The Fuchsia City Gym Battle

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                Mitch and Charmeleon stand in front of the doors to the Fuchsia City Gym which looks similar to the other gyms that we have seen so far, except that it has purple slime painted down the walls. " Ready to try for our fifth badge," Mitch asks as he turns to face Charmeleon. " Char, Char," it eagerly replies as the two of them walk through the doors and down the long dark corridor that ever gym seems to have. Eventually, they come to the battlefield that is surrounded on all sides by complete darkness. On the opposite side of the battlefield, a man with spiked hair wearing a purple ninja outfit and a red ninja scarf peacefully meditates. 

              As if sensing Mitch and Charmeleon's presence, the man jumps to his feet ( with his eyes still closed) and opens his eyes. " I am Koga, the leader of this gym. Young one, you must be here for a gym battle. Am i correct?  " Yeah, my name is Mitch Harper and i will be battling you to try to earn my fifth badge," he says as Koga smiles slightly. " Very well, young one, if this is your fifth gym battle, I will make it a three on three battle and you will be the only one that can substitute your Pokemon." " That's fine by me," Mitch replies as he and Koga both pull out Poke Balls. " Wartortle, I choose you," " Koffing, prepare for battle," both trainers shout as they toss their balls into the air. 

            " War, Tortle, Wartortle," " Koffing, Koffing, Koff," both Pokemon shout as they appear on the battlefield and Mitch use the Pokedex on Koffing. " Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokemon, the gases that fill Koffing's body are extremely toxic. When it's under attack, it releases this poisonous gas from jets on its surface."  " Attack with Water Gun," Mitch orders as " Waaaartooooortle," it fires the medium sized stream of water out of its mouth. " Dodge that and use Sludge," Koga commands as Koffing floats out of the way of Wartortle's Water Gun and " Koooffiiiing," fires a big ball of purple slime out of its mouth. " Withdraw and then use Hydro Pump," Mitch yells and Wartortle pulls its entire body into its shell and the Sludge attack harmlessly explodes on Wartortle's shell. Wartortle quickly comes back out of its shell and fires off a large stream of water out of its mouth. The Hydro Pump slams into Koffing and knocks it against the ceiling and it begins to descend towards the ground, " Use Tackle," Mitch yells as Wartortle jumps and slams its entire body into Koffing. Koffing lands on the ground in front of Koga and weakly begins to float back into the air. " Use Gyro Ball," Koga orders as Koffing begins to spin around as as big ball of silver energy forms in front of its mouth. " Koffffffffinnnng," it shouts as if fires the Gyro Ball , " dodge and use Skull Bash," Mitch orders and Wartortle jumps to the side, avoids the Gyro Ball, and slams its head into Koffing sending it flying into the wall. Koffing slides down the wall and lands on the ground with spirals in its eyes. " Great job, Wartortle," Mitch exclaims as Wartortle jumps with joy and Koga returns Koffing to its Poke Ball. " Excellent work, young one, but there are more ways to win battles than by just attacking," Koga says as he throws another ball into the air.

              " Veno, Veno, Venomoth," Koga's Venomoth shouts as it flies into the air. " Wartortle, Use Hydro Pump," Mitch orders as " Waaaaaaarrrtooooortle," it fires the large stream out of its mouth at Venomoth. " Use Protect and then use Toxic," Koga yells as a clear protective bubble forms around Venomoth's body causing the Hydro Pump to harmlessly pass over it. After the Protect fades away, Venomoth shoots a small purple dart out of its mouth that ends up stabbing Wartortle in the shoulder. The dart melts into a purple slime as it is absorbed into Wartortle's body as it screams in pain. " Your Wartortle is now badly poisoned. Venomoth, attack with Venoshock," Koga says as " Veeenooomoooth," It fires a medium sized puddle of bubbling purple slime out of its mouth. " That attack doubles in power if the Pokemon that is hit by it is poisoned, so use Withdraw," Mitch shouts as Wartortle retreats into its shell and the Venoshock does no damage. " Now use Aqua Tail," Mitch says as Wartortle covers its tail in water and jumps at Venomoth. " Use Protect," Koga whispers as the protective bubble forms around it and protects it from being hit by Aqua Tail and Wartortle suffers from poison ( yes, it's one of those battles) " Use Venoshock," Koga yells as the bubble fades away and Venomoth hits a still suffering Wartortle with the bubbling slime. " Waaaartooortle," it shouts as it falls to the ground and lands on its back with spirals in its eyes. Before Mitch has time to do anything, Horsea pops out of her Poke Ball and quickly hops over to Wartortle's side. " Hor, Hor, Sea, Horsea," she quickly says as she rubs her head against Wartortle's head. Wartortle opens its eyes and weakly smiles at Horsea as it weakly says " Tortle, War." " Ok, you two, return. Charmeleon, I choose you," Mitch says as he returns Horsea and Wartortle and Charmeleon runs into the battlefield.

