Pokémon Battle! Mach Style!

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                             Mitch and Charizard continue their way through the large grassland. As they walk in silence, enjoying the scenery they are suddenly stopped in their tracks by a bunch of shouts, " Stop," " Chop," " Choke," " Champ."  The two of them look ahead to see 3 Black Belt trainers and their Machop, Machoke, and Machamp. " I'm Bo," the youngest one ( he looks like the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Youngster, but wearing a Black Belt outfit)  says as his Machop shouts " Chopp, Chop." " I'm Bob," the second youngest one( he looks like the Black and White Black Belt" shouts as his Machoke shouts " Chokkke." " I'm Buford," the oldest one( he looks like the Heartgold and Soulsilver Black Belt)  says as his Machamp nods. " I'm Mitch and I'm guessing that you guys are looking for a battle," he says as Charizard gets into a battle stance while roaring, " Zaaaaaard." 

                 Buford puts his hand up at Charizard to calm it down as he says " Yes, but we are only looking to battle against other Fighting Types. We want you to face all three of us in a one on one battle using the same Fighting type without a chance to heal in between each battle. We see as not only a way for us to train, but also help train other trainers and test out how far their Pokémon can go without a rest. If you accept, you will battle Bo first, them Bob, and finally, me." " Okay, I accept your challenge," Mitch shouts as he holds up a Poke Ball and Bo and his Machop step forward to battle him. " Mankey, I choose you," Mitch shouts as he throws the ball into the air and Mankey lands in the battlefield.( from this chapter on, Mitch will have a slightly different party almost every time) " Mank, Mank, Key, Mankey, " it shouts as it jumps up and down and Mitch uses his Pokedex on Machop. " Machop, the Superpower Pokémon, it loves to work out and build its muscles. It is never satisfied, even if it trains hard all day long." " Use Scratch," Mitch shouts as Mankey jumps at Machop with its right claws glowing white. " Use Duel Chop," Bo shouts as both of Machop's arms glow with purple dragon energy and it chops at Mankey's Scratch with its left arm, canceling out the attack, and chops it across the face with its other arm. " Keeeeeey," it shouts as it stumbles backwards and Bo shouts " hit it with Mega Kick." "Maaaaachoooop," it shouts as its right leg briefly glows white and it jumps forward to kick Mankey. " Roll out of the way and use Low Kick," Mitch commands as Mankey dodges the Mega Kick, which apparently causes Machop to take a little damage as it winces in pain upon impact, and kicks Machop in the left leg with its glowing white leg. " Maaaaachoop," it shouts as in grabs rubs the part of its leg that was hit and Mitch yells " Use Fury Swipes." " Maaaaaankeeeeey," it shouts as its claws glow white and extend a little bit as it begins to rapidly and repeatedly slash its claws across Machop's face. Bo gets a nervous look on his face and shouts, " use Vital Throw," as Machop grabs Mankey and tosses it over its back. " Keeeey," it shouts as it lands face first in the dirt and Bo yells " Use Karate Chop." " Maaaaachooop," it shout as forms its right hand into chop position and it glows white as it jumps at the getting to its feet Mankey. " Dodge and use your Karate Chop," Mitch commands as Mankey jumps out of the way and hits Machop in the side with its Karate Chop. " Now use Low Kick," Mitch shouts as Mankey kicks Machop in the face with its glowing white leg. " Maaaaachooppp," it shouts as it falls backwards and hits the ground with spirals in its eyes. " Looks like win number one for you," Bo shouts as he returns Machop and Bob and Machoke step forward to take their place. 

                             " Machoke, the Superpower Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Machop, Machoke undertakes bodybuilding every day even as it helps people with tough, physically demanding labor. On its days off, this Pokémon heads to the fields and mountains to exercise and train." " Use Karate Chop," Mitch shouts as Mankey runs forward with its hand glowing. " Counter with Vital Throw and then use Seismic Toss," Bob commands as Machoke grabs  Mankey by its Karate Chop hand, stopping the attack, and tosses it over its back. " Mankeeey," it shouts as it once again lands face first in the dirt, but before it has time to recover, Machoke grabs it in both of its arms, jumps into the air, and begins to spin around very fast. " Maaaaaaachokkkkkke," it shouts as it stops spinning and throws Mankey towards the ground. " Maaaaankkk," it shouts as it hits the ground and Bob yells, " use Mega Punch." " Machoke jumps at Mankey and prepares to punch it, but Mitch yells, " Use Swagger." " Maaaankey," it shouts as it crosses its arms and its body becomes temporarily outlined with red energy before it spits a small white cloud out of its mouth. The cloud hits Machoke in the face causing spinning spirals to appear in its eyes and making its Mega Punch miss. A confused Machoke begins to stumble around as Bob yells, " Come on, Machoke, snap out of it," only for Machoke to punch itself in the left knee with Mega Punch as Mitch shouts, " Use Karate Chop and then Fury Swipes." " Maaaaaankeeey," it shouts as it rushes forward and Karate Chops Machoke on the right shoulder before it begins to rapidly and repeatedly swipe it across the face with Fury Swipes. However, about two minutes into the Fury Swipes attack, Machoke snaps out of its confusion, grabs both of Mankey's hands with its left hand, and hits it in the face with Mega Punch using its right hand. " Maaaaaankeeeeeey," it shouts as it flies backwards and lands on its face in front of Mitch. However, a very angry looking Mankey jumps back to its feet as its body glows with crimson red energy. The energy fades away and Mankey quickly runs forward and powerfully Karate Chops Machoke in the face. " What was that," Mitch asks as he pulls out his Pokedex. " Anger Point, this ability is activated when the Pokémon that has it receives a critical hit. Its Attack stat is increased by this ability." " That's a really cool ability," he says as he puts his Pokedex away( who knows maybe another one of of Mitch's Pokémon has Anger Point as its ability) and shouts " use Low Kick and then Mega Punch." " Maaaankeyyyy," it shouts as it kicks Machoke in the chest, knocking it down on one knee, and then gives it a Mega Punch uppercut. " Chooooookkkkkke," it cries as it falls over on its side with spirals in its eyes. " That's win numer two, but Mankey is definitely getting tired. There's a very small chance that you can beat my big brother," Bob says as he returns Machoke and Buford and Machamp walk forward for their turn. 

