A Big Day for Bulbasaur

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                 Mitch and Charmeleon stand in a grassy field and on the opposite side of the field stands an Camper. ( think of the male Camper from FireRed and that's pretty much what he looks like) " Like I said my name is Austin and I just got my butt handed to me by the Fuchsia City Gym Leader. I've been looking for trainers to train against and I found you, so are you up for a 3 on 3 battle," the Camper asks. Mitch looks over at Charmeleon and it grins " Char," it says with a nod. " You're on, I could use some more practice before I fight the Fuchsia Gym anyway" 

          " Great, I choose you, Nidorino" Austin yells as he throws a Quick Ball into the air. " Nido, Rino, Rino,' he says as Mitch scans it on his Pokedex. " Nidorino, the Poison Pin Pokemon, the Evolved Form of a male Nidoran, the horn on Nidorino's forehead is made of an extremely hard substance. When challenged, its body bristles with poisonous barbs."   "Charmeleon, I choose you," Mitch yells as he puts his Pokedex away and Charmeleon rushes forward into the battlefield with a " Char, Char, Charmeleon." " Nidorino, use Horn Attack," Austin commands as Nidorino's horn glows white for a couple seconds and he lunges at Charmeleon with his horn outstretched. "Counter that with Fire Spin," " Charrrrrrrrrrr," it shouts as it spins its head around and a stream of spinning fire slams into Nidorino. " Nidoooooooooo," it screams as Mitch yells " Use Flamethrower," " Chaaaaaaarmeeeeeleeeeooon," it yells as it fires the medium sized stream of fire out of its mouth. The fire stream slams into Nidorino just as the Fire Spin ends knocking him backwards. He lands at Austin's feet with several scorch marks on its body and spirals in his eyes.

             Austin returns Nidorino, pulls a Dive Ball out of his pocket, and throws it into the air. " Golduck, I choose you," he exclaims as Mitch reaches for his Pokedex. " Gol, Gol. Golduck," it says as Mitch scans it on the Pokedex. " Golduck, the Duck Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Psyduck, people used to think they could gain mysterious powers by taking the red orb from Golduck's forehead. It keeps an eye out for underwater Pokemon as it patrols near the edge of its lake home." " Use Hydro Pump," " Use Flamethrower," the big stream of water and medium sized stream of fire collide and great a big cloud of steam. " Golduck, use the steam as cover and use Zen Headbutt." Golduck jumps into the steam cloud, blocking it from Charmeleon's view, and after a few seconds, slams its glowing pink head into Charmeleon, knocking it back as it yells out " Chaaaar." The steam cloud disappears as Austin yells " Use Hydro Pump." The big stream of water slams into Charmeleon knocking it to back as it lands next to Mitch with spirals in its eyes. 

                Mitch helps his starter to its feet as he asks " You ok," " Char, Char," it weakly replies with a nod as Mitch takes a Poke Ball out and throws it into the air. " Horsea, Hor, Hor, Horsea," Horsea shouts as she hops out of her ball. " Ready for battle, Horsea," Mitch asks. " Horsea, Sea," she replies with a smile. " Use Bubble," Mitch says as Horsea fires a big light blue bubble out of her mouth at Golduck. " Golduck, run forward while using Fury Swipes," " Gollllllduuuuuck," it yells as the claws on both of its hands glow white and extend a few inches as it runs forward. It destroys the Bubble attack with one swipe from its claws and begins to furiously and aggressively swipe Horsea with its claws. " Hoooooorrrrrseeeea," she shouts as the claws slash across her tiny body. " Now use Confusion," Austin yells as the gem on Golduck's head flashes pink and a pink energy surrounds Horsea's body and begins to press very hard against her. " Hooorsseeeea," she cries in pain before the energy disappears and she falls on her side with spirals in her eyes. Mitch returns Horsea as he feels Wartortle's Poke Ball shake wit anger.  " Sorry, Wartortle, but i have other plans. Bulbasaur, I choose you," a now losing Mitch says as he throws Bulbasaur's Poke Ball into the air. 

