176. he's on tour for christmas

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"how are the boys?" you smile as you talk quietly into the phone to your boyfriend on the other end of the line. "good. mike is already passed out. he chugged a four loko and fell asleep on the couch." he chuckles. you giggle softly and reply, "aw i miss you guys and you're craziness. it's so quiet without you here and them in the backyard all the time." you say, remembering how you would come home after work and see the boys in the pool or smoking in the lounge chairs. now when you come home, it's quiet and dark. "i miss you too, babe. and duke of course." he tells you. "oh yes, the two loves of your life are doing fine over here." you say, looking down at the sleepy pupper and petting him gently. "it's only two more months. we got this." calum says. "yeah we've gotten through four so far, but it's hard, cal. i miss you so much. facetimes and phone calls just aren't the same." you sigh, admitting how hard the long distance has been. "i know, darling. i'm sorry, i wish there was something i could do. just know when we get home, i'm not leaving your side for a long while. you can have lots of cuddles and lots of kisses and lots of sex." he says. you could basically hear the smirk in his voice at that last part. "great, can't wait." you laugh and roll over. you see the time on the clock is 12:00. midnight. "it's christmas, cal!" "merry christmas, babe. i love you." he smiles. "i love you more."

"okay, i'm walking out now." you say into the phone. "i don't see you." your boyfriend replies, looking through the crowd of fliers. "well use your eyes." you say, looking around the airport for him. there were people everywhere, so it wasn't that easy. "oh thanks for the suggest— there you are!" he exclaims. as luke is running up, you finally spot that tuft of blonde hair and a smile beams across your face. "y/n!" he says as he pulls you into his arms. you jump and wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. he sighs, content by having you in his arms again. "i missed you so much." you whisper softly. "i missed you more." he smiles before placing an amorous kiss to your lips. luke and the rest of the boys had been on tour for three months so far, and of course the first year you become more than friends, management schedules the tour to go through christmas. but your boyfriend wasn't having it, so he flew you out to amsterdam the week before the big holiday and you had the most romantic trip. luke had planned so many fun things because it was your first time away from the states and he wanted to make it special. he was successful.

"hi babe!" ash smiles wide and waves as the facetime video connects and your face pops up on his screen. "hey baby," you reply, smiling at his face on your phone. "how are you? how's tour going?" "awesome. the shows are so fun. i miss you though." he explains, sighing gently. "aw, i miss you too." you admit, sticking your bottom lip out. "but let's do this!" your husband changes the subject, ready to get on with your idea. since he was halfway across the world for the holiday, you suggested that you give each other your christmas presents over facetime. all of the presents were left under the tree before he left, so you grabbed the one ashton told you he wanted to open and left the others to be opened when he returns home. "open it!" he giggles, watching you grab the present. "okay, okay." you laugh as you unwrap the small box and take off the lid. you gasp as you see the gorgeous golden necklace you had been eyeing for weeks. ashton had bought it and got it personalized, writing your a + (your initial) on the back. "ash it's beautiful. thank you so much." you tell him. "i'm glad you like it." he smiles. "did you get what i sent you?" you ask and watch as he picks up the package you mailed. you bite your lip as he unwraps and opens the box. you stare at his face and see his jaw drop. "y/n, what is this?" he asks softly. "what does it look like?" you giggle. he picks up the pregnancy test, "you're really pregnant?!" he exclaims and you nod. "oh my god! i'm gonna be a dad!" ash laughs hysterically, in shock and with joy. "i'm so happy that you're happy. i love you." you smile. "i love you more, babe. and i love you too baby irwin."

"hey babe." you smile, accepting the call from your boyfriend. "hi." he replies coldly. "what's up?" you ask as you prepare your dinner. your meals for the past few weeks without michael in the house consisted of bagels, soup and takeout. no more fun and delicious meals you two would cook together. "just getting ready for bed." he sighs. you hear the bunk in the tour bus creak as he climbs into it. "you okay?" "to be honest... not really," he admits. "i was really hoping to get christmas off so i could spend it with you and the dogs." "aw, that's alright. i mean i really wish you were and it sucks that you aren't, but we've made it work before." you say into the phone. "yeah, i guess." michael tells you. "and don't you worry. this tour was pretty short and you get back in two weeks, so i'll keep all the cute decorations up and we can open presents once your home." you smile, trying to make him feel better. "how are you always so happy even in the worst situations." he chuckles, amazed at your ability to do so. "i dunno. i just love you and know you work really hard for the band. have fun doing what you love and make your fans happy." you encourage. "y/n, you're absolutely incredible." michael says, his smile evident in his words. "yeah i know," you giggle and make him laugh. "i love you and i can't wait to see you, but go get some sleep, okay?" "alright. i love you too, baby girl. goodnight." he says. "goodnight, babe."

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