156. prom night (with photos)

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these are from various accounts on tumblr! enjoy :)


"Your prom king is Calum Hood!" the MC says and the students started clapping as he accepted his crown. "For your prom queen is....  (Y/N)." He announces and everyone clapped again. You smiled widely, before standing and walking up the stage stairs towards your boyfriend. Everyone started to stand and cheer as the crown was placed on your head. Calum looked at you smiling, taking your hand in his. "Alright, our king and queen will start off our first slow dance of the night, everyone should join in!" He says going back to the DJ booth and playing a song. You took a moment to recognize the slow love song. He put his other hand on your waist and pulled you close, swaying gently. "I love this song." You said and he smiles at you, "I love that I'm dancing with you." He says. "I'm glad I could dance with you too." You said, resting your forehead against his chest, continuing to sway to the music as people started to dance around you two. Calum kissed your head, making you look up at him, he took that advantage and kissed your lips. You could hear students cheering, obviously catching your affectionate moment. Calum smiles and wraps both of his arms around your waist. He presses his forehead against yours and you two continued to sway to the song until the very end.

 He presses his forehead against yours and you two continued to sway to the song until the very end

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You were about to start on your road trip with Luke. He told you he was taking you somewhere but not telling you where. "Where are we really going?" You ask impatiently. "I told you it's gonna be a surprise, now come on." You both got in the car, started up some tunes and drove. "Well, can you tell me what are we doing?" "No." "Why not?" You pouted. "Because I told you it was a surprise," as he pecked your lips. You just smiled at him. After driving up a mountain for a little while, you felt Luke stop the car as you arrived at your destination. You sat on top of a hill overlooking the city. "We're here." He said, getting out of the car. You got out and asked Luke, "So what are we gonna do here?" "Eat." He said simply. "Why'd you pick to eat here? We can eat at my house." "Thought you'd love the view." It was true, the view was gorgeous, it was late so a lot of lights was open. Luke was preparing the mat together with a basket of food he brought with him. "Shit." He cursed. "What?" You immediately looked back. "I think I forgot something, can you check the trunk for me?" You went to the car and open the trunk when a big amount of balloons flied around in the air. All of those balloons has the word "PROM?" on it. You turned around to look at Luke who was smiling widely and was wiggling his eyebrows to tease. But you nodded your head and ran to him to give him a huge hug.

 But you nodded your head and ran to him to give him a huge hug

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"Y/N!" your dad calls you from downstairs. You sigh, looking in the mirror one last time at your gorgeous prom dress. It was your dream dress, and your dream date was waiting for you downstairs. You grab your purse and walk downstairs, making a grand entrance into the living room. Your family smiles, seeing you all dressed up. But you were only focused on one face–your boyfriend's. Ashton's mouth hangs open, staring at you in awe. "Wow, you look so beautiful." He smiles, looking you up and down. "Let's take some pictures before you two run off!" Your mom says, holding up her phone. You pose with Ashton, smiling wide. "Alright, let's get going." You say after your mom takes a few photos. "Have fun!" Your little sister calls as you and Ash walk out the door, off to have the night of your lives.

michael"You look so beautiful (Y/N)

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"You look so beautiful (Y/N)...." Michael said rubbing your cheek with his thumb. "You look pretty handsome yourself Michael." You said obviously blushing, "so, are we going to dance?" You asked. "Mm, dance?" He says looking unsure. "Yes, you love to dance." You said tugging on his arm to stand up. He looks away slightly flustered, "Oh come on Michael, don't give me the 'I'm too punk rock to dance' card." You said tugging on him again. He smiles at you and stands up. You guided him to the dance floor in which everyone was jumping to a really fast beat. Eventually the song changed and the MC dedicated the song to the couples. You thought Michael wouldn't want to dance to a slow song so you were about to exit the dance floor, you felt his hand grab yours and him slowly pulling you back into his arms. You looked at him curiously, "you want to dance to a slow song?" "I would only dance with you (Y/N)..." He says before placing his hands on your hips. He started to softly sing along to the music, you smiled at him as he got really into the song. He smiles back at you before twirling you. He leaned down to kiss your forehead and continued to dance with you. A few seconds before the song ended he took a moment to look at you once more, you felt the blush forming on your cheeks. "I love you (Y/N), and I would love to always dance with you." You smiled back before going on your tip toes to kiss his cheek. You two were in a moment of your own, and that was what completed your night.

 You two were in a moment of your own, and that was what completed your night

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