Poliwag and the Muddy Pond

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                 Mitch is done with his ocean and island-hopping travels and is now back on the Kanto mainland. He and Charizard are currently walking through a slight wooded area on their way to Viridian City for their final Kanto Gym Battle. (They came in from the ocean in an area between Viridian City and Pallet Town) After nearly six hours of walking, both trainer and Pokémon are getting very tired. " Hey, Charizard, you see that pond up ahead? Do you want to stop and take a rest there? Charizard looks in front of them and sees a very muddy pond that is located a few feet away from the dirt path that they are. " Char, Char, Zard," it eagerly says as the two of them make their way off the path and sit down in the grass next to the pond.  

                   " Here, eat these," Mitch says as he hands his Starter Pokémon two apples and begins to snack on an open bag of nacho cheese chips. " Zard" it says in appreciation before it tears into the fruit. The two of sit in silence( besides the sounds of crunching chips and Charizard's loud chewing) for around 10 to 15 minutes before something jumps out of the muddy pond. " Poli, Wag, Wag, Poliwag," a Poliwag shouts as it walks over to a nearby berry bush and begins to chow down on the Nomel Berries that are on it as Mitch and Charizard look on.  Poliwag is so distracted by its hunger that it hasn't noticed that the two of them of there. Crunch. Mitch bites down on one of his chips and the crunching noise catches the Water Type's attention. " Wag" Poliwag questionably asks as it turns around to face the intruders to its territory and almost immediately gets a shocked look on its face. " Wag, Wag, Wag, Poliwag, Poli, Poli, Poli, Wag, Wag," it accusingly shouts as it points its tail at Mitch and Charizard while jumping up and down.  Charizard is too distracted by its food to notice anything, but Mitch takes a good, long look at the Poliwag. After about a minute or two, a realization hits Mitch in the face, " Wait a minute, I know you!"


                         " What's that," Mitch exclaims while grabbing his Pokedex. " Poliwag, the Tadpole Pokémon, Poliwag's skin is so thin that you can see right through it to the Pokémon's spiral- shaped insides. It's not very skilled at walking on land, but a trainer can help it get better,". " Ok, here we go," Mitch yells as he throws a Poke Ball at the Poliwag 

                 Boink, the Poke Ball hits the Poliwag on the head and is sucked into it by the energy beam as the ball begins to shake. " Yes, We got it," Mitch excitedly yells, but he is unaware that the ball is still shaking. Poliwag bursts out of the Poke Ball and yells " Poli, Poli, Poliwag," in an annoyed tone. " What just happened, why didn't the Poke Ball catch it?" Mitch asks while looking at Charmander, "Char, Char," Charmander replies while shrugging. Mitch grabs his Pokedex and looks something up on it " Most Pokémon need to be weakened in a battle before they can be caught," says the Pokedex.

                         "Ok, Charmander use....," Mitch looks up to see that Poliwag is gone.

**Flashback Ends**

                                       " You're the same Poliwag that we encountered on our way out of Pallet Town! The one that I failed to catch because I didn't really know about basic Pokémon capture rules at the time," Mitch shouts as he accusingly points a finger at the Water Type.  " Waaaag, Waaaag, Waaaag," it mockingly laughs at him. " Oh, I'll teach you to laugh at me, you little sugar honey iced tea. How about we settle this with a battle!" " Poliiiii, Wag, Wag," it confidently shouts as it gets into a battle stance. Mitch turns to Charizard and is about to ask it to battle, but upon seeing that it's too distracted eating to fight, he decides otherwise and grabs a Poke Ball from his belt. " I choose you," he shouts as the throws the ball into the air. 

                      " Odd, Odd, Oddish, Odd," Mitch's Oddish shouts as it lands in front of Poliwag and prepares itself for the upcoming fight.  " Attack with Acid," Mitch shouts as  " Diiiiiiish," it fires a blob yellow goo out of its head. " Waaaaaggg," it shouts as it jumps into the air, avoiding the Acid in the process, and fires a medium size stream of water out of its mouth. " Dodge that Water Gun and use Absorb," Mitch shouts as " Oddddddisssh," it shouts as its center leaf glows light green before it fires a vine of light green energy out of it.  The vine goes into Poliwag's body and begins to absorb its health. " Odd, Odd," Oddish quietly says in relief as the attack restores some of its health. The Absorb attack stops and Poliwag hits the ground hard, but before Mitch has time to shout another command, Poliwag jumps to its feet with its tail glowing white. " Wagggggg," it shouts as it jumps forward and begins to repeatedly slap Oddish across the face with its tail.  " Oddddddish," it shouts as the Double Slap causes it to fall backwards and land on its back. " Quick use Absorb," Mitch shouts, but this time, Poliwag dodges the energy vine and jumps into the pond, hiding it from view. " Odd," Oddish questionably shouts as it walks over to the pond and tries to find its opponent in the muddy water. Suddenly, multiple small balls of mud are fired from the pond. " Oddddddish," it shouts as the Mud Shot attack hits it in the side. Oddish struggles back to its feet as Poliwag jumps out of the pond and begins to repeatedly hit it across the face with Double Slap. " Oddddddddiiiiish," it shouts as it falls on its back with spirals in its eyes.

             Mitch returns Oddish to its Poke Ball and is about to bring out another Pokémon, when Charizard, who has finally finished eating, steps forward and roars at Poliwag, " Zaaaaaaaard!" Poliwag jumps in fear, before it gets a hold of its senses and fires a Mud Shot at Charizard. The Ground Type move does no damage to Charizard , thanks to its Flying typing , as Mitch yells " Use Dragon Claw!" Charizard's right claws glow with purple energy as it flies forward in an attempt to hit Poliwag. " Polllliiiii" it shouts in a panic as it barely dodges the Dragon Claw and jumps back into the pond.  " Charizard, fly over the pond and try to find it," Mitch commands as his Starter spreads its wings, flies into the air, and hovers over the pond while looking for any signs of movement.  Suddenly, a Water Gun is fired out of the pond in an area near the center and Charizard barely manages to move out of the way as Mitch shouts, " fire a Dragon Rage at that spot!" " Zaaaaaaaaard," it shouts as it fires the ball of purple energy with purple electricity surrounding it out of its mouth. The attack hits the water and explodes, " Wagggggggggg," an injured Poliwag shouts as the explosion sends it flying out of the water and into the air while Mitch shouts, " Finish it with Fire Punch!" " Chaaaaaaaar," it shouts as it slams covers its right arm it fire and punches the descending Poliwag, sending it flying back to shore. 

                   " Wagggg," the Water Type shouts as it painfully lands on the ground with spirals in its eyes. A victorious Charizard lands next to it and lets out a victory roar " Zaaaaaaaaaaard," as Mitch grabs an empty Poke Ball and throws it at Poliwag.  The ball hits Poliwag in the back of the head and sucks it inside. It takes about three minutes of shaking for the capture noise to finally go off and after the noise goes off, Mitch walks up to Poliwag's Poke Ball and uses the button on his Pokedex to send it to Professor Oak's Lab. " Do you think this means that we have redeemed ourselves for those first few very terrible capture attempts that we did when we first started our journey," Mitch asks as Charizard shrugs. 

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