Island of the Extinct Pokémon

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                 A view of a very large and very secluded island is shown. It is split into a eastern side and a western side by a very large mountain range. The western side is mainly covered in redwood forest and the eastern side is mainly covered in jungle. It then pans down to the eastern side of the island to show Mitch and his Pokémon taking a break on the beach. Mitch examines all the available supplies that he has in his backpack, Charizard and Rhyhorn sunbathe, Shellder and Nidoran( Male) play in the shallows, and Pidgeotto and Gastly roughhouse in the sky. A loud and mysterious roar echoes across the island as everyone temporary stops what they are doing to listen to it. The roar has clearly frightened the residents of the island as a group of strange Pokémon run out of the jungle in extreme panic.  " Oma, Oma, Nyte, Oma, Oma, Nyte, Nyte," they shout as they begin to burrow themselves into the sand. " Wait, aren't those Omanyte? I though they were supposed to be extinct with the exception of ones that were revived from fossils and are either in the ownership of trainers or being studied in research labs," Mitch says in a confused tone as he pulls out his Pokedex. 

                  " Omanyte, the Spiral Pokémon, this Pokémon from ancient times is said to have navigated the sea by adeptly twisting its 10 tentacles." " That's what I thought, they're supposed to be extinct in the wild, how are they," " Nidddooo," " Shell, Shell," Nidoran and Shellder shout at Mitch as something swims beneath the surface of the shallow water. The Pokémon surfaces as it angrily stares at the two Pokémon in the water while shouting " Kab, Kab, Buto, Kab, Kab." " A Kabuto? Aren't they supposed to be extinct in the wild too," Mitch says while pointing his Pokedex at the agitated Pokémon. " Kabuto, the Shellfish Pokémon, it is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell." " Butoooooo," it shouts as it fires a multiple balls of light brown mud out of its mouth. Shellder pulls back into its shell to protect itself with Withdraw from the Mud Shot, but it ends up slamming into Nidoran and sending it flying into the sand. Mitch returns the dazed Nidoran to its Safari Ball as the Kabuto dives back into the water and swims away.

                         Shellder pulls itself out of its shell, nervously looks around for any more danger, and breathes a sign of relief, however it doesn't realize that is being watched from below. A couple of light blue tentacles wrap themselves around Shellder's body and raise it high in the air as it fearfully shouts " Shelll, Derrrr, Sheeeeelll."  The own of the tentacles surfaces as it shouts " Oma, Oma, Omastar," with a predatory look in its eyes. " An Omastar," Mitch shouts in astonishment as he points his Pokedex at it. " Omastar, the Spiral Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Omanyte, Omastar's sharp fangs could crush rock, but the Pokémon could only attack the prey that came within reach of its tentacles." " Wait, what does it mean by prey," Mitch asks in a worried tone as he looks up to see that Omastar is slowly pulling Shellder towards its mouth. " Shelllllllllllll," a terrified Shellder shouts as Mitch quickly grabs its Poke Ball from his belt and recalls it to keep it from becoming Omastar food. " Oma, Oma, Oma, Star, Star, Oma,"  the predatory Pokémon shouts in an agitated tone before it dives back into the water. 

