What's Up With Charmander?

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                   Mitch and Charmander exit the Underground Path and find themselves on Route 6. Mitch turns to his starter and  says " Won't be long before we reach Vermilion City. Do you want to stop here for a little break?" Charmander is about to respond when " Hey! Did I hear that you are about to take a break," asks a nearby male trainer that looks a little older than Mitch. Charmander aggressively growls at the trainer before Mitch stops it. " Yeah, is there a problem or something," he asks. " No, I was just wondering if you wanted a have a battle before you have a little rest," says the trainer. " Yeah sure, I'm Mitch by the way," " My name is Bobby and I only use Fire Types to battle. I noticed that you had a Charmander, so I thought I would challenge you to see how strong a person that is willing to train a Charmander is. Would a two on two battle be ok with you?" " That's ok with me," Mitch responds " Ok, but, there's one condition," Bobby replies. " What would that be," Mitch asks. " One of your two Pokemon has to Charmander," Bobby says. " Ok, But, in order to get to Charmander, you'll have to get past this Pokemon," Mitch says as he throws a Poke Ball. 

        " Squirtle, Squirt, Squirtle," Squirtle exclaims as it lands on the ground. " Oh, smart choice choosing a Water Type. Go, Magmar," Bobby says as he throws a Great Ball. " Maaaaagmaaaaar," the Fire type yells as Mitch pulls out his Pokedex. " Magmar, the Spitfire Pokemon, Magmar bathes in molten lava. Flames spout from its body in battle."  " Use Fire Punch," Bobby orders as Magmar's right arm turns into fire and it jumps at Squirtle. " Maaaaagmaaaaar," " Use Withdraw," Squirtle pulls its body back into its shell as Magmar punches the shell. " Magmaaaaar," it screams in pain from punching the shell so hard. " Squirtle, attack with Bubble,"  Squirtle pops out of its shell and exclaims ' Squiiiirtttle," as it fires a large bubble from its mouth at Magmar.  The bubble explodes on Magmar's chest as it screams in pain from the Super Effective attack. " Squirtle use Aqua Tail," Mitch orders as Squirtle's tail becomes coated in water. " Magmar, use Fire Punch," Bobby commands as Magmar's arm becomes coated in fire. The two Pokemon jump at each other with their element covered limbs outstretched. They strike each other mid-air and fly past each other before landing on the ground, but Magmar appears to be the one that took the most damage as it falls down on one knee. " Finish it with Skull Bash," Mitch orders as Squirtle bends over with its head glowing white. The glowing stops and Squirtle launches itself at Magmar. 

          " Magmar, use Fire Blast," Bobby hollers as Magmar weakly screams " Maaagmaaar," while spitting out fire that forms into the a fire symbol. ( the shape that is made in the anime when the move is used) Squirtle is forced to hit the attack as it explodes on impact and knocks Squirtle back. " Use Bubble," Mitch orders as Squirtle fires the attack at the injured Fire Type. " Counter with Fire Punch," Magmar punches and destroys the attack, but it turns out to just be a distraction as Squirtle runs up and hits a surprised Magmar in the face with Aqua Tail. " Maagmaar," it weakly says before it falls to the ground and faints. " Great job, Squirtle," Mitch exclaims as Squirtle jumps with joy. " Don't celebrate yet, I still have one more Pokemon. Go, Ninetales," Bobby says as Mitch once again brings out his Pokedex. " Nine, Nine, Ninetales," it growls as Mitch scans it. 

               " Ninetales, the Fox Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Vulpix, Ninetales is capable of bending fire to its will. It can live for a thousand years and according to legend, was created when nine saints merged into a single being." " Squirtle, use Bubble," Mitch commands and Squirtle obeys by firing a bubble at Ninetales. " Counter with Fire Blast," Bobby yells as Ninetales fires the attack out of its mouth. The Fire Blast easily destroys the Bubble attack before moving forward and slamming into Squirtle. Squirtle is blown into the air as Bobby yells " Use Quick Attack,"  " Ninetaaales," it screams as it rushes forward with white energy trailing behind it. It slams full force into the descending Squirtle knocking it against a tree. " Squirtle, attack with Aqua Tail," Mitch yells as a wounded Squirtle slams its water covered tail into Ninetales and while it winces in pain " Use Bubble," Squirtle quickly fires a bubble directly into the face of the Fox Pokemon. Ninetales quickly shakes off the Water move and " Use Flamethrower," fires a large stream of fire at Squirtle. The Tiny Turtle Pokemon is engulfed by the flames as it screams in pain " Squiiiiiiiirtlllllllllleeeee." Ninetales stops its attack and a smoking Squirtle falls over on its back with spirals in its eyes. Mitch returns Squirtle to its Poke Ball and turns to Charmander Well, I guess it's your tur," " Chaaaaaaarmaaaaander," it screams , interrupting Mitch's sentence, as it rushes forward and gets into a battle stance.

          "Wow, a feisty little guy," Bobby says " Yeah, it's usually not this aggressive, but I guess we can use that to our advantage. Charmander, use Metal Claw," Mitch says as Charmander's right claw turns into steel and it runs at Ninetales. " Chaaaaaarmaaaander," " Fire Blast," Bobby commands as Ninetales fires the attack at Charmander. Charmander stops running and to everyone's surprise, allows the attack to slam into it, but it manages to hold the powerful Fire move back as its whole body begins to glow a blinding white color. " No way," Bobby exclaims " Charmander, what's, wait a minute, are you evolving!" Mitch's theory is right as Charmander's body grows bigger and some parts of its body begin to change. Eventually, the glowing stops as Mitch's newly evolved Charmeleon swats the Fire Blast with its Metal Claw, destroying it. " Chaaaaaaarmeeeeeleeeeon," it screams out as Mitch scans his new Pokemon on his Pokedex. " Charmeleon, the Flame Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Charmander,  when Charmeleon takes on a powerful opponent in battle, its tail flame glows white-hot. Its claws are very sharp." " OK, Attack with Headbutt," Mitch orders as Charmeleon rushes forward and slams its head into a surprised Ninetales. " Ninetales, use Quick Attack," Bobby yells. Ninetales rushes forward, but before it reaches Charmeleon " Counter that with Scratch," " Chaaaaarmeeeleoon," it yells as it slashes Ninetales across the face with its glowing right claw, stopping Quick Attack. " Use Headbutt," Mitch commands as Charmeleon slams its head into the head of Ninetales. Ninetales tries to stay on its feet, but quickly falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes as Charmeleon lets out a victory cry " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeoooooooonn!"

               Bobby returns Ninetales to its Poke Ball and Mitch runs over and hugs his starter as the Fire Type hugs him back. " Great Job, Charmand, oops, Charmeleon," " Char, Char, Charmeleon," it cries out in happiness. " Well, you did a great job raising Charmander, but are you sure you can handle a Charmeleon," Bobby asks " Yeah, it's still the same as it was before and besides, what kind of idiot would I be if I couldn't control a starter Pokemon like Charmeleon," Mitch replies as all three of them laugh.      

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