122. "no one can know"

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"babe," your boyfriend whines as he walks through the door of his house. you looked away from the tv to his pouting face as he walks over to you. "what's up, baby?" you giggle. he drops his bag, takes off his jacket and lets it fall to the floor. you were laying on the couch with duke by your side, so calum crawls on top of you and lays down on your body. "oh okay." you laugh, your voice strained because of the weight on your chest. he buries his face in your neck as you wrap your arms around him, rubbing his back gently. "rough day at work, huh?" "mhm," he mumbles. "you think we can have a chill night and watch movies and cuddle and our paint nails?" he asks. "that sounds super fun! you're such a softie." you giggle, making his head shoot up. "no, don't say that!" he tells you. "why? you're so cute." you poke his cheek. "i have a reputation to uphold— i'm bad boy cal. no one can know i'm secretly soft." you laugh and kiss his lips softly. "whatever you say, hood."

"luke." you giggle from inside the small cupboard at michael's airbnb. "shh, babe. people might hear us." he whispers, giving you another peck. "so what?" you ask, running your hands up and down his chest. "no one can know we're together yet." he tells you. "it's tiring trying to hide our relationship. plus, i'm pretty everyone knows we like each other." you say. "you want to tell everyone then?" he asks. "yes please. i wanna kiss you out in the open, not in a dusty broom closet." you laugh. "okay, let's go tell them then." luke smiles, taking your hand and opening the door. you didn't get very far though, because michael was standing on the other side. "oh uh, hi mike. did you hear er—" "yes i did, and there's no need to make a big announcement. everyone already knows." he chuckles. "told you." you nudge your boyfriend. "we're playing a drinking game, come on!" michael says, "oh and please don't try to have sex in my house." he adds.

"whatcha making?" you ask, wrapping your arms around ashton's waist as you watch him tend to the grill. "my famous tacos." he smiles, adding some seasoning to the meat he's cooking. "need any help?" you ask. "i'd love your help, but you can't tell anyone." "i can't tell anyone that i helped you? why?" you laugh, confused by his words. "the guys have been trying to find out how i make these for years. if they find out you helped, they won't stop pestering you with questions, and no can know my secret recipe." ash explains. "or, you could you know, just tell them." you suggest. "this is the only thing i know how to make! they can't steal it from me. now, could you please pass the cilantro?" you giggle at your boyfriend and hand him the ingredients he asks for, enjoying your time together and making sure to keep the recipe a secret.

you leaned your head against your boyfriend's shoulder, sighing softly. "you okay?" he asks, wrapping his arm around you. "eh, i don't know." you mumble. "what's up?" "i'm just bored, sad, tired, hungry, in a funk." you tell him. "i think i can make you feel better." michael says, standing up from the couch. he holds out his hand and you stare at him through your tired, red eyes. "where are we going?" you sigh, taking his hand and getting up. "my secret spot." he smirks, grabbing his jacket and giving it to you. you put it on as you follow him out the door and to the car. after a few minutes of driving, you end up at the top of a mountain with a gorgeous view of the city of la. the sun was just now setting, so it cast a beautiful pinkish yellow color in the sky. "wow, this is beautiful." you say, getting out of the car to enjoy the view. "i come up here alot," michael says as he stands beside you. "but don't tell anyone. no one can know about our secret spot," he smiles. "now let's go get some in & out, yeah?"

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