Lapras Returns

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                      Mitch, with Charizard at his side, exists the Cinnabar Island Pokémon Center after resting from his battle with Blaine and switching up his team a little bit by swapping some Pokémon that he had on his team with some of the Pokémon that were at Professor Oak's lab. They walk down some steps that lead to the beach and Mitch prepares to get on Charizard's back, so that they can fly back to the mainland. But, before they have time to take to the skies, they hear a familiar cry, " Laaaaaaaaapraaaaaaaas!" 

                 Suddenly, one of the Poke Balls on Mitch's belt begins to shake as the Pokémon inside it lets itself out.  " Sea, Sea, Seadra," Seadra shouts as she hops into the water and from behind a cluster of rocks, comes the young Lapras that they previously helped.  " Sea, Sea, Sea, Dra, Dra," " Lap, Lap, Lapras, Lap, Lap," the two old friends greet each other as Lapras swims up to Seadra. " Hey, Lapras, it has been a little while, how are you doing," Mitch asks as he wades into the water and pets the Water/Ice type on the head. " Lap, Lap, Lapras," it says in response and Mitch asks, " So, Lapras, why did you come all this way. Do you want us to help you with something?" " Lap, Lapras, Lap, Lap, Lap, Lap, Lapras," it shouts as it points one of its flippers at the Poke Balls on Mitch's belt. " Oh, I see. You came all this way because you decided that you wanted to join my team. Lapras, I would be proud to have you as one of my Pokémon."  " Laaaaaaaaaaap," it shouts in happiness as Mitch eagerly grins and says, " but, I'm not letting you off the hook so easily. Let's see how strong you are as of right now," Mitch says as he grabs a Poke Ball from his belt. Seadra swims out of the way as Lapras gets into a battle stance and Mitch throws the Poke Ball into the air. 

            " Hhhaunt, Haunt, Haunter, Haunt," Mitch's Haunter shouts as it levitates in front of Lapras. " Attack with Night Shade," Mitch shouts as " Hhhhaaaanteeer," it fires two dark purple energy beams out of both of its eyes. Lapras tries to dart out of the way, but is too slow and the energy beams slam into its right shoulder. " Laaaaaaaaap" it shouts in pain as Mitch shouts, " Use Thunder Punch!" " Hhhhhauntttt," it shouts as it covers its right fist in electricity and prepares to punch Lapras, but " Raaaaaaaaas," Lapras shouts as it fires a small beam of ice out of its mouth. The Ice Shard hits the Thunder Punch and not only stops the attack, but also freezes Haunter's right hand in the process. " Haunt," it says in confusion as, " Laaaaaaaapraaaaaas," it fires a large stream of water out of its mouth at Haunter. " Haaaaaunt," the Ghost/Poison type shouts as the Hydro Pump slams into it and knocks it backwards.  " Hhhaunt," it weakly says as it slowly floats to the ground and Mitch recalls it to its Poke Ball. 

               " Doduo, I choose you," Mitch shouts as he throws a Safari Ball into the air. " Dod, Duo, Duo, Doduo," they shout as they land ankle deep in the water.  " Use Fury Attack," Mitch shouts as Doduo's beaks temporary glow white and they jump forward and repeatedly peck at Lapras with their beaks. " Laaaaaap," it shouts in pain and Mitch yells, " Use Double Hit!" " Duoooooo," they both shout as their heads glow white and the left head headbutts Lapras with the right head following close behind. Lapras is forced to move a few feet back as Mitch shouts, " Use your Quick Attack!" " Doooooood," they shout as they run at Lapras with a white energy streak following behind them, but the fact that they are in water slows them down, giving Lapras enough time to recover from the previous two attacks. " Raaaaaaas," it shouts as it fires an Ice Shard at the incoming Doduo. " Duuuuuuooooo," they shout as the Super Effective move slams into them and sends them flying backwards. " Dooood," they say as they slam into the sand and struggle to their feet. Mitch recalls them to their Safari Ball and begins to think of his next move. 

                " Sea, Seadra, Sea, Dra, Dra," Seadra shouts as she swims in front of Lapras and gets into a battle stance. At first, Lapras is confused by its old friend's behavior, but quickly realizes what is going on and eagerly grins.  " Ok, Seadra, I'll let you battle. Attack with Ice Beam," Mitch shouts as Seadra fires the medium sized beam of ice out of its mouth and Lapras fires back with Ice Shard. The two Ice type moves cancel each other out as Mitch yells " Use Water Gun!" " Seeeeadraaaaa," it shouts as it fires the medium sized stream of water out of its mouth, but the Water Gun is absorbed into the body of Lapras as it temporary glows light blue. " What was that" Mitch confusingly asks as he reaches for his Pokedex and Seadra stares in shock. " Water Absorb, this ability is activated when the Pokémon is hit by a Water Type move, instead of taking damage, some of the Pokémon's HP is restored." " Laaaaprasssss," it shouts as it fires off another Hydro Pump. " Dodge, and use Dragon Pulse," Mitch shouts as Seadra jumps into the air, completely avoiding the Hydro Pump in the process, and fires the big ball of purple dragon energy out of its mouth. " Laaaaapraaaas," it shouts as the attack hits it in the neck and explodes as Mitch shouts, " Seadra, let's finish this, use Hyper Beam!" " Seeeeeadraaaaaaaaaaa," it shouts as it fires the big beam of bright red energy out of its mouth. " Laaaaaaaaapraaaas," Lapras shouts as the powerful attack hits it in the back and its head falls into the water with spirals in its eyes. " Poke Ball, Go," Mitch yells while throwing a Poke Ball at Lapras as a recharging Seadra lands in the water. The ball hits Lapras in the flipper and sucks it inside as the capture noise goes off almost immediately. 

                Seadra carries the closed up Poke Ball over to Mitch and gives it to him. Mitch grabs a Poke Ball from his belt and uses the P.C. button on his Pokedex to send it to Professor Oak's lab so that Lapras can remain on his team.  " Lapras, I choose you, " Mitch shouts as he lets the newest addition of his team out of its ball. " Laap," it weakly cries as it comes out and Mitch uses a Full Restore to heal it.  " So, Lapras, I was going to ride Charizard across the ocean, but considering your species is known for carrying people across the ocean, I think I should ride you instead. What do you say about that?" " Lap, Lap, Lap" it says it agreement as Mitch returns Charizard and Seadra to their Poke Balls and hops on Lapras. " Viridian City, here we come" Mitch says as Lapras sets off. 

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