickly. she was no longer able to digest her food or even breathe correctly. it killed the both of you to put her down, but it would relieve her of the pain she's been going through for too long. just then, the door swings open and the vet walks in. "are we ready?" she asks. luke sighs and nods, smiling at piggy one last time. the doctor gets the equipment ready, then performs the task. you and luke leave the vet's office with one less member than you came with, but that hole would soon be filled as his mom surprises the two of you with a new puppy.

you were sound asleep until you were awoken by a bright light. squeezing your eyes until they adjusted, you heard sounds from your bathroom. you sit up in bed and see that ashton isn't beside you anymore. you thought he was just using the bathroom, so you laid back down until you heard soft cries from the small room. "babe?" you ask, getting out of bed an walking over to the bathroom. pushing open the door, you see your boyfriend leaning against the vanity counter, dabbing his eyes with a tissue. "ash, what's wrong?" you frown, immediately wrapping your arms around him. he sniffles, putting a hand on your back. "I had a nightmare." he says. "aw, you wanna talk about it?" "you broke up with me... because I wasn't good enough." he mumbles. you look at him, cupping his face with your hands. "don't think that could ever happen, ashton. you're the best thing that could have happened to me. I love you and I'm not going anywhere." you assure him. "pinky promise?" he asks, holding up his finger. you smile and link your pinkie with his. "promise." he smiles and kisses you gently. "now let's go back to bed."

"you ready, babe?" you ask your boyfriend, pushing open the door to your bedroom. instead of seeing him dressed and ready to go, he was sitting on the bed in just his boxers. "oh, um yeah. almost." michael says, looking at you and standing up as he quickly rubs his eyes. "you're not even dressed," you laugh softly as he sifts through the clothes in his closet. "do you still want to go?" you ask him. he sighs and drops his hands to his sides. even though his gaze was fixated on the ground, you could see tears swelling in his eyes. "hey," you frown, walking over and giving him a hug. "what's wrong, mikey? talk to me." you tell him, gently rubbing his back. he holds you tightly, shutting his eyes. "they're not gonna like me, i know it." "my parents will love you! they already love 5sos." you reassure him. "yeah, they like the band. they like luke, calum and ashton because they look cool and hot." he says. "and you look even cooler and hotter." "y/n, i'm the weird one in the band. what if they think i'm not good enough for you?" you pull back and look him in the eyes. "michael, you're not weird, you're you and i love that guy. i don't want you to look like the other guys. if my parents don't like that, they can get over it, but they have never been ones to judge." you say. he takes a deep breath and nods. "okay." "yay! now let's pick you out something sexy."

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