                   " Char, Char, Charmeleon," it shouts as it prepares to fight and Mitch yells " Use Metal Claw." Charmeleon's right claws turn into metal as it rushes towards Venomoth and Koga whispers " Use Double Team."  Venomoth's body briefly glows white as around twenty Venomoth clones fly out of its body and surround Charmeleon. A confused Charmeleon stops running and tries to figure out which Venomoth is the real one as Koga yells " Use Toxic." Every Venomoth shoots the purple dart out of their mouth as Charmeleon tries to avoid everyone of them, but fails as one of them impales him in the back, leaving him badly poisoned. " Chaaaaaaaar," it shouts in pain as the Venomoth form back into one and Koga yells " Use Venoshock."  The bubbling slime explodes into Charmeleon's body and knocks it backwards, but it quickly regains its balance as Mitch orders " Use Flamethrower."  " Chaaaaar," it shouts as it shoots the medium sized stream of fire out of its mouth, but " Use Protect." The fire harmlessly slams into the bubble as Koga yells " use Venoshock." Charmeleon is about to jump out of the way, but the poison stops it as the Venoshock slams into it and knocks him backwards. He lands in front of Mitch with spirals in its eyes. Mitch walks over, helps Charmeleon to its feet, and sets it down beside him. 

              " You are losing , young one, so I hope you have a way to deal with poison." " I don't think, I do, but i do have brute strength, I choose you," Mitch says as he throws a Poke Ball into the air. " Snor, Snor, Snorlax, Lax," a surprisingly awake Snorlax shouts as it lands on the battlefield. " Use Mega Kick," he shouts as Snorlax's right leg briefly glows white and it jumps at Venomoth. " Use Protect and then Toxic," Koga orders as Snorlax's leg bounces off of the bubble and the Toxic dart hits Snorlax in the shoulder, but the dart ends up fading away as Koga and Mitch get shocked looked on their faces " What," they both shout as Mitch pulls out his Pokedex. "Immunity, this ability prevents the Pokemon that has it from becoming poisoned," the mechanical encyclopedia explains." ( and that reader is why i didn't have him use Beedrill or Ivysaur, who would both be immune to Toxic)   " Use Mega Punch," Mitch orders as Snorlax punches a still shocked Venomoth and " Use Mega Kick,"  kicks it very hard before it has time to recover.  Venomoth lands on its belly with spirals in its eyes as a shocked Koga returns it. " Amazing work, young one. Most Snorlax that I have fought have had Thick Fat for their ability. Golbat, I choose you."  

          " Gol, Gol, Golbat," it shouts as it flies into the air as " Use Sludge Bomb," Koga commands. " Goooolbaaat," it shouts as it fires the multiple balls of slimes out of its mouth. " Snoooorlaaaax," it shouts as they explode in its face. " Now Wing Attack," Golbat flies at Snorlax with both of its wings glowing white as Mitch yells " counter that with Mega Kick," and the force of the kick sends Golbat flying back. " Use Tackle," Mitch yells as Snorlax slams its body into Golbat, " Goooooool," it shouts as " finish it with Body Slam." Snorlax jumps into the air and falls on top of Golbat with all of its body weight, knocking it out. ( Although, realistically Golbat is dead am i right. Lol)

                  A defeated Koga returns Golbat to its ball as Mitch rushes forward to hug Snorlax, only for it to fall backwards in a deep sleep before he can get to it. Mitch sweat drops in embarrassment as Koga walks over and hands him the Soul Badge. " If you want to try for your next badge, I would recommend going to the Psychic Gym in Saffron City, but i also recommend that you go to the nearby Safari Zone to catch some more Pokemon before you leave Fuchsia City," Koga explains as he respectfully bows to Mitch. " Saffron City will definitely be my next stop and I guess I'll take tomorrow off and go to the Safari Zone," Mitch says as he respectfully bows back.

Authors Note: Sorry if the final few paragraphs feel rushed, I was in a hurry to finish it. Also, if you think Mitch's Snorlax is overpowered wait until Chapter 24.         

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