Ghosts of Pokemon Tower

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               Mitch sits in a big chair in the lobby of a Pokemon Center while looking down at a map of the Kanto Region. He places his finger on his current location, Lavender Town, and traces a route to his next destination, Celadon City. There is just one route between the two locations, so it won't take him much time to get to the location of the fourth gym once he leaves Lavender Town. " Char, Char, Charmeleon," the Fire Type shouts while running up to its trainer with Nurse Joy following behind it carrying a tray of 5 Poke Balls. " Charmeleon and the rest of your Pokemon are as good as new, we hope to see you again," Nurse Joy says with a smile.

           " Thank you, are you ready to get out of here and get to the Celadon City Gym," Mitch asks his starter. " Char, Char, Charme," " Wait, before you leave Lavender Town, I would recommend going to Pokemon Tower to see if you can get yourself a Ghost Type Pokemon," Nurse Joy says. " Pokemon Tower? I guess adding a Ghost Type to my team could be really cool. Charmeleon, do you think we should go there."  " Char, Charmeleon, Char," it happily replies.


         A large black tower is shown as it pans down to reveal Mitch and Charmeleon standing at the entrance to it. The tower is engulfed in fog ( as is the rest of the city) and gives off an extremely creepy vibe. Charmeleon shivers as Mitch says " According to Nurse Joy, this tower is a resting place for Pokemon that have passed on. It's also supposed to be home to many Ghost Types, but Nurse Joy did say that Ghost Type Pokemon are not the only scary thing we could encounter in here. I really wish she would have explained what she meant when she said that."

            The two of them walk into the tower ( it is just as foggy on the inside of the tower as it is on the outside) and begin to climb up some steps. " Bbbbbbbbuuuuuuttttttttteeeerrrrfreeeeee," says something from behind them, but when they turn around nothing is there. " That was weird," Mitch says as they walk onto the second floor of the building. They look around and a shadow appears on the ground. " Could that me a Pokemon," Mitch asks as he scans the shadow with his Pokedex. " Gengar, the Shadow Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Haunter and the final Evolved Form of Gastly, the sudden onset of an unexplained chill might mean a Gengar is coming toward you. This Pokemon seems to have misunderstood the concept of " making friends" - it tries to create a kindred spirit by attacking humans."  "Geng, Geng, Gengar, Gengar, Geng," it chuckles as it floats up out of the floor. " Charmeleon, attack with Fire Fang," " Chaaaaarmeeel," it shouts as its teeth become engulfed in fire, but " Gennnngaaar," Gengar uses Sucker Punch and hits Charmeleon in the stomach. Charmeleon stumbles and falls down on one knee as Gengar floats into a wall and disappears. 

           " You ok, Charmeleon," Mitch asks as he helps it back to its feet. " Char, Char," it replies back. " Ttttttaaaauuuurrrroooooosss", " Vvvvvvvvaaaaapppoooooorrrreeeeeooonnn," " Hhhhyyyyppppnnnooooo," shout several voices from the fog. A Tauros, Vaporeon, and Hypno come out of the fog and stare at the duo. " What are you guys doing in here," Mitch says as he scans them with the Pokedex. " No data," the mechanical device says about all three of them.  " What do you mean, I know that those are real Pokemon," a confused Mitch says. Mitch glances over at Charmeleon and sees that it has been shaking in fear this entire time " Chhhhar, Chhhhhaaaar," it says as it continues to shake. " Charmeleon? What's wrong," " Chaaaaarmeeeleeeon," it shouts as it fires Ember at all three of the Pokemon facing them. The attack passes threw them showing they all three of them are not in a physical form. A horrified look appears on Mitch's face as he shout outs " Ggggggghhhhosts!." The two are them quickly begin to sprint up the stairs as the three creatures that scared them, take one last look at them before fading into nothingness.

        Three floors up from where they were, Mitch and Charmeleon stops to catch their breath. " For a second there, I felt like we were in that show about those mystery solving kids and their talking Growlithe," Mitch says as Charmeleon nods in agreement while trying to catch its breath.  " Oh well, I'm going to try to not be afraid of a ghost, so I can spend enough time in here to catch a Ghost Type Pokemon. Beedrill, Squirtle, come out and help us," Mitch says while tossing two Poke Balls into the air.  " Bee, Bee, Beedrill," " Squirtle, Squirt, Squirtle," they cry out as they come out of their balls. " You guys want to help find a Ghost Type," he asks as they nod a " Bee" and a " Squirt."

        The four of them begin to look around the room for a Ghost Type, but have no luck. Suddenly, " Ggggggyyyaaaarrrrraaadooooooossss," shouts a the ghost of a Gyarados as t appears out of nothingness. " Try to be brave, guys," Mitch shouts while all four of them stand their ground. The ghost Gyarados lets out an angry roar " Gggggyyaaaaraaaaadoooooooosss," breaking the nerve of Squirtle and Beedrill. " Sqqqqqqqquiiiiirrrtttttle," " Bbbbbbbbeeeeeedddriillll, they fearfully shout as they run over to Mitch and poke the return button on their Poke Balls, sending them back inside ,where there are no angry ghosts staring them down. The Gyarados is about to shout at them some more when " Ggggastly," a Gastly shouts as it flies out of the fog and licks the ghost Gyarados across the face with its Lick attack. The Gyarados ( because it wa hit by a ghost move) disappears as the Gastly turns around and smiles at Mitch and Charmeleon. 

             " Gastly, the Gas Pokemon, Gastly likes to lurk in abandoned buildings, where its presence sometimes causes strange lights to flicker. This gaseous Pokemon is hard to see, but it gives off a surprisingly delicate, sweet scent." " Thanks for saving us, little guy. We came into this tower to try to find catch a Ghost Type, would you like to come with us," Mitch asks while holding an empty Poke Ball out to Gastly. " Ggggggastly, Gas, Gastly," it says as it floats up and pokes the capture button on the ball with its tongue, sucking it inside. The capture noise goes off, but the ball shrinks down and turns black as the light on Mitch's Pokedex begins flashing. " A trainer can only carry six Pokemon at once. A newly caught Pokemon can be sent to the lab of the professor that a trainer got their original starter from by pushing the Poke Ball against the button on the bottom right of the Pokedex that says P.C., However, if the trainer wants to keep the newly caught Pokemon with them, they are allowed to send a Pokemon that was already on their team to the lab in its place." says the machine. " Ok, I guess I'll send you to Professor Oak's lab," he says as he pulls a Poke Ball from his belt and presses against the P.C.  button on his Pokedex. The Poke Ball teleports away and Gastly's Poke ball returns to its normal size and color.  Mitch releases Gastly from the ball and it shouts out " Gggggastly," as it appears from it. It looks down to see Charmeleon and Mitch on their knees begging to if " Gastly, will you please escort us out of this tower and keep the ghosts away," " Char, Char, Char, Charmeleon," they plead as Gastly sweatdrops.              

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