Mitch vs Alexandra: Full Battle Part 2

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                               The smoke from the collision between Squirtle and Poliwhirl's attacks begins to clear up allowing Mitch and Alexandra to see the result of the attacks. Squirtle lies on its belly and Poliwhirl lies on its back, both with spirals in their eyes. " Looks like a double knockout," Alexandra says as both trainers return their unconscious Pokemon to their Poke Balls. " Yeah and for now we are tied in how many knocked out Pokemon we have, but we're not done yet, Pidgey, I choose you." " Rattata, come out, again." 

              " Pid, Pidgey," " Rat, Rat, Rattata," both Pokemon shout as they come out of their balls. " Use Quick Attack," Mitch orders as Pidgey flies at Rattata with a white stream of energy following it. " Rattata, use Hyper Fang," " Raaaattaaata," it shouts as its big tooth glows white and it slams the tooth into Pidgey's body knocking it back as it screams " Piiiiidddgeeeey." " Use Gust," "Piiiidgeey," it shouts while blowing up a cloud of wind that blows into Rattata sending it flying into a nearby rock. Rattata quickly gets back to its feet as Alexandra yells " Use Iron Tail," " Raaaattataaa," it screams as its tail turns into metal and it slams the tail into Pidgey's face. " Pidddddgeeey," it shouts as it struggles to stay in the air, " use Hyper Fang," Rattata hits Pidgey hit its glowing tooth knocking the Normal/ Flying Type to the ground. Pidgey tries to stand up, but falls to the ground and after a few seconds, spirals appear in its eyes. " Looks like the battle has turned in my favor," Alexandra yells while excitingly jumping up and down. " I still have three Pokemon left," Mitch says while recalling the unconscious Pidgey. " Yeah, but I have four left," Alexandra mocks. " Well, that Rattata has already fought Gastly and Pidgey, so no doubt it's getting tired. Beedrill, I choose you," Mitch says. 

                  " Bee, Bee, Beedrill," it shouts as Mitch orders " Attack with Poison Sting." Beedrill begins to fire multiple purple needles out of its big stinger, but Rattata manages to avoid all of them " Use Iron Tail." Rattata swats Beedrill across the chest with its metal tail as Alexandra hollers " Use Hyper Fang," " counter with Harden," Rattata jumps at Beedrill with its tooth glowing as Beedrill's body flashes white for a couple seconds. Rattata's attack bounces off of Beedrill's hard body, but the impact was so hard that Rattata was hurt in the process. " Raaaattaaaataaa," it screams in pain as Mitch yells " Use Twineedle," and Beedrill's two hand stingers glow yellowish green as it slams them into Rattata sending it rolling across the field and when it stops rolling, spirals are in its eyes. Alexandra recalls Rattata as she says " Great job, Rattata. I choose you, Golbat." 

                " Gol, Bat, Bat, Golbat," it cries while flying up into the air to have an aerial battle with Beedrill. " Use Wing Attack," Golbat's wings glow white and it tries to hit Beedrill with them, but it dodges and Mitch yells " Use Bug Bite," Beedrill's mouth glows yellowish green and it bites down on one of Golbat's wings. " Gooooollbaaat," it screams as Beedrill bites down harder and harder. " Use Bite," Alexandra orders as Golbat bites down on one of Beedrill's wings, trapping the two of them. As the two of struggle to break free from the others grip, " Use Twineedle," Mitch orders and Beedrill slams its yellowish green stingers into Golbat, knocking it backwards and freeing both of them. " Golbat, use Wing Attack," Alexandra orders as Golbat slams its glowing white wings into Beedrill. " Beeeedrillll," it shouts as it is flung backwards, but manages to stop itself after being flung a few feet. " Twineedle," Mitch orders as Beedrill knocks Golbat back a few feet with its yellowish green stingers. " Use Sludge Bomb," " Use Poison Sting," they both yell at the same time. Golbat fires multiple balls of purple slime out of its mouth and Beedrill fires multiple purple needles out of its big stinger. The two attacks pass each other and slam into the opposing Pokemon, exploding on contact. Beedrill and Golbat manage to catch themselves after being thrown back a few feet. They glare at each other for a few seconds before they both fall out of the sky and land on the ground with spirals in their eyes. " Looks like that double knockout has evened us up, we both have 2 Pokemon left," Mitch says while the two of them recall their Pokemon. Alexandra grins as both of them throw the Poke Balls containing their 5th Pokemon.

