The Viridian City Gym Battle (Part 1)

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                         After a long trek across an entire region, Mitch and Charizard have returned to the place that was the first stop on their journey: Viridian City.  They stand in front of a building that says " Viridian City Gym". The walls of this gym are painted to look like cracking earth with a small mountain range popping out of the ground in the background of the painting.  " Ready to earn our final gym badge," Mitch asks as Charizard roars a, " Zard, Zard," in agreement. They walk into the gym and down a long brightly lit corridor. Eventually, they reach the battlefield: a dirt battlefield that is encircled by a river of mud. On the other side of the battlefield, a woman sits in a black arm chair( a bunch of old, out of use computers sit in the back of the room) and munches on a bag of baby carrots. She is wearing a stereotypical cowgirl outfit complete with brown boots with yellow spurs, a light brown cowgirl hat, blue pants, and a flannel shirt.  She notices Mitch and quickly gets to her feet. " Howdy, I'm Gaia and I'm the Viridian City Gym Leader. I'm actually the newest addition to the Kanto Gym Leaders. I become Gym Leader about three years ago when the old gym leader " disappeared". I fought my way through the ranks and now many people consider me the strongest Gym Leader in the Kanto Region." 

                     " My name is Mitch and I'm here to challenge you for my eighth Kanto gym badge. After that, I will be able to compete in my first league tournament," Mitch explains with Charizard shouting a, " Char," in agreement. " Well, youngster, if the Indigo League will be your first tournament, you should be better prepared for it. Therefore, our battle will be a full battle with both of us using six Pokémon. Are you okay with that?"  " Yeah, I'm ready. Let's battle," Mitch shouts as he and Gaia walk to their sides of the battlefield. " You have the first move, buckaroo," Gaia says while taking a Poke Ball off of her belt.  " Okay, Primeape, I choose you!" 

               " Ape, Prime, Ape, Primeape," it shouts as it slams its fists into each other and stomps the ground a couple times. " Go, Dugtrio," Gaia shouts as she throws her Poke Ball into the air.  " Trio Trio, Trio," they shout as they materialize in the battlefield. " So, this is a Ground Type Gym? Noted. Primeape, attack with Brick Break!"  " Appppppe," it shouts while twisting its glowing white right arm into an odd angle before jumping forward to strike Dugtrio with it. " Use Double Team," Gaia commands as " Triooooooo," Dugtrio creates multiple copies of themselves that surround Primeape on all sides. " Ape" it questionably says while coming to a stop and desperately looking around in an attempt to pinpoint the location of the real Dugtrio. " Use Mud Bomb," Gaia shouts at all of the clones. " Triiiiiiiooooooooo," they all fire big balls of mud out of their mouths ( each individual Dugtrio fires one ball) that slam into Primeape and explode on impact. " Aaaaaaaaapppppe," it shouts as it lands on its back and the Dugtrio clones form back into one.  To Gaia's surprise, Primeape quickly recovers from the attack and jumps back to its feet as Mitch shouts, " Use Cross Chop!" " Priiiiiiimmmmeaaaaaaape," it shouts as its arms glow white and it forms them into an X before slamming them into Dugtrio. " Triooooooo," they shout as Mitch yells " now use Mega Punch" and Primeape's right fist temporary glows white before it punches Dugtrio in the biggest head. Dugtrio temporary winces in pain as Gaia smiles, " Looks like you're not even trying to hold back, Good! We won't hold back either! Dugtrio, use Fissure!"  " Duuuuuuuugggggtriiooooooo," they shout as they glow light brown and slam their heads on the ground. A crack in the earth is opened up beneath Primeape as it falls in, " Apppppppe," it shouts as it falls and the crack closes on it. After a few seconds, the crack reopens and spits an unconscious Primeape back out into the battlefield. " So, a One-hit knockout attack? You're not going easy on me and I love it! Lapras, I choose you," Mitch shouts as he throws a ball into the air while returning Primeape.  

