35. you're neighbors

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"woah, who's that?!" ashton asks, pointing out calum's window to you in your backyard. calum walks over and sees you getting out of your pool, water dripping from your bikini that showed off your body well. "oh, that's my neighbor, y/n." he smirks. "no fair! my neighbor is an old guy who almost never wears clothes." ashton pouts. "oh yeah I'm lucky. she works out almost every morning too." calum chuckles, going back to setting up the xbox. "have you ever talked to her?" the curly haired boy asks. "yeah, a few times. our rooms are across from each other so she waves at me." calum smiles, thinking of you smiling and waving at him from across your yards. he remembers seeing you straightening your long brown hair and using the light from your window to take cute selfies. "ummm you think I could stay the night here tonight?" ashton asks, making calum laugh. "why? so you can stare at y/n longer?" he stands up and grabs two controllers. "maybe." ashton giggles. "I don't care, but I don't think she's interested in anything in this house." calum sighs, handing his friend a controller. little did he know, you talked about calum to your friends in the same way. to you, he was the tall, attractive neighbor that sometimes waved from his bedroom window.

tap tap tap. smiling to yourself as you hear the familiar knock on your bedroom window, you walk over and open your curtains. there was your neighbor luke with a grocery bag, waiting for you to let him in from your balcony. you unlock the window and push it open. "what do we have tonight?" you ask as he climbs into your room. he opens up the grocery bag and starts dropping the food onto your bed. "starbucks, mocha flavor of course, gummy bears and kit kats." he smiles. "nice," you laugh and walk over to your tv. "wanna watch harry potter?" you ask. "we always watch harry potter." luke groans, plopping onto your bed. "because it's a series, idiot." you laugh and put in the deathly hallows part one dvd. you get comfy on your bed beside luke, grabbing a glass of starbucks. you two have been having these 'movie dates' ever since you were little. you were so happy that you moved into the house you were in, because you got to grow up and become best friends with luke hemmings.

most people would think having a drummer for a neighbor would be fun. having jam sessions with him, maybe even learning how to play yourself, but no. in reality, you hated having ashton irwin as your neighbor. he was a good drummer, but a loud one at that, and one that never did anything else besides practice. most of the time you could handle it. today was not one of those times, though. you had to stay home and study for your exam you knew nothing about and ashton drumming for the past two hours hasn't made it any easier. in fact, you were beginning to get a bit of a headache. finally, you sigh loudly and stand up. you clench your jaw and walk over to your neighbor's house, banging on the door so he could hear you over the drums. you hear his drumming stop and soft footsteps approaching the door. "can you please shut up?!" you immediately ask, tired of the noise. "oh, the drums?" ashton laughs and you nod. "sorry, love. i didn't know it upset you." he smiled, leaning against his front door and looking you up and down. "are you checking me out?" you cross your arms. "maybe." he smirks. "just keep it down would you?" you roll your eyes and begin making your way back to your own house. "hey!" ashton calls and you turn back around. "i'll try, but you know what they say. drummers do it louder."

you were tanning in your backyard when a soccer ball flies over your fence, hitting you in the leg. "ow!" you yell, taking your sunglasses off and looking around for where the ball came from. a head of red hair pops up from the other side of the fence. "sorry!" your neighbor says. you stand up and throw the ball back to him. "watch it." you glare at him, noticing he's the son of the couple who lives beside you. he was almost never home because of his job, but you couldn't remember what that was at the moment. "ooh, feisty," the boy wiggles his eyebrows, catching the ball. "and sexy." he continues, looking you up and down in your bikini. "where have you been all my life?" "here. where have you been?" you ask. "touring. i'm in a band. 5 seconds of summer." he smirks. "5 seconds of what?" you ask, making his smirk fade. "summer. i'm michael clifford. you've never heard of me?" the boy you now know as michael asks. "sorry to hurt your ego so much, but no," you tell him, laying back down on your lawn chair. "now, you're blocking my sun so move please." you say, flicking your hand at him. michael scoffs and laughs at your sassy attitude, but goes back to playing soccer. you smile to yourself, interested in talking to your conceited yet very attractive neighbor more.


i literally puked at the ending of luke's preference but i could not come up with a good ending to save my life

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