Indigo League: Round 6 ( Part 2)

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                            " Primeaaaaaape," Primeape shouts as it slams Cross Chop into Skarmory's face. " Skaaaaar," it screeches in pain, but manages to push through the attack and slam into Primeape with Aerial Ace. " Appppe," " Mooory," they both cry out as they land on the ground with spirals in their eyes. " Both Primeape and Skarmory are unable to battle, it's another Double Knockout! Mitch and Chase continue to be evenly matched," the announcer yells as Mitch and Chase recall their defeated Pokémon. The Rock Battlefield is pulled back into the ground as the announcer says, " Now that both trainers have lost three Pokémon, it's time for a field change," a Grass Battlefield rises up out of the ground and the announcer continues his speech, " The next half of this battle will take place on a Grass Battlefield! Let the battle continue!"  

                        " Bellossom, I choose you," Chase hollers while throwing a Poke Ball into the air. " Bell, Bell, Bellossom, Bell," it shouts while dancing around in the battlefield. " well, that thing is almost definitely a Grass-type. Pidgeot, I choose you," Mitch says while throwing a ball into the air. " Pidge, Pidge, Pidgeot," it exclaims while hovering over the grassy battlefield. " Use Energy Ball," Chase orders as Bellossom forms a big ball of bright green energy between its hands and throws it at Pidgeot. " Avoid it and use Wing Attack," Mitch commands as Pidgeot flies out of the way of the Energy Ball and slams its glowing white wings into Bellossom. " Beeeeeeelll," it screams as it rolls across the battlefield. It stops rolling and Chase commands it to, " attack with Dazzling Gleam." " Beeeeeeellloooooosooooom," it screams from firing off multiple beams of rainbow colored energy from the flowers on top of its head. " Geeeeeeeooooot," it screeches as the attack knocks it backwards whilst Chase yells, " don't let up, use Sludge Bomb!" " Beeeeelllll," it fires multiple balls of slime out of its mouth that explode on Pidgeot's chest, almost knocking it out of the sky. 

                              " Use Leaf Blade," Chase hollers as Bellossom pulls a sword made of dark green energy out of its " dress" and jumps at Pidgeot. " Counter it with Hurricane and then use Aerial Ace," Mitch exclaims whilst Pidgeot uses its wings to blow up a very large cloud of wind. The winds slam into Bellossom over and over again, forcing it to stop its Leaf Blade as it screams in pain, " Belloooooosssoooooom!" Bellossom hits the ground very hard and tries to get back up, but is stopped by Pidgeot slamming into it while its body is surrounded by white energy streaks. Bellossom is slammed into the stadium wall and slides to the bottom with spirals in its eyes. " Bellossom is out of the battle! Mitch now has the upper hand in this battle! Can Chase even the battle back up?" 

                   Chase returns Bellossom and throws another Poke Ball into the air while exclaiming, " I choose Stantler!" Stant, Stant, Stantler, Stantler, Stant," it grunts while jumping into the battlefield.  " Use Stomp," Chase commands as Stantler's right front hoof glows white and it jumps at Pidgeot. " Dodge it and use Air Slash," Pidgeot moves out of the way of the Stomp and uses its wings to send a long and sharp wave of wind towards Stantler. " Counter with Shadow Ball," Chase commands as Stantler twists around mid-air, forms a big ball of dark black energy between its antlers, and fires it at the Air Slash. The attacks collide and cause a big explosion that knocks both Pokémon back( causing a small amount of damage to both of them too). However, Stantler manages to get back on its feet first, allowing Chase to yell, " use Take Down!" " Staaaaaant," it cries as it runs forward with its body surrounded by white energy and slams into Pidgeot. " Geeeeeoooot," it is knocked backwards, but manages to get back into the air while it is being knocked back. " Use Wing Attack," Mitch commands whilst Pidgeot flies at Stantler with both of its wings glowing white.  " Stantler, use Thunderbolt," Chase hollers as, " Staaaaaaaant," Stantler shoots a medium sized bolt of electricity out of its antlers. 

                   " Geeeeeeeoooooot," Pidgeot screams as the Super Effective attack hits, but, to the surprise of both Chase and Stantler, manages to push through and slam its Wing Attack into Stantler's face. Stantler stumbles back a few feet as a tired and hurt Pidgeot lands in front of it and struggles to stay conscious. " Come on, Pidgeot, Use Hurricane," Mitch cries out as Pidgeot summons what little strength it has left and gets into the air. However, before Pidgeot has time to use the attack, Chase yells, " quick, use Me First!" Stantler's body briefly glows light blue before it uses its front legs to create Hurricane winds that it sends at Pidgeot. " Piiiiidgeeeeeot," it cries as it gets slammed into the ground by its copied move. It lies on the ground for a few seconds before spirals in its eyes. " Pidgeot is unable to battle!  Defeated by its own move, what great thinking on the part of Chase!" Mitch returns Pidgeot and throws the Poke Ball containing his fifth Pokémon into the air while yelling, " Poliwhirl, I choose you!" 

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