55. camping

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the cool night air caressed your skin, the slight breeze blowing your hair gently, making the flames of the campfire dance in the dark of night. you leaned against calum's chest, his legs around you; you sitting in the middle of them. his arms were hanging in your lap, the silence around you was so peaceful. you could hear the sounds of the nightlife rummaging around, off in the distance you could hear the cry of a coyote, and the haunting song from the loons down in the lake not far from your camping site. "can we just stay here forever?" calum spoke softly, his voice breaking the silence. "I know, its so nice," you closed your eyes and leaned your head against his chest, relishing the moment. "you know, one day we could do this." he hummed as you opened your eyes to stare at him. "what do you mean?" you asked, sitting up a little. "well, you know, if we end up spending a lot of time together, like dating, we could always get married, or even if we live together before we get married we could buy a house around here, something on the lake thats secluded so we could have privacy. We could always have this... did I scare you?" he asked, suddenly, and you could feel him tense underneath you. "no cal, that's a really nice idea. I like it." You said, leaning back against him and smiling as you watched the fire. it was a nice feeling knowing that someday calum wanted to settle down with you. "you're not freaked out that I mentioned marriage?" he said, quietly, it was almost hard to hear him. You smiled, shaking your head. "no, its kind of nice. Its nice knowing that you want to spend the rest of your life with boring old me." you said, closing your eyes once again. "you're anything but boring." he said, squeezing your waist. "let's never leave," you said, leaning back into him. "never." he said kissing your shoulder, as you both resumed looking at the popping and crackling fire.

"I should've said no to this." michael grunts as the group makes their way through the woods. "would you stop complaining babe," crystal laughs, ruffling his hair, "it's not that bad." "yes it is! we could have played laser tag or something, but no. ashton wanted to go camping. who wants to go camping?!" michael complains. "I want to go camping! quality time in the great outdoors with all of my friends and my gorgeous girlfriend is a no brainer." luke smiles, nudging your arm as he walks beside you. "yeah, be happy you don't have to share a tent with calum." ashton rolls his eyes playfully. "I don't know why you're upset. I give the best cuddles." calum jokes. "that's true, he does." you agree. "hey!" luke pouts. "what about my cuddles?" "eh, you're better at other things." you smile and nod at your boyfriend. "other things, eh? like what?" he smirks, taking your reply to a dirty level. "ew, I better not hear those 'other things' in your tent tonight." michael glares at you and luke, making the both of you chuckle. "no promises." luke winks. you eventually find an opening in the trees and set up your tents. as the night went on, michael got used to the idea of camping because of how much fun you all were having. when it was a little past midnight, you guys decided to blow out the fire and go to bed. you and luke crawl into your two person sleeping bag placed inside of the large tent. "I had so much fun today." you smile at him, recalling the events from this afternoon. "me too. watching calum fall off of the paddleboard was too funny." luke sniggers. "hey, I can hear you!" calum calls from his and ashton's tent. "yeah," you laugh. "but now I'm tired so goodnight." you tell him, placing a kiss to his lips. you intended for it to be short and sweet, but by luke's movements, you could tell he wanted the kiss to turn into something much more. "babe, not now." you whisper as he begins kissing and licking your neck. "but they can't hear us." he mutters into your ear. "yes we can!" michael shouts. "I told you no 'other things', hemmings!" "oh shut up, clifford." luke retorts.

memorial day was the official name for the holiday, but you and your family had renamed it "the annual family camping trip". every year, you and your extended family would pack up and camp on a lake for the weekend. you were especially excited for the event this year because your boyfriend ashton was tagging along. the two of you have been dating for over a year now so he's gotten to know your family. of course everyone fell in love with him, which is why they made sure to ask him to join the trip. he loved every second of it. you and your cousins spent the weekend teaching him how to fish and ride four wheelers around the campsite. there were so many people there that you and ashton barely got any time alone, until the last night after almost everyone had gone to bed. you and ashton sat by the lake, your arms grazing ever so lightly as he attempted to skip rocks, his giggle ringing out when he made it skip more than once. "thank you for bringing me out here." he smiles, turning to look at you. "thank you for coming. they really love you." you smile back. he grabbed your hand and held it up to examine it. "I can't believe you brought this up here. what if you lose it?" he asks, talking about the ring on your finger. "I won't! I brought it so that I could wear it and finally tell everyone that we're getting married." you say. the two of you sat there, watching the moon's reflection flicker on the surface of the water until ashton kisses your forehead and tells you it's time for bed.

you hear grunts and groans falling from your boyfriend's lips, who slowly treks behind you, struggling with his belongings. "are we there yet, y/n?!" he whines. "almost, babe!" you answer. soon enough the long hike was over and the end of the trail revealed a gorgeous crystal-clear lake. you grasp your backpack and stand there in awe while beside you, michael collapses on the ground with all of his things falling over him. "oh, finally! i thought i wasn't gonna make it. do you realize how far you made me hike, woman?" he asks sassily. you laugh and roll your eyes. "stop being so dramatic." "was than an attitude?" he asks playfully, raising his eyebrows. "you know, it would be a shame if you ended up in that lake right there." "no. michael, no." you tell him seriously, knowing he has a tendency to throw you into pools. he quickly removes the bag that hung on your shoulders, sweeps you off your feet swiftly and throws you in the cool water. he removes his shirt and followed in quickly as you come to the surface. "you idiot, I could've drowned!" "well, babe that's what you get. now, how would you like to take all your sweaty clothes off and let's go skinny dipping, eh?" michael suggests, winking at you.

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