The Smell of Victree

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                A beautiful view of the ocean sunrise is shown as it pans over to an island that is covered in forested wetland. On this island, Mitch and his party, which currently consists of Charizard, Lapras, Seadra, Snorlax, Haunter, and Pinsir, sit on the top of a hill overlooking the ocean.  Charizard, Lapras, Haunter, and Pinsir sit on the edge of the cliff and watch the sunrise, Seadra helps Mitch put out the remains of their campfire from the previous night, and Snorlax, unsurprisingly, is asleep. Mitch and Seadra finish putting out the fire and Mitch is about to pack up the tent and the other camping materials when a strange smell begins to waft through the area.  

          The scent catches the attention of all six of Mitch's Pokémon, to the point that it awakens Snorlax from its death like slumber. They all go into a hypnotized like trance and begin to walk/crawl/float/hop in the direction of the forest. " What are you guys doing? Weird, that kind of smells like..... honey?" Suddenly, Mitch remembers the many warnings that he received when he was younger. Warnings about a Pokémon that lures its prey near it with a scent that smells like honey and then devours them when they get close enough to grab.  He quickly grabs two pots and slams them together a few times, snapping all six of his Pokémon out of their trance as they look at each other and then back at him with confused looks on their faces.  " Come out, come out and fight. Stop being a coward," Mitch shouts into the woods as he walks up beside his still confused party.  

                The bushes begin to shake and something jumps out of them and into the open. " Victreeeeeeeeeeee," an angry Victreebel shouts as it gives Mitch a death glare. " Victreebel, the Flycatcher Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Weepinbell and the final Evolved Form of Bellsprout, this horrifying plant Pokémon attracts prey with aromatic honey, then melts them in its mouth." Upon hearing that last part, Mitch's party all get angry looks on their faces upon realizing that they were about to be eaten.  " Wanna teach it a lesson," Mitch asks as they all nod in agreement. " Okay, Pinsir, attack with Bug Bite," Mitch commands as Pinsir runs at Victreebel with its mouth glowing yellowish green.  " Victttttreeeee," it shouts as its vine glows bright green and lashes out at the incoming Bug Type. " Stop using Bug Bite and counter that Power Whip with Vice Grip," Mitch shouts as Pinsir stops running and catches the Power Whip between its pincers causing Victreebel to scream " Beeeeeeel," in pain. " Now use Vital Throw,"  Mitch yells as " Piiiiiiinsiiiirrr," Pinsir grabs Victreebel and tosses it over its shoulder. " Beeeel," it yells as it lands face first in the dirt, but it quickly jumps back up and uses its vine to form a tornado of dark green leaves. The Leaf Tornado sucks Pinsir in and begins to spin it around as the leaves slam into it.  " Piiiiiiinnnn," Pinsir shouts as it is slammed into a nearby boulder by the Grass Type attack.  

                     " Pinsir, take a break. Snorlax, use Focus Punch," Mitch says as Snorlax rushes forward with its right fist glowing white and Victreebel's right leaf glows bright green and sharpens into a point as it jumps forward. Snorlax's Focus Punch and Victreebel's Leaf Blade briefly collide and cancel each other out as both Pokémon return to their original positions. " Use Headbutt," Mitch commands as Snorlax runs forward with its head pointing at Victreebel. " Beeeeeeel," it shouts as it fires a white powder out of its mouth. Snorlax breathes in the Sleep Powder and falls flat on its face, fast asleep. Mitch's five other Pokémon sweat drop as Mitch exclaims, " Oh, come on! You found Snorlax's biggest weakness: the fact that it looks for any excuse to sleep!" Mitch returns the snoozing Snorlax to its Poke Ball before turning to his party. " Haunter, do you want to give it a try?"

            " Hhhaunt, Ter, Haunter, Haunt," it shouts as it floats forward to face the still angry Victreebel. " Use Dark Pulse," Mitch shouts as both of Haunter's hands glow dark black and it slams them on the ground sending a big wave of dark black energy towards its opponent. Victreebel tries to jump out of the way of the Dark Type move, but fails and ends up being knocked into a nearby tree by the attack, " Vicccc," it shouts upon impact.  " Use Lick," Mitch shouts as Haunter floats forward with its tongue outstretched, but before the move hits, Victreebel has enough time to recover and it manages to slam a Power Whip into Haunter's face. " Haaaunt, Haunter, Haunt," it shouts as it uses both of its hands to rub its hurting face. " Try Thunder Punch," Mitch commands as Haunter covers its right fist in electricity and flies at Victreebel. " Beeeeel," the Grass/Poison type shouts as it fires another Sleep Powder out of its mouth. Haunter barely manages to dodge the attack, slams Thunder Punch into the small space between Victreebel's two eyes, and quickly floats back to its original position. Victreebel winces in pain from the attack as Mitch shouts, " Okay, if it can play the sleep card, so can we. Use Hypnosis!" " Hhhhaaaaaunt," it shouts as it fires a bunch of black circles out of its eyes that expand as they get closer to their target. 

          " Beeeel," Victreebel whispers as the attack causes it to fall asleep. " Now Use Nightmare," Mitch commands as " Hhhhhhhaunnnnnteeeeer," its body briefly glows dark black and a much more larger and demonic looking version of Haunter flies out of its body and into Victreebel. Victreebel's body begins to glow dark purple as it fearfully cries out, " Bellllllll, Bellllll, Vicccccc," in its sleep. Eventually, its body stops glowing as the Nightmare fades away and spirals appear in Victreebel's eyes.  " Go, Poke Ball," Mitch shouts as he throws an empty ball at the defeated Victreebel and his party stares in shock and confusion.

               Victreebel is sucked inside the ball and it shakes for about two minutes before the capture noise goes off.  " Zard," " Haunt," " Lap," " Pin," " Dra," they all shout in confusion as Mitch uses the button on his Pokedex to send Victreebel to Professor Oak's Lab. Mitch turns around to see his party giving him death glares. " What? Oh, was it the whole it wanted to eat us thing that has got you guys so upset?"   

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