                   " Machamp, the Superpower Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Machoke and the final Evolved Form of Machop, Machamp is known as the Pokémon that has mastered every kind of martial arts. If it grabs hold of the foe with its four arms, the battle is all but over. The hapless foe is thrown far over the horizon." Mitch winces after hearing that last part as he puts his Pokedex away and looks forward at a panting Mankey. " Mankey, are you okay to go, we can stop if you want to."  The panting and tired turns at Mitch and yells, " Maaaaaaaaaaaaaankkkkeeey," before quickly jumping forward and using Scratch to hit Machamp in the face. Machamp runs its face as Mankey lands on its feet in front of Mitch before it turns and grins at him. " I'll take that as a no! Use Mega Punch," he yells as Mankey rushes forward to and punches Machamp in the face as Mitch yells, " Use Low Kick." Mankey quickly turns around and kicks Machamp in the chest with its glowing white leg. Machamp is knocked back a couple inches as it grins and chuckles, " Chaaaaampp." " Vital Throw," Buford says as Machamp grabs Mankey with all four of its arms and tosses it over its back. Once again, Mankey lands face first in the dirt and slowly gets back on its feet as Buford yells, " use Dynamic Punch," and Mitch yells, " Use Mega Punch!" " Maaaaaaaachaaaaaaaamp," it screams as its right bottom fist begins to glow crimson red and it jumps forward to punch Mankey as it jumps with its fist outstreched at Machamp. The two of them pass each other mid air and punch each other across the face before they land in front of their trainers. However, Machamp lands on its feet while wincing a little while Mankey lands on its belly and struggles to push itself up. " Come on, Mankey, get up, you can do it," Mitch shouts as Charizard roars a " Zaaaaard, Zaard," in encouragement. " Finish it with Fling," Buford shouts as an anxious Mitch imagines an image of Mankey getting thrown into the horizon. Machamp walks forward and grabs the badly injured Mankey with all four of its arms, but before he has time to get into a throwing position, Mankey's body begins to glow with a blinding white light. Machamp is forced to drop Mankey to shield its eyes from the light. After a few seconds, the light stops and an aggressive looking Primeape stands in Mankey's place. " Primeape, the Pig Monkey Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Mankey, it will never forgive opponents who have angered it. Even after it has beaten them down until they can't move, it never ever forgives." " Primmmeaaaaapppppe," it shouts as its arms glow white and it uses them to form an X before it hits Machamp in the face with them. " Maaaaaachaaaaaammmp," it shouts as it stumbles backwards and falls down on one knee. " You evolved and learned Cross Chop," Mitch excitedly shouts as Primeape briefly turns and smiles at him before it turns back to face Machamp. Machamp gets back to its feet as Buford yells, " use Dynamic Punch," and Mitch yells, " Use Focus Punch." Machamp's glowing red fist and Primeape's glowing white fist collide with each other as the two Fighting Types struggle to push each other back. " Machamp use Focus Punch with one of your other arms," Buford shouts as Machamp's top left fist begins to glow white, but Mitch yells, " Use Low Kick," before it has time to complete the attack. " Priiiiiiimeaaaaape," it shouts as it kicks Machamp across its right knee with its glowing white leg causing it to trip and allowing Primeape to uppercut it with Focus Punch. " Maaaaaachaaamp," it painfully shouts as it falls backwards and hits the ground with a loud thud. " Chaaaamp," it weakly says as it tries to stand up, but is unable to as it stays on the ground and spirals appear in its eyes.

                        " Primmmmmmeaaaaaape," it cries in victory as Buford returns his defeated Pokémon. Mitch runs up to Primeape and gives the newly evolved Pokémon a big hug. " Great job, Primeape, you did great! " Prime, Prime, Primeape, Prime," it happily shouts as the three Black Belt brothers walk up to them. " Yes, it did do great and now both you and Primeape are a little bit stronger," Buford says as he and his younger brothers respectfully bow to Mitch and he, Primeape, and Charizard do the same back to them.    


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