Pewter City's Aerodactyl Rampage!

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                                An aerial view of Pewter City is shown before it pans inside the Pokémon Center to show Nurse Joy handing Mitch a tray of six Poke Balls. " Your Pokémon are back to full health. We hope to see you again," she replies with a smile. " Thanks, Nurse Joy," Mitch replies before taking five balls off the tray and putting them on his belt. He then takes the sixth ball and throws in into the air. " Zaard," a refreshed looking Charizard shouts as it appears next to Mitch. " Ready to go do some more training," he says as the Fire/Flying type eagerly grins and nods its head.

                       The doors to the Pokémon Center open as a familiar face walks up to the counter: Brock the Pewter City Gym Leader. " Ah, Brock, perfect timing. Your Geodude, Onix, and Rhyhorn are back to full health and they're ready for your next battle," Nurse Joy says as she sits a tray of one Poke Ball and two Great Balls on the counter. " Thank you," he says while putting the balls on his belt before turning to Mitch and giving him a friendly smile. " Mitch Harper, I see that you're back in Pewter City. Sure is great to see you. I see that your Charmander has managed to become a Charizard," Brock says as Mitch stares at him in shock. " You remember us," Mitch asks with a confused look on his face. " I remember every trainer that has defeated me in battle. I was actually about to head over to the Pewter Museum of Science. Would you like to come with me?" " Pewter Museum of Science? What's going on there?" " An Old Amber fossil containing Aerodactyl DNA was recently discovered in a nearby mine by one of the scientists that works there. They were planning to use the Fossil Restoration Machine that they have there to try  to revive it." " That sounds amazing! We would love to come with you!"


                        Mitch, Brock, and Charizard stand in front of a large glass widow that shows a view of a lab. A large group of scientists sit at computers and type in commands as a mechanical arm picks up an object that looks like a gold, translucent rock. " Is that an Old Amber," Mitch asks while turning to face Brock. Brock nods his head as Mitch asks another question, " How many extinct Pokémon has this museum managed to revive?" " Oh, probably hundreds. They give them out to any trainer that wants them. The Kabutops and Omastar that I use in my battles against challengers with six or more gym badges were revived from this museum." The mechanical arm places the Old Amber into a very large machine that has a large hole in the bottom of it, which connects to a conveyer belt. The machine closes up and the inside of it begins to glow and after a few seconds, the conveyer belt starts moving and a confused looking Aerodactly comes out of the hole in the bottom of the machine. 

                " Dact," the confused Rock/Flying type says as the scientists hop up from their computers and go over to great it. However, this Aerodactyl appears to have a severe case of enochlophobia, that or it's just a little terrified and confused after being brought back to life in a strange time and place surrounded by a bunch of creatures that didn't exist when its kind ruled the skies of Kanto with iron talons, as it starts screeching when the scientists get too close. " Dactyl, Dact, Aero, Dact, Dact, Dact," it roars before summoning a bunch of old looking and eroded rocks out of thin air. " Aerooooooo," it shouts while firing the Ancient Power at the ceiling, destroying part of it. " Daaaaaaaactyl," it shouts as it takes flight and flies out of the museum via the large hole in the ceiling that its attack created. The scientists look on in shock and horror as Mitch, Brock, and Charizard rush outside.

                     They exit the museum to see a still confused and scared Aerodactyl panicking and causing mayhem by firing off Ancient Powers and Air Cutters in multiple different directions. " I think the best way to stop it is to knock it out and catch it. What do you say, Mitch: Want to team up?" " Team up with a Gym Leader? You bet I'm not passing up on that opportunity," Mitch exclaims as Charizard prepares to fly into the air, but is halted by Mitch putting his hand up. " Sorry, Charizard, but you have a severe type disadvantage here. Do you think you can sit this one out and give somebody else a try? Charizard nods its head and backs away as Brock says, "well, look at that, you've come a long way for somebody that used a Weedle and a Charmander against a Rock Type Gym Leader." " You bet I have. Now, we going to do this or what," Mitch asks as he grabs a Poke Ball from his belt. " Thought you would never ask," Brock says while holding up one of his Great Balls. " I choose you," they both shout while throwing their respective balls into the air. 

