178. college blurbs

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)


no but can u imagine english literature major!cal taking you on a celebratory picnic on the front lawn after completing finals week and he's been so wrapped up in studying that he hasn't been paying attention to how wild his curly hair has grown out but you love it because as your enjoying the soft sounds of the birds and the nature, he would have his nose in a book (as always, which you found adorably attractive) while he lays his head on your lap and u play with his hair and admire the way the sun makes some of the pieces so bright they almost seem dirty blonde,,, and his eyes are just GLOWING such a pretty brown and his voice is so deep and raspy as he reads his favorite parts to you and its just such a nice afternoon and you're both stress free and at ease and in love and you realize that you're so lucky to have met him :')

so you'd go to a random party, having no idea that it was fratboy!luke running the show, so when he'd challenge you to a game of beer pong you'd be like "you're on pretty boy" but you lost from being a semi-light weight and all. so luke would then tell you that his prize for winning would be your permission to let him do a body shot off you. a nod and a removal of your shirt later, you're laying on the beer pong table, lime in your mouth, vodka in your belly-button, and a long trail of salt up your stomach. luke would take him time being cheeky and making sure he got every last drop before trailing his warm tongue up your stomach, collecting the salt, and placing a string of kisses in the valley of your breasts until he'd leave a hickey on your neck and then took the lime out of your mouth with his, only for him to spit it out and catch you off guard by pulling your body up to his chest and planting his soft lips against yours AND then a chorus of hoots would erupt from the heated makeout session you two were having

college senior!ashton who tries to create a study group but it's really awkward at first when you're the only one that shows up and you're nervous because you didn't want to admit you needed help with your history class in the first place but having to listen to ashton read out some textbook in his sweet voice and trying to focus on anything other than the fact that you never realized how passionate he was about the subject and you were probably better off studying on your own but you couldn't bring yourself to leave his study group because he seemed so in love with teaching and mentoring and between the quick coffee breaks and the 2am cram study sessions you really started to fall for him and it wasn't until your finals came up when you started to worry because ashton would be graduating in a few short weeks and you couldn't let your relationship just stay as a mentorship so in a coffee and stress-induced blur you kissed him in the library and you weren't expecting him to pull you closer and tangle his hand in your hair but clearly his feelings had developed just as much as yours had

imagine recognizing photography major!mike, the quiet guy who sits in the back of your english class, at a coffee shop while he's asking your name for your coffee and when you tell him your name and he mutters "so that's your name, i've always just sorta thought of you as the pretty girl from english" and you smile at him as you hand him a $5 bill and he's blushing a ton and licking his lips and you just giggle, say thank you, and move out of the way so that he can attend to the next customer but when you get your coffee you see a number that you can only assume is his so you glance over at him and his face is flushed and he's mouthing call me at you so you nod and walk out sipping your coffee and smiling widely for the rest of the day

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