The Samurai of Viridian Forest

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               An aerial view of the Viridian Forest is shown as it pans across the sky and stops as we see a grassy clearing that is near the end of the forest. It then zooms in to show Mitch laying on his back in the field while looking up at the sky. Weedle takes a nap next to him while Charmander and Mankey chase each other around and Pidgey stretches its wings by flying around in a big circle around the clearing. A loud snap is heard from the forest behind them causing Mitch to jolt up, waking Weedle up in the process, Pidgey to fly down and land on a rock next to Weedle, and Charmander and Mankey to stop running.

            A short person wearing a strange hat, a red and black short, blue shorts, sandals, a bug catcher net on his back, and carrying a sharp sword steps out of the forest and into the clearing.  He takes a quick look around at Mitch's party before saying " so, I take it that since you have a Charmander, that would make you Mitch, one of the new trainers that left Pallet Town a few days ago." Mitch briefly looks over at Charmander before responding " Yeah, that's me,"  " My name is Samurai and I like to battle new Pokemon trainers, not only does it help me train, but it also tests out the battling skills of new trainers and shows them the things that they need to improve on. I have already fought and lost to Joe and Alexandra, so what do you say, you up for a battle," he asks while holding up a Poke Ball. Mitch looks over at his party and they all eagerly grin at him. " Ok, that's fine with me. Let's do this," he exclaims. " Very well, each of us will you use two Pokemon," he explains " That's fine with me," Mitch replies.

             " Excellent, go Pinsir," he yells while throwing a Poke ball. " Pinsiiiiiirrrrrrrr," Samurai's Pinsir yells as Mitch takes out his Pokedex. " Pinsir, the Stag Beetle Pokemon, though Pinsir is tough, it can't cope with cold weather. Its horns can lift a much larger foe or topple a tree." " A Bug type, go Pidgey," Mitch orders. "Piddddgeeeeey," it yells as if flies in front of Mitch and prepares itself for a fight. " Pinsir, use Brick Break," Samurai yells as Pinsir bends its arm into an odd angle and it starts glowing white. " Pinsiiiiiirrrrrr," it yells as if runs forward to strike Pidgey. "Pidgey, counter that with Gust," Mitch yells as Pidgey flaps up a small gust of wind with its wings and sends it towards Pinsir. Pinsir is blown back by the wind, stopping Brick Break, and ends up being blown into a large rock. " Pidgey, use Wing Attack," Mitch orders as both of Pidgey's wings glow white and it flies at Pinsir while yelling " Piddddddgeeeeeey." Pidgey prepares to strike Pinsir with one of its wings when " Pinsir, use Vice Grip," Pinsir clamps both of its pincers down on Pidgey's wing, trapping it. " Pid, Pid, Pid, Pid, Pidgey, Pid, Pid, Pidgey," it yells as it struggles to free itself. " Now, use Seismic Toss," Samurai orders as Pinsir begins to shake its head around.  It releases Pidgey from its pincers, quickly grabs Pidgey in its arms, jumps into the air and starts spinning around before it throws Pidgey to the ground. Pidgey bounces across the ground and lands at Mitch's feet. 

             Pidgey struggles to get back up as Mitch bends down and says " Pidgey, are you still good to battle," Pidgey looks up at Mitch with a determined look on its face " Pid, Pid, Pidgey," it says as it gets up and flies back into the air. " Use Quick Attack," Mitch yells as Pidgey flies forward very fast with a white line of energy being left behind it. Pidgey hits Pinsir and the force of the impact sends Pinsir flying. Pinsir doesn't stop until it hits a tree so hard that the tree is cracked from the force of the impact. " Holy Tauros, great job, Pidgey," Mitch exclaims. Pidgey turns around to respond, but before it can, " Pinsir, use Brick Break," Pinsir jumps and sends Pidgey flying to the ground with its attack and before it has time to recover  " Now, use Guillotine."  " Pinsir, Pinsirrrrrrr,'' it screams as its pincers glow white and it fire off two white objects that are in the same shape of its pincers. One goes to the left of Pidgey and the other goes to the right of Pidgey before both objects strike Pidgey in the side of its neck at the same time. As the cloud of dust made from the attack clears, Pidgey lays motionless on the ground with spirals in its eyes. 

             " Your Pidgey is beaten, but it did put up a great fight," Samurai says as Mitch returns Pidgey to its ball. " Great job, Pidgey," he says before turning to his three other Pokemon. " Charmander, I choose you," he shouts as Charmander runs out in front of him while screaming " Chaaaaaarmmaaaaander." " Ok, attack with Headbutt," Mitch orders as Charmander jumps headfirst at Pinsir. "Pinsirrr, Sir," it yells out in pain as Charmander headbutts it directly in the face. Pinsir stumbles backwards in a dazed state as Mitch screams " Use Ember," " Charrmaaaaander," it screams as it shoots many little balls of fire out of its mouth. The fireballs hit Pinsir as it screams in pain before falling over on its back as spirals appear in its eyes. " Excellent work for someone so new at this," Samurai compliments while returning Pinsir and pulling out another Poke Ball.  " Thanks, I guess we're all tied up for now," Mitch replies. " Yes, it would appear so. Now, let's finish this," Samurai yells as as he throws the ball containing his second and last Pokemon as Mitch prepares his Pokedex to scan whatever it is. 

            " Metapod, the Cocoon Pokemon, the evolved form of Caterpie, inside Metapod's hard shell, its body is soft and vulnerable. It takes care not to move around too much or get into serious battles for fear of breaking the shell."  " " Another Bug type, Use Scratch," Mitch orders as Charmander charges at Metapod with its right claw glowing white. ''Use Harden," Samurai says as Metapod briefly glows white. Charmander's Scratch attack lands, but it just bounces off of Metapod's body, " Charmander, Char," it questions while looking at its claw. " Tackle," Samurai orders as Metapod jumps forward and slams into Charmander with its whole body. " Again," Samurai orders as Metapod slams back into Charmander sending in to is knees. " Charmander, use," " Tackle," Samurai orders before Mitch can finish his command. " Meta, poooood,'' it yells as it slams back into Charmander knocking it on its back. Charmander struggles to get back up " Char, Char, Char," it weakly grumbles. " Come on Charmander, You can do it. Use Ember," Mitch screams while Weedle and Mankey cheer Charmander on. Charmander finds its energy, jumps up, and shoots a big blast of Ember at Metapod " Chaaaaaarrrrrrrmaaaaaander," it furiously yells. Metapod takes the Super Effective move and that proves to be too much for it as it tumbles over and spirals form in its eyes. " Charmander! We did it! We won our first trainer battle," Mitch exclaims as he excitedly jumps up and down. 

          " Charmander, Char, Charmander," it excitedly exclaims before it falls down on its butt. Mitch runs up, sits down beside Charmander, and hugs it. " Well, for your first battle you did great," Samurai says as he returns his unconscious Metapod and walks up to Mitch. Mitch jumps to his feet " Thanks, I can't want to battle more trainers," Mitch says. " Well, if we are every to cross paths again, I wouldn't say no to a rematch," he says while sticking out his hand to Mitch. " Oh, you're on, just don't get too upset if I beat you again,'' Mitch replies as he takes Samurai's hand and they give each other a friendly handshake.        

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