                   " Poli, Poli, Poliwag," " Onix, On, Onix," Mitch's Poliwag and Brock's Onix appear in front of their trainers. " Wow, your Onix looks a lot stronger than it did when I battled it. Hold up, I seem to remember you keeping your Onix in a Poke Ball, not a Great Ball." " That's because this is a different Onix. It's a stronger one that I use against more experienced trainers. Enough talk, we have to stop Aerodactyl before it does any more damage to the city. Onix, attack with Rock Slide!" " Onnnnnnnnnnn," it shouts as it summons a bunch of rocks above Aerodactyl that fall down on it and knock it to the ground. At first, it looks like Aerodactyl has been defeated in one hit, until " Dacttttttttt," it breaks free from the rocks and shoots a medium sized stream of fire out of its mouth. " Poliwag, counter that Flamethrower with Water Gun," Mitch hollers as Poliwag fires a medium sized stream of water from its mouth. The Flamethrower and Water Gun collide and create a cloud of steam allowing Aerodactyl to sneak in close and slam its metal coated head into Brock's Onix. " Niiiiiixxxxxx," it shouts as the Super Effective Iron Head knocks it back, but it quickly recovers as Brock yells, " Use Dragon Breath!" " Oniiiiiixxxxx," it shouts while firing a stream of bright green energy from its mouth. " Aerodactyl quickly avoids the attack and once again, slams an Iron Head into Onix. Onix is left stunned by the attack, allowing Aerodactyl to hit it in the face with Ancient Power. 

                         " Niiiiiiiixxxx," Onix shouts as it falls to the ground and struggles to get up while Aerodactyl begins to shoot a Flamethrower at it. " Poliwag, protect Onix, use Water Gun," Mitch commands. " Waaaaaaaag," Poliwag shouts while protectively jumping in front of Onix and firing the medium sized stream of water from its mouth. The attacks once again create a cloud of steam upon impact, which once again allows Aerodactly to move in close and bite down on Poliwag with its electricity coated teeth. " Waaaaaaaaaaaaggggg," it shouts in pain from the Super Effective Thunder Fang. Aerodactyl keeps biting down on Poliwag with its attack, causing more and more damage to Poliwag. However, Aerodactyl is forced to let go when Poliwag's body begins to glow in a blinding white light. " Dact," it shouts as it uses its wings to shield its eyes from the light.  

                     " Eventually, the light fades and Mitch's Newly Evolved Poliwhirl shouts, " Pooooooliiiiiiiiwhiiiiirlllll!"  " Aerooooooodaaaaaaaactyyyyl," it shouts back while charging at Poliwhirl with another Thunder Fang. " Okay, Poliwhirl, according to my Pokedex, you learned a new move upon evolution. Let's try it out: Use Hydro Pump!" " Poooooooliiiiiii," it shouts as it fires a very large stream of water from its mouth. The powerful Water Type move hits Aerodactyl in the face and sends it flying backwards. " Aeeeeeerooooooo," it shouts as it gets slammed into a small hill, knocking it out on impact. " Poke Ball, go," Mitch hollers as he throws an empty Poke Ball at the defeated Fossil Pokémon. 

                   The ball hits Aerodactyl on the left wing and sucks it inside. It shakes for over five minutes before the capture noise goes off. " Yes, I caught an Aerodactyl," Mitch shouts as he jumps up in down in excitement, causing Poliwhirl and Charizard to look away in embarrassment. Mitch walks up to the ball containing his new Pokemon and uses the P.C. button on his Pokedex to send it to Professor Oak's Lab before walking back to where Brock and his now recovered Onix are standing. " Excellent work, you have really shown me just how much you have grown since I last saw you. I wish you luck in the Indigo League," Brock says as he and Onix bow in respect to Mitch. Mitch smiles as he, Charizard, and Poliwhirl bow back. 

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