             " Bulba, Bulba, Saur, Bulba," it shouts as it lands on the battlefield. ( What Mitch doesn't know is that Bulbasaur begins to absorb sunlight into the bulb on its back) " Use Skull Bash," Mitch commands as Bulbasaur runs forward and slams its head into Golduck's chest knocking it back, " now use Razor Leaf," he yells as the sharp green leaves materialize from thin air and slam into Golduck. Golduck almost falls to its knees, but manages to stop itself as Austin yells " Use Confusion," and the same thing that knocked out Horsea happens to Bulbasaur, but for Bulbasaur this move is Super Effective. " Buuuuulbaaaa," it screams, but manages to shake the attack off as its body begins to glow a blinding white. The light eventually fades and an Ivysaur stands where Bulbasaur once stood. 

               " Ivyyyyyyysaaaaur," it shouts as it fires a large beam of almost blinding white light from the bulb on its back. The attack slams into Golduck and sends it flying backwards. It lands against a tree stump with spirals in its eyes. " Not only did you evolve, but you also learned Solar Beam at some point," Mitch exclaims as Ivysaur turns its head and smiles at its trainer.  Austin returns Golduck to its Dive Ball and turns to face Mitch and Ivysaur. " Ok, it may put me at a disadvantage, but i'll use my recently evolved Pokemon to fight yours," he says as he throws an Ultra Ball into the air. " Poli, Poli, Poliwrath, Wrath," Austin's Poliwrath shouts as it lands on the battlefield. 

                 " Poliwrath, the Tadpole Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Poliwhirl and the final Evolved Form of Poliwag, it's quite a gifted swimmer, even among Water Type Pokemon, but it normally spends its time on land."  " Use Dynamic Punch," " Pooooliiiiwraaaath," it screams as it slams its glowing red fist into Ivysaur's face. "Ivvvvvyyyyyysaaaur," it shouts as it stumbles backwards. " Use Sludge Bomb,' Mitch yells as Ivysaur fires multiple blobs of purple slime out of the bulb on its back. The attack hits, Poliwrath, briefly knocking it to its knees, but it quickly gets back up only for its body to glow purple for a few seconds as it screams " Polllliii," in pain. " It looks like Poliwrath was poisoned by that Sludge Bomb," Mitch says as Austin frowns in dismay. " Whatever, I can still fight. Use Double Slap," Poliwrath's hands glow white as it runs forward and repeatedly slaps Ivysaur across a face for about a minute. " Knock it back with Skull Bash," Mitch exclaims as Ivysaur slams its head into Poliwrath sending it skidding backwards. " Use Body Slam," Austin yells, but before Poliwrath can jump into the air, Mitch yells " Use Razor Leaf," and Poliwrath is knocked to the ground by Ivysaur's leaves. It suffers from poison for a few seconds as both trainers yell " Use Hydro Pump" " Use Solar Beam." Ivysaur begins to absorb sunlight into its bulb as Poliwrath fires a large stream of water out of its mouth. The Hydro Pump knocks Ivysaur backwards, but it manages to get back on its feet. " Poliwrath, hit it with Ice Punch before it has time to complete Solar Beam," Austin yells as Poliwrath covers its arm in ice and rushes forward at Ivysaur, but before it can hit it, " Ivvvvvysaaaaaaaaur," it fires the Solar Beam out of its bulb and it slams head on into Poliwrath. " Poliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwraaaaath," it yells in pain as it flies backwards and lands on its back with spirals in its eyes.

                A victorious Mitch runs forward and hugs his newly evolved Ivysaur as Austin returns his unconscious Poliwrath to its Ultra Ball. " Great job, Ivysaur! You evolved and managed to take out two of Austin's Pokemon without loosing, I can't wait to see what you do in the future." Austin walks up to them and Mitch stands up to give him a friendly handshake " Great battle, I have no doubt that you'll beat the Fuchsia City Gym Leader or at the very least give him a run for his money," he says. " Thanks and I don't have any plans to lose that gym battle," Mitch says as he pats a smiling Ivysaur on the head.          

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