Farfetch'd Jungle

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                    " Come on, Charizard, Keep it up. Dragon Claw," Mitch shouts as " Zaaaaaard," Charizard slices through some vines and foliage with its claw that is glowing with purple energy. The two of them are currently in a large and thick jungle and Charizard's Dragon Claw has just cut them into a small clearing. However, something else is in the clearing and the sudden appearance of Mitch and Charizard has angered it. " Faaaaaaar," a large and sharp wave of wind is fired out them and the two of them just barely manage to dodge the Air Slash attack as Mitch scans the attacking Pokémon on his Pokedex. 

                    " Farfetch'd, the Wild Duck Pokémon, The plant stalk it holds is its weapon. The stalk is used like a sword to cut all sorts of things."  Mitch takes note that this Farfetch'd appears to be large than the one in the Pokedex as " Faaaaaaaaaaarrrrfeeeeeeeetch'd," it lets out a long and loud call. Suddenly, around twenty or so other Farfetch'd jump out of the trees and bushes and head to attack Mitch and Charizard. However, " Zaaaaaaaard," Charizard fires a Flamethrower at them and successfully incapacitates many of them before finishing off the few that are left standing with one big Dragon Claw. Seeing that its followers have been defeated, the larger Farfetch'd steps forward and cries a battle challenge at Mitch. " Okay, I accept your challenge. Beedrill, I choose you," Mitch cries as he throws the Poke Ball containing Beedrill into the air. 

                         " Bee, Bee, Beedrill, Bee," it cries as it flies into the air and Mitch shouts " Attack with Pin Missile!" " Beeeeeeeeeeee," it shouts as its large stinger glows yellowish green and it begins to fire off multiple needle like spikes made of yellowish green energy at Farfetch'd.  Farfetch'd allows itself to be hit by a couple of spikes before its leek glows white and extends a few inches into a blade like tip before is begins slashing at the Pin Missile. The Slash attack manages to deflect all of the Pin Missiles as Beedrill stops its attack and " Faaaaaaaaaaar," Farfetch'd fires an Air Slash at Beedrill. " Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee," it cries as the attack knocks it to the ground and it struggles to get back up as "Feeeeeetch," its leek glows bright green and extends into a blade like tip as it jumps forward and slashes Beedrill across the chest with it. " Beeeeee," it cries as the Leaf Blade knocks it on its back as spirals appear in its eyes. Farfetch'd tauntingly laughs at Mitch as he returns Beedrill and throws another Poke Ball into the air. 

                        " Pidge, Pidge, Pidgey," Pidgey cries as it flies out of its ball and Mitch shouts, " Use Quick Attack." Pidgey flies very fast at Farfetch'd with white energy streaking behind it, but before it can land the attack, the leek that Farfetch'd has glows black and extends into a large sword like blade as it slashes Pidgey's body with it. " Piiiiiiiiiidgeeeeey," it cries as the Night Slash attack sends it flying backwards as it slams into a tree and slides down to the ground with its eyes closed, making it look like it has been knocked out. Before Mitch has time to check on Pidgey, Farfetch'd fires an Air Slash at him, but Charizard counters it with Dragon Pulse and hits Farfetch'd with Dragon Rage. Mitch gets his hand back into the battle as he shouts, " Charizard, use Fire Punch!" " Zaaaaaaard," it shouts as its right arm becomes engulfed in fire and it rushes forward to punch Farfetch'd. However, Farfetch'd manages to counter the attack at the last second with Night Slash causing the two Pokémon to clash with their attacks as they struggle to break their tie. Farfetch'd begins to tire as Mitch notices it tiring and yells, " Use Flamethrower!"  " Zaaaaaaaaaaaaaard," it shouts as it shoots the stream of fire into the face of its opponent. " Farrrrrrrrr," it shouts as the pain of a hit directly to the face forces it to stop its Night Slash attack, allowing Fire Punch to hit it directly in the chest and sending it flying back several feet.  

                 A battered and maybe a little overconfident Farfetch'd struggles back to its feet and it about to let out a loud battle cry when " Piiiiiiidgeeeeeeeey," everyone turns just in time to see Pidgey glow a blinding white. Eventually, the light fades away and Pidgey has become a Pidgeotto. " Geeeeeeottttto," it cries as it flies very fast ,with white energy streaks surrounding its body, at a confused and surprised Farfetch'd. The attack hits Farfetch'd and causes it to be slammed against a tree, knocking it out. A victorious Pidgeotto lands in front of Mitch and smiles as he pats it on the head, " You evolved and from the looks of it, you learned Aerial Ace in the process!" Mitch looks up and stares at the still unconscious Farfetch'd and after thinking for a few seconds, throws an empty Poke Ball at it. It is sucked inside and the capture noise goes off after almost a minute of shaking. Mitch walks up to the Poke Ball and uses his Pokedex to send it to Professor Oak's lab before he turns to face his Pokémon.  " I know it caused s some trouble, but it seems like a strong Pokémon with some potential," he explains as Charizard and Pidgeotto look at each other before nodding in agreement with their trainer. The rest of the Farfetch'd get to their feet and upon seeing that their leader has been captured, point their leeks at a Farfetch'd that is slightly smaller than the one that Mitch just caught as it leads them back into the jungle. " Wow, they moved on fast," Mitch says while sweat dropping as the group of Farfetch'd disappear into the darkness of the jungle.        

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