Trouble In Diglett's Cave

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                            " Diglett, the Mole Pokémon, if a Diglett digs through a field, it leaves the soil perfectly tilled and ideal for planting crops," Mitch's Pokedex says as Pidgeotto slams its Wing Attack into the side of a wild Diglett's head, knocking it out. " Great job, Pidgeotto," Mitch shouts as the wild Diglett quickly shakes itself awake and retreats underground. It's been about three days since Mitch decided to start training for the Indigo League( In this time, his Ivysaur has learned a new move: Energy Ball and he has gotten word from the Day Care that his Nidoran has evolved into a Nidorino) and he is currently training in Diglett's cave. " Pidgeeeeeottooooo," it shouts as it flies up a few feet and uses its wings to send a long and sharp wave of air towards the ground that explodes on impact. 

                        " Did you just learn Air Slash," Mitch shouts in an excited tone. " Pidge, Pidgeotto," it replies as it lands and eagerly grins. " Zar, Zard," Charizard, who it sitting against the cave wall resting after all the training it has done, shouts as it points at another Diglett that has just surfaced. " Okay, Pidgeotto, let's try that new move out. Use Air Slash on that Diglett!" " Pidgeeeeeottooooooooooo," it shouts as it sends the attack at the Ground Type. " Diiiiiiiigggg," it shouts in pain as the attack explodes on its head sending it retreating underground.  " Good job, Pidgeotto," Mitch exclaims, but before Pidgeotto has time to respond to Mitch's compliment, the ground beneath them begins to shake violently. " Duuuuugggtriooooooooo," a larger than normal Dugtrio angrily shouts as it shoots up out of the ground. " Trio, Trio, Trio, Dug, Dug," it angrily shouts at Mitch and Pidgeotto.  " I think that Dugtrio is the leader of all these Diglett that we've been fighting and now it wants to fight us in order to defend the Diglett."  " Hey, Dugtrio. Let's make a deal: You guys battle Pidgeotto and if you win, we leave the cave and never come back, but if we win: you let us keep training in here. What do you say to that?" Dugtrio immediately nod all three of their heads in response to Mitch's offer.

                      " Okay, Pidgeotto, attack with Air Slash," Mitch commands while Pidgeotto uses its wings to send the sharp wind wave at Dugtrio. " Triooooooooo," they shout as one orb appears over each of Dugtrio's three heads, one orb is made of ice, one is made of fire, and one is made of electricity. " Trioooooooo," they shout as they send the orbs flying into the air. The Air Slash and Tri Attack collide and explode, creating a small cloud of smoke, giving Pidgeotto enough cover to slam a Wing Attack into Dugtrio. " Triooooooooo," they shout as they fire multiple balls of purple slime out of each of their mouths. " Geottoooooooo," it shouts in pain as the Sludge Bomb explodes on its back and almost knocks it to the ground. " Use Wing Attack," Mitch shouts as Pidgeotto slams its glowing white wings into Dugtrio's middle face. " Dugggggg," they shout in pain before firing another Tri Attack at Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto barely manages to dodge the attack, but ends up getting hit by another Sludge Bomb, knocking it to the ground. " Duuuuugtrioooo," they shout as they summon a bunch of rocks that begin to fall out of the air towards the struggling to get up Pidgeotto. " Dodge that Rock Slide and use Aerial Ace," Mitch shouts as Pidgeotto barely manages to avoid the rocks, surround its body with white energy streaks, and slam into Dugtrio at a high speed. " Triooooooooo," they shout in pain before firing off another Sludge Bomb. " Counter it with Gust," Mitch shouts while Pidgeotto uses its wings to blow up a small cloud of wind that destroys the Sludge Bomb and knocks Dugtrio against the wall. " Now use Air Sla," Mitch's command is interrupted by a cry for help coming from deeper within the cave, " Diiiiiiiiiggggleeeeeeettttttttt!" The distress call catches Dugtrio's attention and it retreates blow ground, rapidly moving towards the direction of the distress call. " I wonder what that was about? Let's go see," Mitch says as he and his two Pokémon run after Dugtrio.