               " Lapras, Lap, Lapras," it shouts as it lands in the battlefield and Mitch screams, " Use Sing!" " La, Laa, Laa, Laaaa, La, Laa," it sings as a bunch of colorful music notes fly out of its mouth and hit Dugtrio in all three of its faces. " Tri, O," they grumble as their heads droop and they fall asleep. " Use Body Slam and then Hydro Pump," Mitch shouts as Lapras jumps into the air and brings its entire body down on to Dugtrio. They let out a pained grunt in their sleep as Lapras climbs off and them and, " Laaaaaaaapraaaaaas," fires the large stream of water out of its mouth. The Hydro Pump slams into Dugtrio and knocks their heads to the ground as spirals appear in their eyes. " Excellent work, young'un," Gaia says while returning Dugtrio and taking another Poke Ball off of her belt, " Using a Sleep causing move to stop a Pokémon that you know has a one Hit Knock out move. You're lucky that Dugtrio is the only one of my Pokémon that knows Fissure. Marowak, get on out here," she shouts while throwing a ball into the air. " Maro, Wak, Wak," it shouts as it lands and spins its bone around for a few seconds. 

                     " Use Hydro Pump," Mitch shouts while Lapras fires the large stream of water out of its mouth. " Jump and use Bone Rush," Gaia yells as Marowak jumps into the air, avoiding the Super Effective move, and its bone glows light blue. It then jumps down and begins to repeatedly hit Lapras with its still glowing light blue bone. " Laaaaaaaaap," it shouts in pain as Marowak continues to hit it, but when it finally lets up, Mitch yells, " Use Ice Shard!" " Raaaaaassss," it fires the small beam of ice out of its mouth and knocks Marowak back. " Maaaaaarooooo," it shouts as it tries to stop itself from hitting the ground as Mitch says " Attack with Body Slam." " Laaaaapraaas," it shouts as it jumps into the air and begins to descend towards Marowak. " Use Iron Head," Gaia shouts as the top of Marowak's head becomes coated in metal and it jumps at the descending Lapras with its head outstreched. " Lap," " Maro," the two of them shout as they collide and Lapras takes damage from Iron Head, but manages to push through the pain and slam Marowak into the dirt with its still going Body Slam.  Lapras quickly crawls off of the injured Marowak and makes it back to its side of the battlefield as Marowak slowly gets back to its feet. " Use Bonemerang," Gaia yells as Marowak throws its spinning bone at Lapras. " Lap," it shouts as the bone hits it in the side of the neck and then spins back around and hits it in the other side of the neck before returning to Marowak's hand. Lapras winces and pants in pain as Gaia shouts, " Hit it again, Marowak!" " Waaak," it shouts as it once again throws the spinning bone at Lapras. A lightbulb goes off in Mitch's head as he quickly shouts, " Use Ice Shard on that bone!" 

              " Raaaaaaaasssss," it shouts as it fires the small beam of ice out of its mouth. The ice slams into Marowak's bone and freezes it in ice, leaving Marowak without its weapon. Gaia and Marowak stare in shock as Mitch takes the chance to yell, " Use Ice Shard on Marowak!" " Waaaaaak," it shouts as the Super Effective Ice Type move knocks it backwards. " Just because you took away Marowak's bone, doesn't mean its defenseless. Attack with Retaliate," Gaia says as Marowak's body becomes outlined in reddish purple energy and it runs very fast towards Lapras. " Since Dugtrio was the last Pokémon that was knocked out, that Retaliate is going to do more damage than it normally would. Push it back with Hydro Pump," Mitch says as Lapras fires the large stream of water out of its mouth. The Hydro Pump hits Marowak and causes damage to it, but to Mitch's surprise, Marowak pushes through the attack and slams into Lapras with Retaliate. " Laaaaaaaaaapppp," it shouts as it falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes and Marowak lands on its knees behind it. Marowak smirks to itself before it too falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes.

               " Looks like we got us a double knockout," Gaia says as both trainers return their defeated Pokémon to their Poke Balls. " I should have known that a gym leader as strong as you would have prepared in advance for Marowak to fight without its bone, but this battle isn't over yet," Mitch says as he takes a Safari Ball from his belt.  " Correct, young'un, we're not done here yet. This battle is just beginning," Gaia responds as she takes a Great Ball from her belt. " I choose you," both trainers shout as they throw their balls into the air.  " Taur, Taur, Tauros," " Slash, Slash, Sandslash,"  Mitch's Tauros and Gaia's Sandslash shout as they land in the battlefield and get into battle stances. 

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