89. christmas tradtions

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the christmas lights show was a popular event in your town that everyone looked forward to. on christmas eve, thousands of lights would be hung through the small downtown streets. there were lights hanging over the street, through the trees, and around the lampposts. each store decorated the outside of their building in correspondence with the theme for that year, making each one unique and beautiful. you were so excited to have calum in town for christmas so you could show him around your hometown and experience the christmas light show together. around 11:30pm, everyone gathers in the town square and at midnight, they turn the lights on to signal that it's christmas day. you and cal arrived early to get a cup of coffee at your favorite local coffee and icecream shop, then made your way to the crowd. "i'm so excited!" you smile, rocking back and forth on your heels. "are you so squirrely because you're excited or because you're cold?" calum chuckles. "both." you laugh and take a sip of your coffee. after a few more minutes, everyone watched the clock tower tick towards 12:00. "3, 2, 1!" you and calum counted down together. the christmas lights flickered on, lighting up the entire area. you stared in awe at the gorgeous decorations until calum pulled you in for a kiss. "merry christmas, baby." "merry christmas, cal."

growing up with luke, baking holiday cookies was a fun tradition you had with the hemmings family. you would join his mom, dad and brothers and take an entire day to bake batches of cookies to give out to the neighbors on your street. the generousness of the family was how you came to become friends with him in the first place. ten year old luke crossed the street and knocked on your door one afternoon while you were both on christmas holiday from school. you answered the door and cheerfully took the cookies and in return, brought him some fruitcake later that day. that was the start of your friendship, and little did you know at the time, your loving relationship. since that age, you were always welcome at the hemmings house to help bake cookies for your other neighbors with your boyfriend and his family. it was something you looked forward to ever year because his family was so kind and fun to hang out with. "hey y/n." luke says as you're sprinkling some cookies. "yeah?" you ask, looking up. you were immediately hit in the face with raw cookie dough, laughter erupting from the three brothers in front of you. "lucas!" liz scolds. your mouth falls open as you scoop the dough off of your face, giving luke an evil glare. "babe, no. it was just a joke." he says, holding his hands up in defense. "come here, babe." you smile sweetly, walking around the kitchen island. "no!" luke laughs, running away. you chase him around the house, eventually catch him and smear the cookie dough all over his face. "mmm," you hum, licking the rest off of your finger. "revenge is sweet."

because of his younger siblings, ashton was used to staying up late waiting for santa, and then waking up as early as possible to open presents. this year you decided to spend christmas at the irwin's, letting ashton relieve his childhood. his sister lauren and brother harry loved spending time with you and also wanted to try to catch santa again, so the four of you devised a plan. step one was to bake cookies, step two was to stay up as late as possible watching christmas movies and step three, be ready to catch him when he comes down the chimney and sees you all on the couch. the baking was definitely messier than planned as ashton played with the cookie dough more than he arranged it on the tray. you and lauren set a plate of three cookies and a glass of milk on the dining table. then, you all settled on the couch to start your movie marathon, going through the polar express, elf and two home alone movies. by then, ashton's siblings had passed out. "y/n." he giggles, pointing to them. "aww," you smile. "finally. it's nearly two a.m." you laugh in a whisper. "yeah, i'm tired." your boyfriend yawns, stretching his arms out. "let's go to bed." you say, standing up and walking towards the stairs. before you got there, a hand pulled you back. "look up." mistletoe hung above you. "merry christmas, ash." you smile and give him a kiss. "merry christmas, love."

christmas was an important holiday to you and michael, and you thought there was no better way to celebrate it than with a vacation. the two of you are avid about traveling; you love to visit new places and try out new experiences. you take turns choosing the vacation spot every christmas and this year, it was michael's turn to choose. until you arrived at the airport and saw where you were going on the plane tickets, he kept the destination a secret. "bali?!" you exclaim. he smiles wide, knowing that you had wanted to visit the island ever since you saw that he went with the boys a few years ago. "oh my gosh, best christmas ever!" you squeal, jumping up and down in the airport. "babe, we're in public." michael laughs, grabbing onto your arm. "I'm sorry, I'm just excited!" you giggle. the time came for you to board the plane and be on your way to indonesia. even before landing, you were already in love with the island and everything it had to offer. you and michael spent your week in a gorgeous, private beachfront villa. your vacation in bali was a dream come true, and you were so thankful to be able to spend it with the love of your life.

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