                                 They run into a large room in the cave as Dugtrio pops up a few feet in front of them. " Rati, Rati, Raticate, Rate," an aggressive looking Raticate shouts as it chases multiple Diglett around the room and tries to bite them. " Raticate, the Mouse Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Rattata, Raticate's sturdy fangs grow steadily. To keep them ground down, it gnaws on rocks and logs. It may even chew on the walls of houses." " Trioooooooo," Dugtrio shouts while shooting a Sludge Bomb at Raticate. Raticate quickly dodges the attack and fires a medium sized beam of ice out of its mouth. " Trioooooooooooooo," they shout as the Super Effective Ice Beam slams into it, almost knocking them out thanks to the damage that they have take from their fight with Pidgeotto. " Ratttticaaaaate," Raticate confidently chuckles as the injured Dugtrio's heads droop and they struggle to maintain consciousness.

                            Mitch and Pidgeotto look at each other and nod before walking into the room and standing next to Dugtrio. Mitch grabs a Hyper Potion from his backpack, squats down next to Dugtrio, and uses the Hyper Potion to heal it. " Don't worry, Dugtrio, we'll take it from here considering we're the reason that you're so worn out. Just lay back and rest and we'll get rid of Raticate," Mitch says as Pidgeotto nods a " Pidge," in agreement.  Mitch stands back up and yells " Use Aerial Ace!" " Geotttttooooo," Pidgeotto shouts as it flies at Raticate with its body surrounded by white energy streaks. " Caaaaate," Raticate shouts as Pidgeotto slams into it and knocks it against the cave wall. " Raaaaaati," it shouts as it fires Ice Beam at Pidgeotto, but it dodges at the last second just as Mitch yells, " Use Wing Attack!"  " Geottooooooo," it shouts as its wings glow white and it flies at Raticate. However, " Rattiiiiiiicaaaaate," Raticate hits Pidgeotto's right wing with Ice Beam, freezing it and causing Pidgeotto to crash. The impact shatters the ice on Pidgeotto's wing and it struggles to get back up, revealing that it is also tired from its fight with Dugtrio and the Diglett. Pidgeotto gets to its feet, but before Mitch can issue a command, " Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate," Raticate shouts as its body becomes surrounded by electricity and it rushes forward and slams into Pidgeotto. " Geeeeeeottoooooooo," it shouts as the Super Effective Wild Charge attack sends if flying backwards. A barely conscious and badly injured Pidgeotto lands in front of Mitch, Charizard, and Dugtrio and tries in vain to get to its feet. 

                     Mitch is about to return Pidgeotto to its Poke Ball, but is interrupted by a blinding white light. After about the minute, the light fades way revealing a strong and angry looking Pidgeot that stands where Pidgeotto was once laying. " Pidddddddgeeeeeeeeoooooootttt," it cries as it flies into the air and uses its wings to blow up a very large cloud of wind. " Caaaaaaaaaaaaaate," Raticate shouts as the winds slam into it and send it flying towards the ceiling, it crashes through the cave roof and flies off to an unknown location.  " Piddddddgeoooooooot," it cries out in victory before flying back down and landing in front of its trainer. 

                     Mitch jumps forward and gives his now Fully Evolved Pokémon a big hug. " You evolved and learned Hurricane at the same time. I'm so proud of you," he excitedly shouts. " Pid, Pid, Pidgeot," it says as Dugtrio and multiple Diglett crawl up to it. " Dug, Dug," " Dig, Dig, Dig, Dig," they say as a way of thanking Pidgeot for protecting them from Raticate.  Mitch and Pidgeot look at each other and eagerly grin as if they are reading each other's mind. " Hey, Dugtrio. Do you want to continue our battle?" " Dug, Dug, Dugtrio, Dug," they eagerly shout as they get in a battle stance and the Diglett retreat to the sides of the cave in order to watch the battle. " THat's what I thought you would say. Pidgeot, attack with Air Slash," Mitch says as Pidgeot flies high into the air and Dugtrio begins to fire a Sludge Bomb at it. 

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