The Celadon City Gym Battle

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                    An aerial view of a very large city is shown as it pans down to show a rectangular shaped building that is surrounded by trees. Images of different types of flowers are painted down the walls of the front of the building and the middle reads " Celadon City Gym." It pans through the door and shows Mitch and Charmeleon walking through a lit up corridor. " The gym leader should be on the other side, are you ready for another battle," Mitch asks as he turns to his starter. " Char, Char, Charmeleon, Char," it excitedly responds as the two of them walk through the corridor and on the other side, just like with the other gyms, they find themselves in a battlefield.

                 This battlefield is in the middle of a meadow full of flowers and is surrounded by trees on all sides. On the other side of the battlefield, a young woman lays in the sun coming in from the window on a giant flower. She notices Mitch, stands up, and introduces herself " Hello, i'm Erika, the Celadon City Gym Leader. Are you here for a chance to earn the Rainbow Badge," she asks in a sweet voice. Mitch responds with " Yeah, my name is Mitch and this will be my fourth gym battle," " Well, in that case this will be a 3 on 3 battle and only you can substitute your Pokemon." Mitch and Erika stand on their sides of the battlefield and throw the Poke Balls containing their first Pokemon into the air.  " Go, Beedrill," " Tangela, I choose you." 

          " Bee, Drill, Bee, Beedrill," " Tang, Tang, Tangela," they both shout as they land in the battlefield and Mitch pulls out his Pokedex to scan Tangela. " Tangela, the Vine Pokemon, if grabbed by an attacker, Tangela can break away and leave the foe with a handful of vines. The vines grow back within a day."  I wonder if anyone has ever cut off all the vines to see what it really looks like under there, Mitch thinks as he yells to Beedrill " use Twineedle." Beedrill's hand stingers glow yellowish green as it prepares to slam them into Tangela, but Tangela dodges at the last second as Erika screams "use Vine Whip." " Tannnngeeeelaaaaa," it screams as two of its vines extend a few inches and slam into Beedrill. " Beeeeeeeeeeee," it screams as it is sent flying and slams into the ceiling. Beedrill falls towards the ground, but quickly catches itself and begins to fly as Mitch screams " use Twineedle." "Beeeeedrillll," it screams as it slams its stingers into Tangela, knocking it back a few feet. " Use Stun Spore," Erika orders and Tangela shoots a yellow powder out of its body. The powder lands an Beedrill's body and electricity begins to pulse through it: Beedrill has been paralyzed. " Beeeeeeee," it screams in agony as Erika yells " use Power Whip," and one of Tangela's vines extends a few feet and glows bright green as it slams the vine into Beedrill's face sending it flying into the wall. It slides down the wall and lands at the bottom with spirals in its eyes.

             " Great job, Beedrill. Charmeleon, I choose you," Mitch says as he returns Beedrill and Charmeleon runs out into the battlefield. " Use Fire Fang," " Charrrrrrmeeeeleeeeon," it yells as it bites down on Tangela's head with its fire covered teeth. " Taaaaaangeeeeelaaaa," " Use Power Whip," Tangela slams its giant green vine into Charmeleon's chest, knocking it back and freeing Tangela from the Fire Fang assault. " Use Fire Spin," " Chaaaaaarrrrrrr," it yells as it spins its head around and the spinning fire coming from its mouth engulfs Tangela. " Taaaaannnng," it screams in pain as Mitch yells " Use Metal Claw," " Chaaaarrrmeeeeeleeeeon," it shouts while slamming its metal coated claw into Tangela's face. Tangela falls over on its side and spirals appear in its eyes.  Erika returns Tangela and throws another ball into the air while screaming " Go, Weepinbell," " Weep, Weep, Weepinbell," it shouts as Mitch scans it on the Pokedex.

               " Weepinbell, the Flycatcher Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Bellsprout, the hooked stem behind its head lets Weepinbell hang from a tree branch to sleep. Sometimes, it falls to the ground during the night," " Use Vine Whip," " Weeeepiiiiiinnbeeell," it shouts as the stem on its head glows light green and is flung out at Charmeleon. " Use Flamethrower," Mitch orders as Charmeleon shoots as large stream of fire out if its mouth. " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr," it shouts as the fire hits the vine and quickly spreads down the vine and engulfs Weepinbell's body in fire. " Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep," it screams out as Mitch yells " Use Slash," " Chaaaaaaarmeeeleeeon," it shouts as its slashes its extended claws  across Weepinbell's body. The Grass/ Poison Type falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes. " Excellent work, Mitch, but do you believe that Charmeleon can pull off a third victory. Vileplume, I choose you." 

               " Vile, Vile, Vileplume," it says as Mitch pulls out his Pokedex for the third time in tha battle. " Vileplume, the Flower Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Gloom and the final Evolved Form of Oddish, many people are terribly allergic to the poisonous pollen Vileplume gives off. The petals of its flowers are truly enormous." " Use Petal Dance," Erika orders as Vileplume begins to dance around while chanting " Vile, Vile, Vile, Plume, Plume, Vileplume." Pink petals begin to surround the dancing Pokemon as it stops dancing and fires the petals in Charmeleon's dIrection. " Use Slash," " Chaaaaaar," it says as it easily slashes through the petals. " Use Fire Fang," " Chaaaaaaaaaar," it bites down on Vileplume's head with its fiery teeth. " Viiiiiilllllle," it screams as Erika yells " Use Petal Blizzard." A large amount of green and pink petals are fired out of the flower on Vileplume's head , slamming into Charmeleon and knocking off of Vileplume. " Chaaaar," it says as it impacts the ground. " Use Poison Powder," Erika says as Vileplume prepares to shoot something out of its head at Charmeleon, but Mitch screams " Use Scary Face," " Chaaaaaaaar," it yells as its eyes turn red and it angrily stares at Vileplume. Vileplume is forced to halt its attack as its body glows red to signify that its speed has been lowered. " Use Flamethrower," " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr," it shouts as the stream of fire from its mouth slams into Vileplume head on sending it flying back. It lands next to Erika with spirals in its eyes as puffs of smoke blow off of its body. 

                " We did it," Chaaaaaaaaaaaar," they both scream while jumping up and down in excitement. Erika returns Vileplume and walks across the battlefield to Mitch and Charmeleon. " That was a great battle and you didn't even have to use 3 Pokemon. Here's your Rainbow Badge. For your next Gym Battle, I would say that you should go to Fuchsia City and to get there you should go back to Lavender Town and head south from there," she explains as Mitch takes the badge from her hand. " Thank you, Erika," Mitch says as he lets Beedrill out of its Poke Ball. " We did it, we won the Rainbow Badge," he shouts as he and his Pokemon jump into the air to celebrate as Erika giggles at their actions.  



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