153. out of love (song preference)

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"i won't tell you i'm lonely, cause it might be selfish."
"are you gonna be home soon?" "no sorry, i have to work late again. i'll pick up some food on the way back though." you say into the phone. "okay, bye." calum replies and hangs up. you sigh and continue working at your desk as calum slumps on the couch. it was becoming a daily routine that you would leave for work early in the morning and not get back until late at night and by that time, not interested in doing anything else but sleeping. while it was physically exhausting for you, it was emotionally exhausting for calum. he felt like he never saw his girlfriend anymore. of course he wouldn't blame you for work schedules you couldn't control, so he sat quietly in the relationship as he watched you pull away. he wanted to do everything he could to salvage your love, but it became harder and harder to do that as each day passed. calum was lonely, no one but duke there to comfort him. but selfish wasn't something he could be with you, and unfortunately that was the downfall. your relationship eventually came to an end. the love that used to be there was no longer reciprocated. you felt awful, but couldn't help your feelings. you said goodbye to calum, and moved on.

"there's not a thing i could say, not a song i could sing, for your mind to change"
"lu, please," you say, your voice breaking as tears swell in your eyes. you looked at the pained boy in front of you, wanting nothing more than to hug him, assure him everything would be okay and get him to stay, but that's not something you do to someone who just broke up with you. "please don't do this." luke sighs, "y/n, i—" "six years! we've been together for six years, and have known each other even longer. are you really just going to throw all of that away?" you ask. "i can't keep pretending i'm invested in this relationship. it's not fair to either of us." "i can change! i can help you. whatever you need me to do." you offer, because the last thing you wanted was to see this boy walk away from you. "i can't ask you to change yourself for me," he shakes his head. "you deserve someone that you can be yourself with. someone that will love you endlessly." "so you don't love me?" you ask softly. luke grabs your face, looking at you with heartbreak in his eyes. "i will always love you, y/n. i've just fallen out of love with you." you close your eyes at his words, tears falling down your cheeks. "and there's not a thing i could say for your mind to change?" you ask. "i'm sorry, but no."

"when did you fall out of love, out of love? when did you fall out of love with me?"
it was obvious. at least to you it was. the boys knew something was different, something was wrong, but they couldn't put their finger on it. however, you knew ashton like no other. you probably knew him better than you knew yourself. so that's how you knew it happened. when you finally built up the courage to ask him, he was sitting at the piano in the kitchen, softly playing some keys. it was all he did these days. granted, he is a musician, but sometimes you wondered if it was also so he wouldn't have to talk to you. "ashton?" you say, approaching him in a tone unlike your usual loving voice. he looks up from his music sheet. "when did you fall out of love with me?" you bluntly ask. he blinks, taken aback at the straightforward question, but ultimately accepts his feelings. "how did you know?" "you're my best friend. i can tell." you tell him, making him sigh and look to the floor, "i'm sorry..." he says. "was it me? am i not enough?" you ask, tears beginning to fill your eyes. "no!" ashton snaps his head back to you. "absolutely not. you're amazing, y/n, and you've been so good to me. you're plenty, i guess we're just not meant to be." those words break your heart. since the day you met ash, you knew he was the one you wanted to marry. four years later, you thought you would be continuing your relationship, not ending it. but you did. and now you're alone.

"no use wondering, while your change in heart has wandered."
"damn." michael chuckles to himself as he typed away on his phone. from the kitchen, you couldn't see your fiancé's phone as he sat on the couch, but you could only imagine the kinds of things he would be texting. you had no proof, but to be honest, you didn't want any. you felt it in your heart, and noticed it in his actions. michael just hasn't been the same. he's been distant, physically and emotionally, and no longer seems interested. at first you thought it was just the side affects of being engaged, but then the texting started, and never stopped. he became secretive, and would find excuses to leave the house for hours at night. the thought of michael cheating made you want to puke, and i guess that's why you didn't want to see the evidence, but that's the only explanation for his actions. "food's ready." you say, pushing two plates of food across the kitchen island, in front of two stools at the bar. michael shoves his phone into his pocket, makes his way over and sits down beside you. you eat in silence—awkward and comfortable at the same time. after you finish eating, you clean up and michael goes upstairs, leaving you alone and leaving you to wonder how much longer will the fake love go on for?

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