71. you break up

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these are from mychaelcliffford on tumblr!

You were so furious you could barely see straight. You trusted Calum with all your heart but as soon as you opened that magazine and saw a picture of her on his lap in nothing but a swim suit, her arms wrapped around him and her lips on his cheek, you flipped. "You told me nothing was going on with her. I trust you, but friends don't sit on each other's laps like that. Now the fans are shipping her with you because she's a famous model!" Calum simply rolled his eyes at your words. "You know what Y/N? Just because I'm famous enough to hang out with models doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with them. It's not my fault they want to see me!" He screamed and your jaw dropped. "You couldn't of sounded more like a douche if you tried. People don't hang out with you just because hot Calum-" "Like you'd know anyway, why else would the fans ship me with that model instead of you." He spat harshly and your eyes widened. You backed away from him, in shock at what he said. Calum knew that you didn't feel good enough for him but he always told you that you were. Now you know what he really thinks, and right now you didn't think your heart could take any more. "Y/N wait I just-" Ignoring him, you grabbed your bag and stormed out of the house, getting in your car and driving away as quickly as you can.

You sobbed, clutching your chest and holding onto the door frame so you wouldn't fall over from dizziness. Luke wasn't supposed to be home for hours since he was still at the studio. You had come home early from holiday to surprise him but instead not only found the house a mess but used condom wrappers downstairs in the living room along with some girls clothes which certainly not yours and a pair of Lukes boxers. It was obvious what had happened and you were heart broken. You thought you and Luke had a great relationship. When you were on holiday with your family you skyped almost every night. You'd been going out for nearly a year and thought he loved you. Apparently not. Sliding down the wall you curl up in the corner of the room, sitting on the floor. You didn't dare touch anything in case she had touched it. Everything seemed contaminated, but the thought of her touching Luke was the worst. You'd always believed when Luke would say he didn't need any other women since he had you, but what if he was lying this whole time? Your heart clenched when you heard the door open and Luke shuffle in. You didn't want to see him, you wanted to be as far away from him as possible. You couldn't take an argument with him right now, you couldn't take it if he hurt you again. You weren't ready for this, but judging by the sounds of Luke's footsteps you were going to have to be.

"Ashton this is a mess!" Michael yelled as he walked into the cluttered apartment. The place was a wreck. Food wrappers and dirty clothes everywhere with a pathetic looking Ashton in sweatpants that hadn't been showered in days. "If you want to try and make things work with Y/N then I will support you and try to help as much as I can but if not, get up and get out of the house." Michael spat. Ashton frowned then sighed, ignoring his words and reaching over for the large bag of Doritos. "When was the last time you even went to the gym?!" Ashton simply shrugged disinterested. Sure he may have put on a few pounds but why should he care? It's not like he had Y/N to keep in shape for and he knew that the fans of the band would love him no matter what he looked like. "Okay get up, we're going to the gym. And you know things are bad when it's me that's suggesting exercise." Michael muttered the last part pulling Ashton off the couch. He groaned, collapsing back down again burying his face in the comfort of the pillows. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to speak, he just wanted Y/N. You'd been together forever, he'd loved you since the day he met you he knew that, but the past few months were rough for the two of you until you broke it off storming out of the place. When Ashton went round to your friends house to smooth things over you were already gone. It's been almost a month now. He didn't know where you were, if you were happy or sad, or even single. However, he did know that he's still as in love with you as the day you left. He only wished you knew that.

You planned a movie night for the two of you but ever since Michael walked in, he seemed a little off. He gave you the biggest hug, burying his face in the crook of your face and neck mumbling about how much he doesn't deserve you. The poor boy had just come back from tour and you melted inside when he mumbled about how much he missed you. You figured it was just because he hadn't seen you in so long until you sat down. "I got the popcorn with extra bu–" "I cheated on you." He blurted out with his face in his hands. You snorted a laugh switching the tv on, but Michael shook his head grabbing the remote and switching it off. "Y/N, I'm serious." You glanced over at him assessing him before the bowl of popcorn fell from your hands. You could tell when he was lying or being serious and right now, you'd never wished so hard that Mikey was lying to you. Tears gathered in his eyes as he watched you stare at the blank TV. "I'm such an idiot." You murmured to yourself. Michael blinked in confusion, not expecting your words at all. "How could I be so stupid!" You laughed standing up and pacing in front of the TV. Michael gripped his hair in his hands meeting your gaze, his eyes full of tears. "I-I know Y/N, and I'm sorry you have no idea-" "I was never good enough to you. How could I ever think you would ever be with me." You shook your head. "No Y/N don't say that. You are good enough! You deserve so much better than me and I hate myself for what I did," Mikey yelled standing up. He cupped your cheeks in his hands tears already rolling down his face. You'd never seen him cry before. "and I love you Y/N, so much you have to know that." He mumbled resting his forehead on yours. You bit your lip squeezing your eyes shut willing yourself not to cry. You had to go, get out of here. You had to get as far away from him as possible. "I have to go." You whispered, backing away. "I think we're over."

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