174. he releases his own album

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inspired by superbloom by ashton & luke's new single :)


"babe?" calum asks, walking out of his room and into the living room where you sat with duke. you took off your reading glasses and smiled at him. "yeah?" "i have something to show you." he bites his lip, a mixture of nervousness and giddiness running through his veins as he walks over and sits beside you. he pulls up a folder on his macbook and shows you nine audio files, each with an interesting name. "what's this?" you ask, looking between him and the screen. "my solo album." he replies. you blink and your jaw drops, immediately overwhelmed with surprise, confusion and excitement. "what? how did you— oh my god! when?" you try to form a coherent sentence as calum laughs. "i've been working on it over the past few months. this is what i would work on while you were at work or when me and the guys would take a trip." he explains. "why didn't you tell me sooner?" you ask. "i wanted to keep it a surprise in case it sucked." he chuckles. "hey, you're an amazing songwriter," you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly. "so let me hear these amazing songs." "alright." he smiles at you, already feeling overjoyed that you were so proud of his work. he opens the first file, presses play and the beginning of the 'daydream' album by calum hood begins to play.

you watch as your boyfriend comes out of his studio, sighing with contentment. "it's done." he speaks. you raise your eyebrows, looking up from your phone. "you're finished with your album?" you ask, a small smile curling up the corner of your mouth. "mhm," he nods, smiling softly. "want to hear it?" "absolutely!" you squeal, quickly getting up from the couch and following him back into the studio. luke giggles and sits down at his computer, playing the first track for you. you smile as you beside him and listen intently to the song, it's lyrics and the layers of sound. the first song turns into the second, and the second, the third and an hour later, you've listened to the entire album. by the end, you were in tears and luke notices. "babe, what's wrong?!" he chuckles, turning towards you in his rolling chair and wiping away the tears on your cheeks. "it's just so amazing." you laugh and sniffle. "thank you, babe." luke smiles, tilting his head and looking at you with love. "no like really, i'm so proud of you. you're so talented and so brave for creating these songs and putting your emotions out there. you've come so far from hemmo1996." you smile, sincere in all of your words. "i love you so much." luke says and kisses you gently. "i love you too, my little pop star."

you sat on the floor in the living room of your shared house along with ashton, luke, calum and michael. all five of you sit in silence as the last chords on perfect lie play out, signaling the end of ashton's new solo album. you had watched him every day during quarantine make the most of the at home situation by turning his boredom into art. he worked so hard and passionately for the past few months to write, record, produce and finalize his very own record, and you couldn't be more proud of him. "wow." michael was the first to speak up. "ash, that is incredible." calum nods, looking at his best friend. "yeah?" ashton asks, raising his eyebrows. "definitely." you smile at your boyfriend. "it's so raw and honest." michael explains. "well i wanted to be fully transparent with myself, my friends and our fans." he replies. "i wish i could write something this brave. the lyrics are genius and the sound is so unique. i love it, mate." luke says. "you guys are gonna make me cry." ashton laughs, almost tearing up at the amazing feedback from his best friends. "sunshine and drive are my favorite." you say, hugging your knees. "of course drive would be your favorite, it's about you." michael laughs. "yes it is, and i can't wait for the rest of the world to hear just how amazing it and every other song here is." you smile.

"i'm gonna go get some more punch, does anyone else want anything?" you ask the group of friends you were talking to. "i'm good." sierra tells you. "nope." roy shakes his head. "alright, i'll see you guys later." you walk off into the kitchen and see your boyfriend grabbing more punch of his own. "hey there, superstar." you smile coming up behind him and wrapping placing your hand on his shoulder. "do you think everyone is enjoying the party?" he asks, turning around to face you. "yeah, why wouldn't they be?" you reply, setting your red solo cup on the counter. "i dunno." michael shrugs, looking into his drink. "hey," you run your hands up and down his chest. "is something wrong? do you want to leave?" "no no it's not that. i'm really happy everyone is here, i just wonder if they're happy for me too." he admits, his voice sounding soft. "of course they're happy, babe. these are your best friends." you chuckle at his tendency to overthink. "it's just... it's my own record away from the guys. it's a different sound and i really want people to like it." michael explains. "look," you say, turning michael around so he can see all of the people who showed up for the release party of his solo project. "everyone is here for you. everyone loves you and what you've put out into the world. your friends, your fans, especially me, but as long as you love it, that's what matters." you tell him. michael blushes softly and smiles wide, looking at you in total admiration. "you're so sexy when you make me feel better." he chuckles. "and you're so sexy when you follow your dreams. now let's hear one of those live performances you told everyone about, hm?"

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