91. christmas morning

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"ugh," you groan, squinting your eyes shut even tighter as you're awoken by a tongue on your cheek. "duke!" you laugh in your half-asleep state, rolling over away from the small dog. "he wants to open presents," calum chuckles. you yawn and open your eyes to see your sleepy, shirtless boyfriend staring back at you. "merry christmas, babe." he smiles. "mm merry christmas cal." you smile back, intertwining your fingers with his. "ready to get up and see what i got you?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. "sure," you giggle and sit up. "i need coffee first, though." you both get out of bed and walk out of the bedroom with duke following close behind. you make two cups of coffee and take them to the living room where calum was waiting on the couch. "here you are, sir." you say, handing him one. "thank you, and here you are, ma'am." he jokes back, handing you a small box. you sit down beside him and open it, revealing a silver bar necklace, a small c engraved on it. "aw, this is beautiful!" you smile and put it on. calum opens one of your presents next, his reaction just as you thought it would be when he saw the new sweatshirt. "i've been looking for this everywhere!" "i know." you giggle. you continuing opening presents and give duke his new toys. christmas was your favorite time of the year, all thanks to these two boys.

"babe. babe. babe." you wake up to the blonde boy in the bed beside you whispering to you as he pokes you over and over, waiting for you to wake up. "keep poking me and i'll bite your finger off." you mumble, your eyes still shut. luke stops immediately and is quiet for a few seconds before beginning his whispers again. "babe." "okay, okay I'm up." you laugh, sitting up. "yay! christmas time!" your boyfriend smiles, getting out of bed and quickly making his way to the living room. you chuckle to yourself and follow him, rubbing your tired eyes. you and you luke spend the morning with petunia, opening gifts and watching each other's reactions as you did. you bought luke some new button up shirts, necklaces, nail polish and his favorite candy and made him some diy gifts as well to which he loved the thought you put into them. he had gotten you some jewelry and gift cards to your favorite stores and made you a few homemade gifts too. petunia got new toys, treats and water bowl. after opening everything, luke facetimed his mom so you two could  spend some time with his family, even if you couldn't be there in person. "it looks like you two had a great christmas." liz says. "we did." luke smiles, giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"merry christmas baby." ashton giggles into your ear, stirring you from your sleep. you groan, attempting to bury your face in the pillow. "it's time to get up and start christmas." you sigh and open your eyes to see your excited boyfriend smiling at you. "fine," you smile back. "but you have to carry me to the sofa." "deal." he nods eagerly, jumping out of bed and pulling on his pajama bottoms. he bends down and you climb onto his back, giggling softly as he piggybacks you through the house. he drops you onto the sofa before moving to the tree, grabbing the presents under it. ashton opens his gift first. "drum sticks!" he grins, pulling out three new sets of patterned and light up drum sticks. you open your gift next, finding several snow globes, each with a different monument inside. "ash..." "I thought I'd bring the world to you, as you can't always come with me." he grins, moving closer to you. "you can start a collection." "thank you." you smile, leaning up and pressing your lips to his. "they're beautiful." "like you." he grins against your lips, kissing them again. "thank you for the drum sticks, they're perfect." "like you."

"mikey, wake up." you whine. "it's too early." he mumbles, rolling over to face you but keeping his eyes closed. "it's christmas! you gotta wake up early on christmas." he doesn't reply, trying to go back to sleep. "don't make me get southy on you." you threaten him. "what's he gonna do?" michael asks, obviously not phased. you pick up southy up from his spot on the bed and set back down on michael's head. he readjusts himself, repeatedly kicking michael in the head as he does. "ah, fine! i'm up." he laughs, sitting up in the bed. "yes let's go!" you smile, grabbing your boyfriend's hand and dragging him to the living room. you exchange gifts with each other as well as give southy and moose their presents. "well i guess i should clean all of this wrapping paper up." you say, sitting up from the couch. "wait," michael grabs your arm. "i have one present for you." he hands you a small envelope with your name sloppily written on the front. you open it, pulling out two plane tickets, the words "paris, france" written in bold. "no way!" you gasp. "way!" michael smiles. you tackle him with a hug and pepper his face with kisses. "you're amazing, michael. thank you so much."

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