145. you're in a car crash

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you swore there wasn't another car in sight. however, after reaching down to pick up your phone and being met with a collision, that obviously wasn't the case. that was 9 hours ago, and calum has waited by your bed ever since he got the call, hoping you'd wake up. surgery took a while due to all of the tiny shards of glass lodged in your skin, but you were on your way to a speedy recovery. stirring awake, you look around after your eyes adjust to the light and see your boyfriend asleep in the chair beside you. you smile softly, happy to wake up and see a familiar face, a face you're in love with. you let him sleep, not wanting to disrupt his relaxation, but he was soon awake and by your side. "babe i was so worried." he sighs, holding your hand in his tightly and kissing it. "you don't need to be. i'm fine, i'm here. and  promise i'm not going anywhere anytime soon." you smile softly. calum chuckles and nods. "alright." he says and places a soft kiss to your lips. "now get in this bed and cuddle me." you tell him, scooting over to make room for your boyfriend.

the bright lights, the blaring horn, the loud crash. the broken bones, the frightened screams, shattered glass. before you knew it, the car was in a ditch instead of on the road where it belonged. luke pushes his airbag out of the way as smoke begins to rise from the crumpled hood of the car. he looks over to see you, unconscious and leaning against the passenger side door. "y/n! y/n can you hear me?" he asks, leaning over and grabbing your arm. in an instant he felt a cold, wet substance on his hand. looking down, he realizes you're covered in blood. "oh my god," he breathes. as quickly as he could with his trembling hands, he grabs his phone from his pocket and dials 911. the ambulance arrives a few minutes later. by then, luke had gotten out of the car and limped over to your side. you still weren't responsive, but you were breathing. the paramedics take you both to the emergency room, but because of the difference in severity of the injuries, you were separated. it was an hour before a doctor came into luke's hospital room. the boys had made it there by then, and were all eagerly waiting to hear about you. "is she okay? how bad was it?" luke asks, sitting up carefully as his leg was in a cast. "mr hemmings..." the doctor begins. "i'm terribly sorry, but y/n didn't make it."

"if i had just went and picked up harry like i was supposed to, this wouldn't have happened." you hear faint voices talking as you slowly stir awake. "don't beat yourself up about this, ashton. i'm going back to harry's room. the doctor said they could start waking up any minute now." a woman says. you didn't recognize their voices, by everything was still hazy and foreign to you in this moment. you tried to open your eyes but were met with bright white lights shining down on you. you wince and shuffle in your spot on the bed, gaining attention from ashton. "y/n! you're awake!" he sighs in relief, rushing to your side. you slowly open your eyes again as they adjust to the light and manage to reply with a "mhm". "how are you feeling?" ashton asks. "like i got hit by a truck. what happened?" you ask. "well, you literally got hit by a truck." he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "oh," you raise your eyebrows. "and um, who are you?" you ask the boy, making him grow pale. "what?" he asks, his expression falling. "are you my nurse?" you ask, trying to figure out why he was in your room. "you don't remember me?" ashton asks in disbelief. you study his face, trying to pick up on any familiar feature, but ultimately shake your head. "sorry, no."

"flashing back to new york city!" you belt out. "changing flights so you'd stay with me!" you turn to the drivers side where michael sat and pointed at him, making him chuckle. "remember thinking that i got this right!" you giggle as you sing the next line. "now i," you start, holding your pretend microphone then pass it to your boyfriend so he can sing too. "wish we never met, cause you're too hard to forget. while i'm cleaning up your mess i know he's taking off your dress." he sings, looking you up and down and giving you a nod as if he's singing about you. "and i know that you don't but if i ask you if you love me," you move the 'microphone' to the space in between you and michael, calling for a duet. you both lean in, singing into your hand, eyes focused on each other. "i hope you lie lie lie lie lie to—" before the two of you could finish, you're jerked out of your seat at the sound of a loud crash. you heard car alarms going off, smelled smoke and couldn't see anything due to blurry vision. your head was spinning and you felt pain everywhere. "y/n!" you hear michael's strainer voice yelling in the distance. however, it was the last thing you heard for a long time as your world went black and silent.

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