                   As Mitch breathes a sign of relief from one of his Pokémon not being made into a meal, Charizard senses that something is watching them from the cover of the jungle. Charizard quickly gets to its feet as Mitch curiously watches it and fires a Flamethrower at the jungle. " Kaaaaaaabu, Tops, Tops, " the stalker Pokémon shouts as it jumps over the Flamethrower and lands on the sand in front of Charizard with an angry look in its eyes. " Kabutops, the Shellfish Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Kabuto, it is thought that this Pokémon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land." " Kaaaaaabuuuuutooops," it shouts as its right scythe claw glows with dark black energy and it rushes forward to hit Charizard with it. " Counter that Night Slash with Dragon Claw," Mitch yells as Charizard's purple energy covered right claws collide with the Night Slash from Kabutops. The two Pokémon struggle against each other as Mitch turns to face Rhyhorn and yells " Use Drill Run and aim for its head!" " Rhhhyyyyyyyhoooooorn," it shouts as its horn begins to spin as it jumps into the air and begins spinning rapidly around before flinging itself at Kabutops. However, Kabutops sees it coming and manages to fire a medium sized beam of ice out of its mouth at the incoming Ground/ Rock type. The Ice Beam hits Rhyhorn and manages to freeze it mid-air as it falls to the ground, shattering it on impact and causing Rhyhorn some damage. Mitch returns the recovering Rhyhorn to its Safari Ball as Pidgeotto and Gastly fly at the distracted Kabutops and hit in directly on the head with Wing Attack and Thunder Punch, respectively. " Tooooops," it shouts as the pain forces it to stop its Night Slash, allowing Charizard to slash it cross the face with Dragon Claw. " Kaaaaaabuuuu," it shouts as it falls to its knees on the sand, however it manages to get back to its feet as it summons multiple very sharp grey stones in front of it and fires them into the air at Gastly and Pidgeotto. Both of them manage to avoid the Stone Edge attack, allowing Charizard to fire a Dragon Rage at the distracted Kabutops. " Tooooopsssss," it shouts as the attack knocks it into a tree.  

                     Kabutops slowly gets back up and is about to attack when the same roar from before happens again, but this time it is much closer. A terrified Kabutops retreats into the jungle as the roar happens once again, " Daaaaaaaactttttylllllll!" The Pokémon that has been making the roar finally appears in the sky as Mitch uses his Pokedex on it. " Aerodactyl, the Fossil Pokémon, in ancient times, it ruled the skies. A widely accepted theory is that it went extinct due to a large meteor impact." It immediately stops flying upon seeing Mitch and gets an angry/ hungry look in its eyes. " Daaaaaaaactttyllll," it shouts as it summons a large rock in front of its body and fires it at a surprised Charizard. The rock slams into Charizard and knocks it backwards. Another rock is summoned from thin air and slams into Charizard's back. Two more rocks slam into both of Charizard's sides and finally, one falls from the sky and falls on its head and explodes along with the other rocks. " Zaaaaaaaaard," it shouts as the Rock Tomb attack causes it to fall over on its side. It struggles to get up as Aerodactyl summons a bunch of old and eroded looking rocks and fires them at Pidgeotto. The Normal/ Flying type is unable to get away in time as the Ancient Power slams into it and explodes, knocking it out of the sky as Gastly is knocked back by the explosion. " Daaaaaacttttyllll," it cries at it flies at Mitch with its talons oustretched, but, " Gggggggastlllly," it shouts as in floats in front of the incoming Aerodactyl and fires two dark purple energy beams out of its eyes. " Aeeeeeeeroooooo," it shouts as the Night Shade slams into it and knocks it backwards. It manages to catch itself, but before it has time to fully recover, Gastly's body begins to glow in a blinding white light.

               " Hhhhhhhaunteeeeer," Mitch's newly evolved Haunter shouts as the light fades away. " Haunter, the Gas Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Gastly, it likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering." " Haaaaunt," it shouts as it fires a bunch of black circles out of its eyes that expand as they get closer to Aerodactly. The Hypnosis hits Aerodactyl, putting it to sleep and causing to fall out of the sky and into the jungle with a loud thud. Haunter floats down to Mitch as he returns the knocked out Pidgeotto and heals the wounded Charizard with a Hyper Potion, allowing it to get back to its feet. " I think that the reason that all this supposed to be extinct are here is because this island has somehow managed to stay isolated and protected for millions of years. The Pokémon that live here must know that it's a bad idea if humans know about the existence of this island and they attack anyone that comes to this island in order to keep their existence a secret. I say that we keep this island our little secret and go rest on another island, so that they can live in peace," Mitch says as Charizard and Haunter nod in agreement. Mitch pats the newly evolved Haunter on the head as a congratulations for evolving, returns it to its Poke Ball, and hops on Charizard's back as they fly away from the island of extinct Pokémon.           

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