54. fratboy!5sos

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)

It wasn't serious, what you and Calum had. A few flings here and there, neither one of you interested in completely settling down. You had assumed nothing had changed at the latest one of his frats parties. It's safe to say you had had a few drinks and were feeling quite good about yourself. You'd found Luke dancing by himself and decided to keep him some company. The two of you had gotten to know each other quite well from all the times you had done the walk of shame out of Cal's room to the front door of the house. Giggling, you two began to dance sporadically around the room, catching the eye of Calum by the beer pong table. At first he did a slight double take, thinking you were someone else and that Luke had finally found a girl he was going to hook up with for the night. However, when you turned around and made eye contact with the brown eyed boy, it was obvious he wasn't having it. His face went red and the ball he was holding, fell from his hand, walking over to you swiftly. Luke quickly stiffened and moved to the side once he noticed Calum's presence, causing you to huff with exasperation. "Can I help you, Hood?" you muttered, angry that he had just killed the fun you were just having. "I don't know, are you about to get with my frat brother?" Rolling your eyes you shook your head quickly. "Cal, bud, the only guy I'm hooking up with in this entire house is you. Go take a lap and calm down, would you?" His face twisted into a smirk before shaking his head and wrapping his arm firmly around you. "Only if you walk with me."

"Yes!" You pump your fist in victory as you win yet another round of beer pong. You down the red solo cup filled with alcohol and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You high-five your partner, who looks like she may be about to pass out. She runs over to the bathroom, presumably to throw up — but you couldn't care less. The group of drunken students around you begin to high five and congratulate you. You woozily take in the awe when you hear a series of loud slow claps from the doorway of the frat house's basement. "So you're the girl who keeps winning at beer pong?" A tall guy wearing a backwards snapback says, tugging at his lip ring while seemingly sizing you up. "That would be me," you hear yourself slur. "Up for another round? I kind of always win, and with us on the same team, we'd be unstoppable," the guy says cockily, and you can't help but notice how attractive he is. "Sure. You're hot," you say, then clap your hand over your mouth. "I didn't mean to say that. I'm really drunk," you babble. "It's alright. You're kinda hot too. I'm Luke, by the way. And...do you even remember your name?" He teases as you both pick up your ping pong paddles. "I'm not that much of a lightweight. I'm Y/N," you say groggily as your opponents serve the ball. Ten minutes later, you and Luke are busy downing the cups of beer on the opposite end of the table. "Great job. I knew we would win," he says. You can tell he's getting tipsy as well, but he's nowhere near as smashed as you are. You raise your fist and cheer and before you know it, his lips are on yours. The coolness of his lip ring against your mouth is the only thing that stands out in your drunken haze as you lazily find yourselves drifting into a nearby bedroom. You feel Luke pull away slightly but you pull him back to you, whispering, "It's okay. We're drunk."

"I'm so so sorry I'm late," the curly haired boy mumbled as he balanced two cups of coffee and a few books in his arms before falling into the seat across from you. A smile formed on your face as he set one cup in front of you, fixing the beanie on his head before opening the book to the same page as the one in front of you. "You gave me coffee so I guess we're on good terms." "Caramel with cream and sugar, dark roast," he nodded, happy that he could remember your coffee order off the top of his head. Taking a sip you let out a satisfied sigh. "I'd hope you'd get it right after all this time." "You make it sound like you've been tutoring me for years," he giggled, finding the pen he had been searching for. "That's what it feels like," you joked as he shot your a mock shocked expression. "Maybe do a little more studying and little less partying?" "And this whole time I thought you loved waking up early just to see this beautiful face on a Monday morning," he said gesturing to his face. "I mean, you're okay to look at," you shrugged, letting out a giggle as his cheeks flushed ever so slightly. "Did I just make THE Ashton Irwin blush?" "It just got hot in here, thats all" he sighed, shutting down your statement. "Are you sure it's not just me?" you laughed, flipping your hair over your shoulder. "I thought we just determined I was the cute one?" he smirked. "Shut up," you mumbled, looking down at your book once again. "Now study for this exam." "Avoiding the question?" he grinned. "Is it going to be on my exam?" you quipped. "You never know," he shrugged.

you wake up next to your now boyfriend, fratboy!michael and can't help but admire him while he sleeps. he just looks so peaceful and innocent as opposed to the loud, obnoxious, boy-ish persona he puts on. underneath the dark clothing and heavy attitude, he was really a softie. you remember the first frat party you attended at his fraternity. he looked intimidating to say the least, but after he approached you and you spent half of the night talking to him, you realized he was much more than the rest of the frat guys. you reach out and touch the piercing on his eyebrow, your finger trailing down his cheek and to his bottom lip. his mouth quirks up into a smile as he takes your hand and twines your fingers together, opening his eyes to look at his gorgeous girlfriend. he rasps out a "morning, beautiful" and the side of his face is still squished up against the pillow as he reaches out with his other hand to pull you closer to him so he can roll on top of you and keep you there until he's actually ready to get out of bed. you smile and softly chuckle at him, knowing you made the right decision.

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