81. he comforts you

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TW: insecurities, cutting scars, panic attack, cancer
also look how freaking adorable cal is :')


you laid on the bed, half of your body on the mattress and half resting on calum. your temple pressed against his chest as your hand gripped his t-shirt, choked sobs escaping from your mouth. he kept you close, his hands never leaving your body, letting you know he wasn't going anywhere. he gently rubbed your back as you cried over your best friend. the cancer came fast. the doctors thought they had caught it in time, the chemotherapy getting rid of it all, but it eventually came back harsher than before. you didn't know how you were going to get through life without talking to your best friend ever again. "it'll be okay, y/n. soon the pain will go away. just know they're in a better place now. a place without pain like this, without the suffering they went through." calum speaks softly. you eventually calm down, your tears ceasing as you fall asleep against him, forever grateful that you had calum as your rock.

your chest began rising and falling faster and faster as you continued to walk down the red carpet with your boyfriend, luke. he was used to the overwhelming amount of photographers and interviewers every way you would turn, but you weren't. you squinted as the flash of cameras went off around you. "luke, y/n! look here!" one of the photographers yelled. you whipped your head around, trying to smile, however the nerves were overtaking you. you tapped luke's hand that was on your waist and looked at him with a pained face. "i-i need to go inside." you say, gulping. he immediately turns concerned for you, ignoring the cameras and questions. "okay, come on." he nods, grabbing your hand and quickly walking inside. you find a bathroom just through the venue doors, swinging the door open and resting your back against the wall. luke follows, not caring that it was a ladie's restroom. he wanted to make sure you were okay. "i'm sorry, it's just alot." you sigh. "don't be sorry. i was the same way my first red carpet," he tells you, rubbing your arm soothingly. "i didn't look near as hot as you do though." he smiles, trying to lighten the mood. you giggle softly as your heart rate slows down. "thank you, luke." "of course, baby."

you sigh, looking at your scarred body in the mirror. the cut marks were slowly fading, but were still apparent. you ran your finger over your hip bone where the scars sat, remembering the pain that caused them. fortunately, you stopped cutting once you found your reason not to: ashton. he brought so much happiness to your life that you didn't even think about cutting again. you quickly drop your shirt back down over your exposed skin when the door opens and ashton hismelf walks into the room. he notices your sudden movements and frowns. "you're looking again?" he asks, walking over to you. "i'm sorry, they're just-" "i know y/n. i have them too, but they're your past. our past. you don't need to worry about them anymore," he holds the sides of your face, looking into your eyes. "they make you who you are, but know the person who felt those emotions is gone. you're surrounded by so many people who love you and never want to see you hurt like that again." he tells you, smiling softly. "me especially." "thank you, ash." you smile. he leans in and presses a kiss full of love and passion to your lips.

michael holds you close, his arm wrapped around your head as you cry gently onto his shoulder. "i don't understand him," you say, sniffling and pulling away from your best friend. "one day he says he loves me and the next he's calling me terrible names. he can never make up his mind." you say. "he's a stupid dick," michael tells you, wiping the tears off of your cheeks. "and a small one at that." he adds on with a chuckle. you smile at his joke, taking a deep breath as you listen to him. "but for real, don't listen to that guy. he obviously doesn't deserve you. he can't see how amazing, genuine, unique, kind and beautiful you are." "you think i'm beautiful?" you ask, raising your eyebrows. "the most beautiful girl in the world." michael smiles. you giggle, looking to the floor. "thank you, mikey." "of course, y/n." he says, wishing he could call you something more than just 'best friend'.

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