                    " Bulba, Bulba, Bulbasaur," shouts Mitch's Pokemon as Alexandra's Pokemon appears on the battlefield while crying out  " Ivy, Ivy, Ivysaur."  " Looks like your Bulbasaur has evolved," Mitch says as he pulls out his Pokedex. " Ivysaur, the Seed Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Bulbasaur, carrying the weight of the bud on its back makes Ivysaur's legs stronger. When the bud is close to blooming, the Pokemon spends more time sleeping in the sun." " Ivysaur, use Razor Leaf," Ivysaur summons a bunch of sharp leaves and fires them at Bulbasaur. " Use Vine Whip," Mitch commands as Bulbasaur's vines swat away the leaves and slap Ivysaur across the face a few times. " Ivyyysaaaur," it angrily shouts as Alexandra yells " Use Body Slam." Ivysaur jumps up into the air and lands on Bulbasaur with all of its weight. "Buuuuullbaaaaa," Bulbasaur shouts as it struggles to get out from under its Evolved Form. " Use Razor Leaf," Mitch orders as Bulbasaur's sharp leaves begin slamming into Ivysaur's belly. " Ivvvvyyyysaaaaaaaauuur," it shouts in pain and is forced to jump off of Bulbasaur. Mitch yells at Bulbasaur  " Tackle," and Alexandra screams " Use Leech Seed." Bulbasaur slams its body into Ivysaur as Ivysaur shoots a small brown seed out of its back. The seed bounces harmlessly off of Bulbasaur as Mitch shouts " Use Skull Bash." Bulbasaur slams its head into Ivysaur's face as a confused Alexandra asks " Why didn't Leech Seed do anything?" " Leech Seed doesn't work against other Grass Types. Bulbasaur use Vine Whip," Mitch explains as Bulbasaur's vines begin slapping Ivysaur across the face. " Ivysaur use Body Slam," Alexandra says as Ivysaur jumps, getting out of the way of Bulbasaur's vines, and begins to fall towards Bulbasaur. " Use Razor Leaf," Mitch orders as the sharp leaves begin to slam into the descending Ivysaur. " Ivvvvyysaaaauuur," it shouts in pain as it lands on top of Bulbasaur. A hurt Ivysaur rolls off of Bulbasaur, who has spirals in its eyes. " Great Job, Ivysaur," Alexandra cheers as Ivysaur screams out " Ivvvyyysaaaaur," before collapsing with spirals in its eyes. " Oh, come on," Alexandra cries out as she returns Ivysaur. " Looks like this next fight will be the end," Mitch says as he returns Bulbasaur. 

              " Your Turn, Charmeleon," " Go, Pidgeotto," the two trainers shout as Charmeleon runs out into the battlefield and Alexandra throws a ball into the air. " Pid, Pid, Geotto," it shouts as it hovers above the ground and Mitch scans it on the Pokedex. "Pidgeotto, the Bird Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Pidgey, very territorial, Pidgeotto keeps up a steady patrol of the large area it claims as its own. Any intruder will be driven off with merciless attacks from its sharp claws." " Charmeleon, attack with Metal Claw," " Chaaaarmeeeleeon," it slams its metal covered claw into Pidgeotto's face as it screams " Geotto, Pidge." " Use Slash," Charmeleon's right claws glow white and extend a few inches before it slashes Pidgeotto across the chest. " Use Aerial Ace," " Geeeeoottooo," it cries as its body becomes covered in many streaks of white energy and it slams into Charmeleon. " Chaaaaarrrr," it cries as it stumbles backwards and Alexandra yells " Use Feather Dance." Several of Pidgeotto's feathers glow white as it spins around and fires them off at Charmeleon. The feathers explode against Charmeleon as it falls backwards, but manages to catch itself. " Aerial Ace," Pidgeotto begins to fly towards Charmeleon as Mitch screams out " Counter with Fire Spin." " Chhhhhhhaaaaarrrrmeeeleon," it shouts as it spins its head around and a stream of spinning fire is shot out of its mouth. Pidgeotto flies into the fire and screams out in pain " Geeeeeoooottooooo," and is forced to stop its attack. " Use Fire Fang," Charmeleon's fangs become coated in fire as it jumps and bites down onto Pidgeotto's neck. " Piddddgeeeeottto," it cries as Mitch yells " Use Slash." Charmeleon stops Fire Fang and slashes Pidgeotto across the back. " Geeeeottto," it weakly cries out as it falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes.

               " Charmeleon! We did it we won our first full battle," Mitch cries out he runs over and hugs his starter while Alexandra returns Pidgeotto. Alexandra walks over to Mitch and says " I think you're ready for the Celadon City Gym." Alexandra holds out her hand to Mitch as he says " Thanks, and you are definitely ready for Lt. Surge," and grabs her hand and shakes it.                 

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